Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 262 The Ultimate Move, The Big Seduction Technique

"I knock?!"

Zhang Xibao's first reaction was whether this thing is a foreign animal or a foreign plant. It looks like ginseng, but it is alive and covered with wriggling roots. Isn't this too ghostly?

Zhang Xibao took half a step back in shock.

"Quack chicken? 』

The adult ginseng was also startled when it saw Zhang Xibao, its roots were shaking even more wildly, it opened its mouth and said a strange word.

The book spirit in Zhang Xibao's consciousness suddenly became active and wanted to show up, but because Xiaochi was still watching, Zhang Xibao suppressed the book spirit to avoid being exposed.

The pages of "Da Tong Tian Treasure House" rattled, and Bao Jian gave an introduction:

"Five elements spirit ginseng: both beasts and grasses, spiritual things transformed by the clean energy of heaven and earth, full of spirituality, capable of transforming the hidden objects of the five elements, like to grow in places with strong clean energy, able to move freely, good at going up mountains and down water, burrowing into trees . It is said that this thing can revive the dead, flesh and bones...』

"I knock?!"

Zhang Xibao was startled again, this beast in front of him is really a treasure!

The first time he was surprised, Zhang Xibao was so ugly, and the second time he was surprised by the efficacy of the Five Elements Spirit Ginseng.

Immortal medicines for the living dead and flesh and bones are things that only exist in mythology, right?

Zhang Xibao subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, Lingshen's body shrank suddenly, and got into the soil with a whoosh.

Zhang Xibao snatched some air, he was surprised again, the speed of this little thing was faster than Chinchilla.

Qian Chengjin, Qian Guangming and Xiao Chi didn't see anything, they only heard Zhang Xibao squatting there, knocking each other, the three of them were puzzled, they didn't know what Zhang Xibao was doing.

"Brother Bao, what's the matter?" Qian Chengjin couldn't help asking.

Zhang Xibao replied: "There is a baby!"

Hearing this, the three of them stretched their necks and looked into the meadow, especially Xiaochi, wishing they could put their heads in the grass.

But the meadow was empty.

"Where's the baby?" Koike asked.

Zhang Xibao stood up, patted the grass clippings and dirt on his hands: "Run away..."

"Xibao Sang is really humorous (Shabi)..."

Xiaochi didn't believe Zhang Xibao's words, thinking that Zhang Xibao was teasing everyone.

"Let's continue on our way!"

Xiaochi wanted to take these three troublesome guys out as soon as possible, and settled the wages with the foreign land management office, went to drink all the cherry blossom wine, went to the custom street to have a good time, and then went to the Fukushima seafood shop to have a big meal.

"No, I'm not leaving!"

Zhang Xibao rejected Xiaochi's proposal.

"I'm looking for a baby..."

Qian Chengjin scratched his head: "Brother Bao, what kind of treasure is it? If it's not so rare, we can go to the foreign land specialty store to buy some when we get home."

"Well, the specialty store definitely doesn't sell it. It's a big carrot. I have to catch it..." Zhang Xibao's attitude was extremely firm.

The Alien Management Office stipulated that passengers should explore freely, and the guide must follow. Zhang Xibao did not leave, and Xiaochi could not leave, so the team had to change the route.

"Actually, the three of you can go first, and I can catch up to you." Zhang Xibao tried to persuade Xiaochi to leave.

"No, Xibaosang, I have to be responsible for the tourists, let's find the baby together!" Xiaochi followed Zhang Xibao closely.

The Neon Alien Management Office is afraid that the tourists will catch some treasure, so the internal regulations require the guides to closely monitor the tourists, and if they find any treasure, they must report it as soon as possible.

Xiaochi was as sticky as a piece of brown sugar, so Zhang Xibao had no choice but to sacrifice Xiaoni as a fake body and replace himself again.

"Don't look for it, let's go!"

Xiao Ni waved his hand, Xiao Chi smiled slightly, and the team moved on.

Zhang Xibao avoided the team, turned on the power of the Tongtian Tong to the maximum, and carefully searched for the traces of the Five Elements Spirit Ginseng.

According to the Baojian, Lingshen likes places with strong fresh air, and is good at hiding, and can penetrate soil into wood.

No matter how well it was hidden, Tong Tiantong could find it logically, but Zhang Xibao wandered around the nearby mountains for several times, but he couldn't find the shadow of the spirit ginseng again.

"what happened?"

Zhang Xibao muttered: "What do you mean by transforming the five elements? Could it be that the spirit ginseng has transformed, and Tong Tian Tong can't see it?"

"Book spirit, book spirit?"

Zhang Xibao called for a long time before Shu Ling reluctantly came out.

"Don't be angry, first help me catch the spiritual ginseng!"

Shuling conveyed the meaning of the Five Elements to Zhang Xibao, and let him understand why Tongtiantong could not find the spiritual ginseng.

"I understand. It means that the spiritual ginseng can mimic like Fang Rui. It turns into wood and hides in the forest. It has the same attributes as the five elements of the forest. Even if it is connected to the sky pupil, it can't see through it."

