Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 260 Black Hardwood, Dangerous

"Wake up, wake up, the sun is drying your ass!"

Zhang Xibao slammed the doors of Qian Chengjin and Qian Guangming's brothers.

The two Qian brothers got up, went out of the room, and found a strange neon man sitting in the living room.

"Xiaochi, right? I saw it in the materials yesterday. Ma Yan is the guide for us to hire supernatural beings." Qian Chengjin walked over to greet him.

Xiaochi stood up and bowed politely: "Hi, hi, hello, Master Qian, I am Xiaochi, and I will take you to a different world today."

Zhang Xibao sat on the sofa carelessly, and waved his hands at the two of them: "You two go wash up first, let's have something to eat together when we're done, and I'll chat with Mr. Xiaochi first."

Xiaochi sat on the sofa in a regular manner, silently looking at Zhang Xibao.

Xiaochi also did his homework when he came here this time, knowing that Qian Chengjin and Qian Guangming are the eldest sons of the Qian family, and their status is very noble, but who is this young man in front of him? .

"What's your name?" Koike asked cautiously.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "My name is Zhang Xibao."

"Then I'll call you Baosang..." Xiaochi nodded slightly.

"You speak Da Xia language well!"

Zhang Xibao praised him, and asked, "Your supernatural ability ranks at Huang Tier A, right? New school or old school, am I being rude to ask?"

"Don't be rude, don't be rude!"

Xiaochi replied: "Serving the three, these situations still need to be explained. I belong to the new school."

"Well, then, I'll leave it to you to enter the foreign realm..."

"Hi, hi..."

After the conversation was over, the Qian brothers also washed up, and the three of them took Xiaochi to the hotel restaurant to have a big meal.

Zhang Xibao has already learned that Xiao Chi is a new school superhuman, and if the new school supernatural person, Zhang Xibao has nothing to worry about.

The old school has various means, and if you can't keep a humble yellow-rank superhuman, you can master some weird methods. The new school doesn't have so many surveillance methods, and it's easy for Zhang Xibao to do whatever he wants.

The four of them arrived at the entrance of the Cherry Blossom Land in a special car, and after showing their gold coupons, they successfully entered the land after strict inspection.

The moment he entered the foreign land, Zhang Xibao understood why this place was called the cherry blossom foreign land.

Because there are pink and snow-white cherry blossoms in sight, the four of them seem to have stepped into a fairy tale world.

"This scent of flowers seems to be able to condense the air?"

Zhang Xibao sniffled, feeling that the fresh air in his body became much smoother.


Xiaochi proudly introduced: "The fragrance of the cherry blossoms in the exotic world is of great benefit to the body of the supernatural being. The reason why the tickets are so expensive is because it is worth the price!"

Qian Guangming rolled his eyes, three million neon coins can buy as many treasure pills, and the smell of flowers is worth a fart! He didn't want to spoil the scenery, so he held back and didn't speak.

The four of them walked into the cherry blossom forest, with the soft fallen leaves and soil under their feet, the flowers fluttering, and the fragrance diffused, just like a dream.

Koike introduced while walking: "The cherry blossoms in foreign lands can be used to make Baodan and various gourmet specialties. You can take some with you when you go home, especially the cherry blossom wine, which tastes amazing!"

As he said that, Xiaochi made a fascinated expression, and he looked like an old alcoholic.

Zhang Xibao looked at Xiaochi thoughtfully.

They've come all the time, and they can't come in vain. The Qian brothers began to take pictures with their treasures, and Zhang Xibao was also dragged to take many pictures.

Qian Chengjin excitedly looked at the image in the photo treasure: "Brother Bao, this one is so handsome, I will send it to you when I get back!"

Zhang Xibao glanced at it, he was standing in front of the cherry blossoms and smelling the fragrance with his eyes closed, the little fat man took the picture, the angle and the light are well grasped, it is really handsome.

"Hey, so handsome, so handsome..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand modestly, and then patted Qian Chengjin's stomach: "You are not bad, you are quite handsome and tall!"

"Hey hey, where, where..." Qian Chengjin grinned silly.

"Ouch, you two are enough!" Qian Guangming stood aside, looking at the two with a constipated face, and a little envious in his heart.

"Okay, everyone, we still have a long journey, hurry up and hurry!"

