Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 263: The Cherry Blossom Land Is Recruiting Thieves

Qian Chengjin and the others walked slowly. After Zhang Xibao caught the spirit ginseng, he rode on a phoenix and quickly chased after it.

"Brother Bao, we are at a huge loss. We spent millions of neon coins to enter this wonderland of cherry blossoms, and we didn't even get a hair!"

Qian Chengjin's mentality is a bit broken, let alone whether he has caught the treasure or not, he has to walk through this strange land on two legs, dare he spend money to suffer?

Xiaochi smiled secretly: "You can't say that about Master Cheng Jin. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful. Smell the fragrance of the flowers and listen to the birdsong. This is a completely different scenery from the noisy world outside. This kind of life experience is a waste of money. I can't even buy it!"

Hearing these words, Qian Guangming rolled his eyes.

Zhang Xibao sneered in his heart, and hoped that when the Neon Alien Land Management Office found out that the Heijian tree was gone, they would still be able to laugh.

What's more, Lingshen, a wild radish, is a priceless treasure. Now that Zhang Xibao has taken it away, the Foreign Land Management Office is really at a loss.

"Hmm, Mr. Xiaochi's words are really like hanging a thermos pot on his ass!"

Zhang Xibao gave Xiaochi a thumbs up, and the three of them looked at Zhang Xibao suspiciously.

"There is a bottle of water (certain level)!"

"Hehehe... Xibaosang is so humorous!"

Xiaochi laughed dryly, and led the three of them towards the exit of the foreign land.

This trip to Xiaochi can get a lot of salary, and he is still thinking about taking the three of them to buy some specialties of Sakura Alien, so that he can get another commission.

I don't know why [Shishen Liao] transferred all the guides of Xuanjie, so that the first-level Huangjie took a big advantage. Xiaochi felt that his luck had begun to change.

Arriving at the exit of the foreign realm, looking from a distance, a group of people were blocking there, Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows, thinking something must have happened.

The Neon Alien Management Office has a routine of regularly checking the growth of the black hardwood tree, which is to prevent the occurrence of illegal logging incidents.

After all, black solid wood is more expensive than gold, and it is not unheard of for people with supernatural powers to steal wood.

Before the four of them approached the exit, a few supernatural beings in clothes with the cherry blossom logo came up to them, patrolling the four of them vigilantly.

Xiaochi hurriedly took out his identity certificate and came to the newspaper: "Everyone, I am Xiaochi, a yellow rank A-level guide hired by the Foreign Lands Management Office. These three are tourists from Daxia. What happened?"

Hearing that Zhang Xibao and the others were not neon people, the expressions of several supernatural beings became more serious, and they blocked the only way for the four of them, and said, "The cherry blossoms are recruiting thieves!"


Xiaochi asked curiously, "What is missing from the foreign land?"

"Black Hardwood!"

A supernatural person headed by them came to Zhang Xibao and the others, and said bluntly, "Hand over all the space treasures on your body for inspection!"

Upon hearing this, the Qian family brothers quit. Qian Guangming asked with an unkind expression, "Do you know who I am, so you dare to search for me?"

"It's a guilty conscience not to allow the search, the suspect must be arrested!"

The leader waved his hand, and the companions behind him came up to meet him. Qian Guangming put on a posture to meet the enemy, and the atmosphere became anxious.

"Wait, wait, please wait!"

Xiaochi knew the identities of Qian Guangming and Qian Chengjin, and Qian's branch also had a lot of influence in the neon branch. If the Foreign Land Management Office offended Qian, he, a little guy, would not be able to eat good juice in the middle.

Xiaochi was sandwiched between the two groups, and first explained to the leader of the supernatural powers: "My lord, I am the guide of these three people. From the time they entered the foreign land to the time they came out, the four of us have been together all the time. We have never touched Heijianmu. And we came from the mountain peak, and never went deep into Lin Hai! If you don’t believe me, check my track card!”

As he said that, Xiaochi took out a black sign, which could record Xiaochi's path in the foreign territory.

Zhang Xibao once noticed that Xiaochi would take out the signboard every time he passed a magic circle marker, and it turned out that the signboard had the function of clocking in.

"Check it out!"

The leader with the supernatural ability took Xiaochi's sign and threw it to his companion, but he was still blocking the exit, as if he didn't intend to let the four of them go.

Xiaochi secretly told him: "My lord, these three are from the Qian family, it's better not to make things difficult..."

The leader of the supernatural being was silent for a moment, but he still didn't intend to let go. He looked at Zhang Xibao and the three, and said to Xiaochi: "The space treasure must be inspected. Afterwards, the Alien Land Management Office can go to Qian's to apologize."

