Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 257 Deepest Memory \"Sword Man\" Honkai Edition

"Tsk, this thing is growing..."

Sitting cross-legged on Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao looked down at the black lines on his wrist.

This black pattern is the nightmare curse that the priest said.

Ever since Zhang Xibao came into contact with "Tiger Lord Nengmian", the lines of curses have spread all the way along his wrist.

"It doesn't hurt or itch, it looks like a tattoo, but I don't know what happened when it happened."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, just as he finished speaking, a burst of drowsiness came over him, Zhang Xibao tapped his brain: "Oh my god, it's okay if I don't control it..."

"Fang Rui, grab me and don't let me fall."

Zhang Xibao said, and the phoenix's feathers grew automatically, wrapping around Zhang Xibao's body, holding him firmly.

"Very sleepy……"

The tattoo spread rapidly, along the right arm, and climbed up Zhang Xibao's neck and half of his face.

Zhang Xibao resisted his sleepiness and asked Fenghuang to drive him back to the hotel that Qian's had booked.

Inside the hotel.

Xiao Ni, the Crow King, held Zhang Xibao's face and walked around the comic exhibition with Qian Chengjin and his brothers for a day. Suddenly, Xiao Ni sensed Zhang Xibao's call, and pulled Qian Chengjin back to Zhang Xibao's apartment.

In the suite, the window was open, and Zhang Xibao, dressed in a black feather, was lying on the bed, with weird black patterns all over his face.

"Fuck, brother Bao, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the pattern on Zhang Xibao's face, Qian Chengjin was startled. He locked the door of the room, then looked out of the window. After finding no one following him, he closed the window of the room and drew the curtains.

"Don't panic, I want... to sleep, and don't let anyone disturb me during this time."

Zhang Xibao gave Qian Chengjin a word, and hooked his hands to call Xiao Ni: "Xiao Ni, protect me and the Qian family brothers while I'm asleep."

After exhorting, Zhang Xibao closed his heavy eyelids and quickly fell asleep.

"Brother Ya, brother Bao really doesn't need a doctor?" Qian Chengjin sneaked another glance at the scary pattern on Zhang Xibao's face and asked Xiaoni.

Xiao Ni shook her head: "Just hold on tight, let's go out first!"

The two guys left the room, locked Zhang Xibao's bedroom, pretended to be nonchalant, and waited anxiously in their hearts.

Nightmare curse.

The spellcaster drags the victim into a dream, compiles the dream with the memory fragments of the victim, shows the most feared things of the victim, defeats the psychological defense line of the victim, obliterates his soul, and makes his body become a whole. Contains an empty husk for resurrection of the caster.

In a pale space, the priest opened his eyes.

The body is dead, but he exists in Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness in the form of a curse.

As long as Zhang Xibao doesn't die and the energy in his body doesn't stop, the curse will have a steady stream of energy, and the priest will never die. He can torture Zhang Xibao until Zhang Xibao's will collapses and his soul is shattered.

In theory, there is no solution to the curse.

The priest laughed triumphantly. Although he didn't know who Zhang Xibao was, he was very satisfied with Zhang Xibao's body. He was young, strong, energetic, and gifted, even more perfect than his original body!

"Let me beat you with your fear!"

In front of the priest was a white corridor with no end in sight. On the left and right sides of the corridor were colored doors, inside which were hidden fragments of Zhang Xibao's memory.

The material of the nightmare comes from behind these doors.

"I can transform into your most feared ghost and kill you!"

"I can make the person you love the most die in front of you!"

"I can turn black and white upside down and make you reincarnate in endless darkness and loneliness!"

The priest muttered to himself like a lunatic, and stretched out his hand to open the first door.

The memory fragments inside the door were fully exposed in front of the priest.

This is a memory of the young Zhang Xibao being bullied by pigskin bullies in elementary school.

In his memory, Zhang Xibao stabbed a few provocative guys with a mop in the toilet until they cried.

The priest shook his head and went through the door.

He could completely make the mop in Zhang Xibao's hand disappear, possess pigskin bullies with diamonds, beat up the young Zhang Xibao, and even kill him.

But this level of nightmare is not enough to make Zhang Xibao collapse.

The priest reached out and opened the second door.

In his memory, Zhang Xibao kicked the trafficker who tricked him into looking for his parents into the artificial lake, and then picked up a stone and threw it down, almost causing the trafficker to sink to the bottom of the lake.

The priest can strengthen the power of the traffickers, let the traffickers catch Zhang Xibao, and even use their abilities to extend the dream, let the traffickers torture Zhang Xibao, and then turn Zhang Xibao into a disabled beggar.

But the priest is still not satisfied!

This is not enough for Zhang Xibao to enjoy the most painful torture!

"Almost, almost something..."

"Go deeper and see!"

"This little fear is not enough to kill his soul..."

The priest muttered and walked deeper into the pale corridor.

After walking for a long time, a huge door appeared in front of the priest.

"This is it!"

The priest opened the door with trembling hands, his facial features twitched like a mental patient: "Let me see what's behind the door?"

A stone step appeared behind the door, and at the end of the stone step was a collapsed black castle...


The priest stepped into the door.

"His most fearful memory is hidden in this black building?"

The priest strode up the steps, he couldn't wait to see Zhang Xibao's most secret, most frightening, and most painful memory!

The black building originally had nine floors, but the eighth and ninth floors collapsed. The priest looked up and couldn't see the inside of the building clearly.

"Then go in and have a look!"

Before pushing the door open, the gate of the castle opened automatically with a creak. The priest hesitated for a moment before walking in.


Just as the priest entered the first floor, the gate of the castle was suddenly closed. He pushed the gate, but found that it couldn't be pushed, and he began to feel a little uncomfortable.

In the dream, his priest is the master, why can't even open the door, shouldn't it...

There was a sound of breaking through the air, the priest quickly dodged, and with a clang, a large knife was inserted into the door panel.


How could memory attack him?

The priest squinted his eyes and looked into the darkness. A burly man in a bamboo hat came out slowly.


The priest opened his palm to the bamboo hat man and gave an order.

The man in the bamboo hat was unscathed and walked towards him aggressively.

"No, no!"

The priest shouted: "This memory does not belong to him!"


The man in the bamboo hat pulled out his big knife and slashed at the priest.


The priest held the white blade empty-handed, gritted his teeth and said, "Even if there is no "Tiger Lord Nengmian", the worst I can do is a low-level, a swordsman, and you still want to kill me?!"

The priest snatched the broadsword with his hands, smashed the bamboo hat man into scum with one punch, and snorted coldly: "I want to see what's weird in this castle?!"

After all, the priest walked towards the second floor. He didn't notice that the man in the bamboo hat on the first floor flickered twice before reappearing.

He didn't know that his own experience was the Honkai version of "Swordman".

On the second floor, a woman in black leather armor appeared in front of the priest, and the whip in the woman's hand shook like a poisonous snake.

Another memory that doesn't belong to Zhang Xibao...

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