Xiaochi clapped his hands with a smile, signaled everyone to follow, and reminded: "Through this giant cherry blossom forest, the black Lin Hai is in front of you, and strange beasts have begun to appear inside, but as long as we follow the planned route, there will be no danger." .”

It took the four of them a whole morning to get out of the cherry blossom forest. In the afternoon, the surrounding trees had already turned black.

When walking in front of a towering tree, Xiaochi patted the bark excitedly, and introduced: "Black hardwood, the hardest wood known in the world, can be sold for 600,000 neon coins per kilogram, which is called Gold among trees!"

"Let me knock, this tree must weigh dozens of tons, so it's worth billions?" Qian Chengjin quickly calculated, and thought: "Qian seems to have imported this kind of wood..."

Qian Guangming took out his knife and was about to cut some wood as a souvenir, Xiaochi hurriedly stopped him: "Guangming sang, this tree is a protected tree species, tourists are not allowed to damage it, only the Foreign Land Management Office has the right to cut it down, let's take a look, Otherwise, you will be held accountable!"

Hearing what Xiaochi said, Qian Guangming gave up, and Zhang Xibao looked at the big tree with a smile, as if he was admiring his own things.

The four continued to walk in.

Zhang Xibao noticed that Xiaochi led the three of them on a fixed route, and every time they walked a section of the road, magic circles would appear on the big trees beside the road. These magic circles could act as a deterrent, warning those strange beasts not to approach .

So, Zhang Xibao asked: "Mr. Xiaochi, didn't you say that you can freely explore in foreign lands and find treasures for yourself? Let's follow a fixed route, how can we meet treasures?"

Xiaochi explained: "Today is too late, we have to spend the night in a safe place, during the day I can protect you from exploring the surrounding foreign lands."


Lin Hai's canopy is too dense, and the light in the forest is seriously insufficient before the sun sets, so the four of them set up a tent around a road sign.

Qian Chengjin has a square inch bracelet, which is filled with food and supplies that Ma Yan prepared for them.

Xiaochi belongs to the lower-level ability user of the Alien Management Office. Of course, he does not have such good things as space treasures, so he glanced at Qian Chengjin's bracelet enviously, and began to take out food from his backpack to eat.

The four lit a bonfire and sat around the bonfire to eat.

Zhang Xibao took out a few bottles and asked a few people: "This is the monkey wine that I brought from the Spirit Ape last time when I went to Haocang Island to pick up the goods. The superhumans have greatly benefited from drinking it. What time?"

Qian Chengjin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, was greedy, and nodded: "Brother Bao must have brought out good things, on time!"

Qian Guangming naturally did not object, only Xiaochi glanced at the bottle in embarrassment: "We are still in a foreign land, isn't it good to drink these?"

Zhang Xibao smiled, patted himself, and pointed to the Qian brothers: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Xiaochi, the three of us are all supernatural beings. We won't get drunk at all after drinking this. You are also supernatural beings. How about the physique of the supernatural being, you know it in your heart!"

"Besides, didn't Koike-kun say during the day that the Neon Cherry Blossom Wine is a must, how about trying Daxia's Monkey Wine?"

While talking, Zhang Xibao poured a cup for Xiaochi.

Smelling the aroma of wine, Xiao Chi swallowed, and was provoked by Zhang Xibao's words, and the glass of wine was completely stuffed.

"it is good!"

Xiaochi's eyes lit up: "Compared with cherry blossom wine, this wine is not much better, but cherry blossom wine is sweeter. In terms of taste, this monkey wine is still almost..."

He said it didn't taste good, but he drank all the wine Zhang Xibao poured for him.

"Mr. Xiaochi can drink a lot!" Zhang Xibao poured the wine with a smile.

The four of them ate and drank to their heart's content, Qian Chengjin was going to pee and called Zhang Xibao to go with him.

"Brother Bao, are you okay?" Qian Chengjin asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao blinked: "Hey, why are you so smart all of a sudden?"

"Hey, if you are willing to let Xiaochi drink monkey wine, I know you must have some plans. Come on, Brother Bao, I will definitely cooperate!"

The two squatted down, and Zhang Xibao began to talk about his plan: "I'll release Xiaoni later, and you guys continue to drink. The longer the time is delayed, the better. Create an alibi for me, and I'll go out to do something."


After a while, Qian Chengjin and Xiaoni returned to the camp and continued to drink with Xiaochi, while Zhang Xibao walked into the darkness with a smile.

There are thousands of black quebrachos waiting for his favor...


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