Xiaochi thought that the matter might be a bit serious, so he had to turn around and persuade Zhang Xibao and the others: "Everyone, we won't be able to get out if we don't let them check the space treasure, or we can check it, anyway, we are not afraid of the oblique shadow..."

When Xiaochi was talking, he kept looking at Zhang Xibao, meaning that he wanted Zhang Xibao to say something nice, after all, the Qian brothers listened to Zhang Xibao's opinion more.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Xibao sneered: "It's not impossible to check space treasures, but these people are not qualified to check, let them come out in charge, and then contact Ma Yan to come and witness, let's check in person, and do a good job!"

The two groups were deadlocked, Qian Chengjin had brought a lot of supplies in his space treasure, and the three of them took out the deck chairs to lie down comfortably, and even put up umbrellas on their heads, waiting leisurely for Ma Yan to come over to deal with the problem.

The three had a good night's sleep, and Ma Yan hurried over and shouted at the three from a distance: "Eldest young master, third young master, little brother Xibao, are you all right?"

Qian Chengjin waved his hand: "It's okay if I'm fine, but my young master is very upset. They want to check my space treasure, and they want to search my body!"

As soon as Ma Yan quit, he just happened to be full of anger and had nowhere to vent it. He turned his head and pointed at the cadres of the Neon Alien Management Office, and shouted: "Yamada, get out!"

"Yamada has been arrested."

A beautiful woman in a kimono came out and introduced herself politely: "My concubine is a black man, and I will be in charge of the foreign land management office instead of Yamada, and is also responsible for the theft of Kurokenaki in the cherry blossom foreign land."

Ma Yan saw that he was a cadre he didn't know, and thought that things would be difficult.

Unexpectedly, the woman was the first to speak: "Mr. Ma Yan, right? We have already checked the path sign of Xiaochi. It is true that the three young masters have never been to the depths of Lin Hai, but just in case, Space Treasure still needs to go through a process to check." Just do it all at once, otherwise it will be difficult for me to be a concubine!"

When Ma Yan heard the other party's posture so low, he turned to look at Qian Chengjin and Qian Guangming.

Heilong said again: "The three young masters don't want the servants to touch them, how about I come to investigate in person?"

As soon as Qian Guangming heard the excitement, he said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'll let you check it!"

Qian Chengjin rolled his eyes, saw Zhang Xibao made an OK gesture, and nodded: "Then check it out!"

Qian Chengjin knew what brother Bao must have done, and the reason why he refused to let the other party check Yibao was because he was afraid that Zhang Xibao would be found out. Now that he saw Zhang Xibao's confident look, he went down the donkey pine mouthed.

A female cadre named Hei Nian personally checked Qian Chengjin's square-inch bracelet, Qian Guangming's square-inch ring, and finally checked the three of them, but found nothing, and was pinched by Qian Guangming's LSP. put small hands.

"The misunderstanding is resolved, I am really sorry."

Heilong bowed respectfully to the three of them, and Qian Guangming said with a smile, "I think you didn't check carefully, do you want to touch it again?"

Heilong smiled and shook his head: "Later, the Foreign Land Management Office will bring gifts to everyone to make amends, so don't bother..."

Heidou hurriedly walked towards other tourists with his people. Hundreds of people were already blocked at the exit of the foreign land. It would take a lot of effort to check all these people.

On the car back to the Qian's branch, Ma Yan told the Qian brothers about the loss of a thousand black hardwood trees in the foreign land.

The two counted their fingers together, their faces full of horror, only Zhang Xibao looked nonchalant.

Qian Chengjin stared at Zhang Xibao with wide eyes, and quietly approached him and asked, "Brother Bao, the souvenir you're talking about is..."

Zhang Xibao nodded, pulled the little fat man's ear and asked in a low voice, "How many trillion yuan is it worth, can Mrs. Qian eat it?"

"I knocked, it really is!"

Qian Chengjin screamed, and under Qian Guangming's puzzled eyes, the little fat man leaned over and said, "Eat, you must be able to eat, I will discuss this with grandpa and the others when I get back, and leave it to me to cash it out! "


Zhang Xibao patted Qian Chengjin's shoulder and began to close his eyes and meditate.

After leaving the foreign land, [Du Juan] sent an email, and the content of the email was a three-layer encrypted exercise.

The exercise is called "Great Earthquake Technique", which is a high-grade exercise. It was pried out by Qinglong from the mouth of the supernatural prisoner Tianyi, and it is said that it is more suitable for use in neon lights.

With his eyes closed, Zhang Xibao quickly decoded the secret words in his mind, and at the same time borrowed the spirit of the book to memorize the exercises in his heart.

The weather, location, and people are all there, just waiting to leave a surprise for Nihong before leaving.

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