"At first I caught Fang Rui because it was too careless, and it jumped out to provoke me, and Chinmouse was there to assist me. Now that the spirit ginseng can't make up its mind, I really can't do anything to it..."

Zhang Xibao squatted on the ground and scratched his head in worry.

"Well, is it possible to let it run out automatically like Fang Rui?"

The pages of Baojian rattled, and Shuling showed Zhang Xibao an illustration of a magic circle.

"Five Elements Gathering Spirit Formation: A seventh-grade formation, which uses the five elements to condense fresh energy. It is usually used in the caves of the Zongmen, and can also be used to cultivate fairy grass and different plants. 』

"You mean to use the spirit gathering array to draw out the spirit ginseng?"

Zhang Xibao pondered for a while, and felt that this plan was feasible.

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor!"

The Five Elements Spirit Gathering Formation must have five treasures of the Five Elements attribute as the eyes of the formation. Zhang Xibao searched the Tongtian Treasure House for a while, and gathered all the five elements.

As for the metallic object, Zhang Xibao took the arrow cluster of a Dragon Tongue Arrow.

Things like big black sticks and tribulus sticks are also acceptable, but the murderous intent is too strong, and Zhang Xibao is afraid that the spirit ginseng will be scared away.

As for the wood-type object, Zhang Xibao took a branch of black hardwood, the wood in Tongtian Treasure House is still very fresh.

The water attribute is naturally monkey wine, which is full of freshness and has a strange fragrance. Zhang Xibao doesn't believe that spirit ginseng doesn't like it.

As for the fire attribute, Zhang Xibao used a wisp of strange fire.

For things with earth attributes, Zhang Xibao directly took out a high-grade spirit stone. Lingshi is earth in nature, and it is of high quality, not to mention the reserves of clean energy.

"It's all good things that are full of freshness, it's worth the money!"

Zhang Xibao arranged the objects of the five elements, and took some materials for drawing the magic circle from the Tongtian treasure house, and prepared the magic circle of gathering spirits.

Still a little worried, he took another Huaqing Dan and buried it in the center of the circle.

"Okay, I'm going to activate the magic circle!"

The Spirit Gathering Formation was successfully activated, Zhang Xibao hid his figure, and stared at the position of the magic circle.

In addition to the magic circle, he also prepared a killer move for Lingshen.

As long as the spirit ginseng dares to show up, Zhang Xibao dares to guarantee that he will take it down!

The spirit-gathering array was running slowly, the clear air condensed quickly, and the area of ​​the array was moistened!

Since the five elements used in the magic circle are all of the highest quality, the clear air in the center of the magic circle is so strong that it almost turns into a liquid and drips down!

In an instant, the fresh air in the foreign territory was affected.

The fresh air content in the cherry blossom foreign land is already abundant, and after the spirit-gathering array is in operation, all spiritual creatures can feel it.

"Quack chicken? 』

Just when Zhang Xibao was waiting until the flowers all withered, a familiar voice came.

The big spirit ginseng got out of the soil, and ran towards the spirit gathering array like a child.

"Quack chicken? 』

In the center of the magic circle, Fang Rui pretended to be a spiritual ginseng, imitating the voice of a spiritual ginseng, and also called out.

This is Zhang Xibao's ultimate move for Lingshen - sex and lure!

"Quack chicken? 』

"Quack chicken? 』

Lingshen was stupefied when he saw the same kind of call, and then ran towards the magic circle at a faster speed, shouting excitedly around Fang Rui, just like LSP eager to express himself in front of the opposite sex.

Fang Rui imitated Lingshen's appearance and kept jumping. Lingshen approached Fang Rui boldly, and stretched his wriggling roots towards Fang Rui.

Fang Rui also simulated the roots slowly approaching the spirit ginseng.

"Bring it you! 』

Fang Rui imitated Zhang Xibao's accent and suddenly said this sentence.

Before the spirit ginseng could react, Fang Rui stretched out a bunch of wriggling tentacles and bound it tightly.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Xibao laughed wildly and ran over.

"If you break through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"This wave of Fang Ruili's great achievements must be rewarded!"

Fang Rui pulled the spiritual ginseng into Zhang Xibao's hand, Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to grab the spiritual ginseng, and he held the spiritual ginseng in his hand.


Zhang Xibao bound the spirit ginseng with several ancient soul-suppressing talismans, and then took out the "Yan Luodian Mini Version" that pretended to be a ghost, and stuffed the spirit ginseng into it.

The poor heart ghost had already been burned to death by Zhang Xibao, and a small box of spiritual ginseng was freed up.

"Quack chicken! 』

The spirit ginseng kept struggling, but to no avail, the small box kept shaking.

"This small box is your forever home, just stay with me!"

"If you struggle any more, I will cook for you and the old hen when I go back!"

Zhang Xibao shook the box, and sealed several layers of ancient scriptures. After three chapters of agreement with Shuling, Zhang Xibao threw the box into Tongtian Treasure House.


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