Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 261 The Ultimate Wage Earner, Zhan Nian





Zhang Xibao put down the thorn stick and touched the black hardwood, and the priceless wood was taken into Tongtianbao Curry.

Although the black hardwood is known as the hardest wood in the world, Zhang Xibao first buckled it with the tip of the big black stick, and then used the thorn stick to fix it.

After finishing a black tree in three minutes, Zhang Xibao flew to the sky, and in less than two minutes, he was able to find the next one with Tongtiantong, and the process was extremely smooth.

Bang Bang Bang!


There were muffled noises in the forest.

Heijianmu is simply picking up money, and Zhang Xibao feels that the more he works, the more vigorous he becomes.

Just as Zhang Xibao was sewing with the big black stick, a clear light came on, and Zhan Nian flew out of the stick with a dazed expression, looking at Zhang Xibao.

"what are you doing?"

Zhan Nian glanced at the sawdust on the stick, and asked with a strange expression: "You use the sharpened sword point to chop trees?"

Zhang Xibao wiped off his sweat, and asked happily: "Zhan Nian, aren't you in a deep sleep, why did you wake up?"

Zhan Nian replied angrily: "You try to live in Feijian? Bang Bang Bang is like an earthquake! It's true that I fell asleep, but I'm not dead, okay?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Have you found the fire in the center of the earth? What are you doing chopping wood in the middle of the night? How long have I been asleep? What happened during this time?" Zhan Nian asked a bunch of questions like a cannonball.

Zhang Xibao had no choice but to put down his stick, firstly he talked about the task he had received, then showed the nightmare curse in his palm, and then explained: "The fire in the center of the earth is found, it's outside the alien world, but I can't penetrate the volcanic rock formation, so I'm waiting five The dragon will give me high-grade earth-type exercises, isn't this idle and idle, and get two pieces of black solid wood as souvenirs..."

Zhan Nian stretched out his hand, felt the curse in Zhang Xibao's body, and then pulled out a wisp of black soul: "This curse can no longer threaten you, let me study how to use this thing by the way."


Zhang Xibao asked again: "Did you wake up temporarily? How long will you sleep after I throw the big black stick into the fire?"

"It's hard to say, anyway, the flying sword is already bound to your soul, if the flying sword is refined, I will wake up again, no matter where you are, I can feel it." Zhan Nian kneaded the priest's soul, and replied casually.

"Then can you cut down some trees for me?"

Zhang Xibao finally saw it, and asked embarrassingly: "Although I can finish one tree in five minutes, there are a thousand trees like this in this strange land, and I have to cut them down for three days and three nights without sleep." Finish……"

"You mean I'm going to cut down trees for you as soon as I wake up?"

Zhan Nian and Zhang Xibao fell silent together.

"Okay, this one is not bad."

Zhan Nian glanced at Zhang Xibao, pointed to Hei Jianshu: "Lead the way, I don't have much time..."

"Okay brother!"

Zhang Xibao began to ride a phoenix to look for black trees in the woods, as long as he found one, the sword energy swung by Zhan Nian could instantly cut off a piece of wood at the root.

From the time Zhang Xibao left the camp at ten o'clock in the evening to six o'clock in the morning the next day, before the Qian brothers and Xiaochi woke up, all 1,026 black hardwood trees were wiped out for a full eight hours!

Even the more than 20 black solid trees that Neon officials did not count could not escape Zhang Xibao's murderous hands.

Xiao Ni returned to the Flame Crow Flag, and Zhang Xibao himself quickly replaced the fake body.

"Brother Bao?"

Qian Chengjin leaned over with a yawn, and secretly reported: "This guy Xiaochi was drunk last night, and he didn't find anything unusual."

Zhang Xibao nodded and made a gesture of OK, very energetic, without a trace of fatigue.

"Xibaosang, that wine of yours is really good. After I woke up, not only did I not have a headache, but I felt a lot more energetic!" Xiaochi also leaned over to make friends.

Zhang Xibao smiled and said, "Just as Xiaochi-kun likes it."

What Zhang Xibao lost was a few bottles of monkey wine, but the Cherry Blossom Wonderland lost a total of 1026 black hardwood trees worth trillions!

This is no longer a hemorrhage, it's cutting off the economic lifeline of Neon...

After the four of them had breakfast, they simply packed up the camp and continued their journey of exploration.

"Everyone, today we are going to stay away from the protection of the road signs and explore the interior of the foreign land. Now there are two directions to choose from."

Xiaochi pointed to two directions for the three of them: "This side leads to the depths of Lin Hai, where there are various fruit specialties, and there are opportunities to obtain rare treasure seeds. And the raw materials of strange treasures, of course, there is also a chance to obtain strange treasure seeds..."

Qian Guangming looked at Qian Chengjin, and Qian Chengjin looked at Zhang Xibao, meaning to let Brother Bao make up his mind.

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that he must not go deep into Lin Hai, otherwise Xiao Chi would immediately find out that the black sap tree was gone.

"Then let's go to the mountain!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the road leading to Lin Hai: "Leshan, the benevolent, I will take you to climb the mountain..."

"Then go this way!"

As a guide, Xiaochi walked ahead to explore the way, and the three guys followed behind him.

The four of them walked for a whole morning, and finally walked out of Lin Hai, and there were many mountain peaks that came into view.

"Brother Bao, do you think we can meet the baby?" Qian Chengjin was bored and chatted beside Zhang Xibao.

"Well, with your brother Bao's luck, if you really have any treasures, you will definitely meet them!" While speaking, Zhang Xibao's Tongtian pupils flickered slightly.

After Xiaochi heard the conversation between the two, he secretly grinned.

How can it be possible to find a baby!

Apart from Lin Hai's black hard tree, where is there any treasure in this foreign land?

The Alien Land Management Office has searched Lin Hai and Lian Mian Dashan countless times, and all the rare treasure seeds, magic circle materials, and treasure pill raw materials have been searched.

The tour group claims that they can hunt for treasure in foreign lands, but it is just to attract these wealthy guests to buy tickets.

Xiaochi thought to himself, try to speed up the schedule, take these three guys out, and he can earn a lot of money, and then he can go to the custom shop.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhang Xibao suddenly called out to everyone, Xiaochi looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously, and the two Qian brothers also looked confused.

In Tongtiantong's field of vision, the meadow in front of the team was shining with light. The light trembled slowly, and it looked like some kind of strange beast.

"Brother Bao found something?" Qian Chengjin asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao pressed his palm: "Don't make any noise, I'll go and have a look..."

The three stared for a long time, but found nothing. God knows how Zhang Xibao saw something in a pile of weeds.

Since Zhang Xibao refused to make a sound, the three had no choice but to do so, not even daring to breathe.

Zhang Xibao slowly approached the meadow, squatted down, and gently brushed away the weeds. A yellow ginseng was lying on a stone basking in the sun.

The shape of ginseng is very anthropomorphic. Its legs are crossed, and it is sleeping leisurely. Its body is covered with roots, and it is slowly wriggling like a small snake.

The sound of Zhang Xibao ripping through the grass woke it up, and it opened its eyes to meet Zhang Xibao's.

The air froze for a moment...

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