"Wow, I can finally breathe the fresh air of big summer!"

As soon as the three of them got off the plane, Steward Qian greeted them.

Qian Chengjin asked in a low voice: "Brother Bao, do you want to come to my house as a guest, and talk to my father and grandpa about Heijianmu by the way?"

"No, I have to go home first and water the trees. Let's change the visiting time to tomorrow!"

Zhang Xibao asked Steward Qian to send him another car to take him home.

The Neon Journey was a mission. Zhang Xibao went home and had to go to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club to settle the mission.

Before leaving home, Zhang Xibao entrusted Bai Weiwei with taking care of the fungus, Chinchilla and watering the phoenix trees. He had to go home and check.

The Qian family's car took Zhang Xibao downstairs, and when he went upstairs, he heard the TV in the living room before he opened the door.

Sure enough, the fungus and Chinchilla were lying on the sofa watching TV. When they heard that Zhang Xibao was back, the two guys couldn't be more excited.

"You two guys have gained a lot of weight. It seems that not only have you not been hungry recently, but you have eaten well!"

Zhang Xibao licked two cats, and Panjin Maoshu's head, and ran to the balcony to check the flame phoenix tree.

The small fiery red tree was more than two meters high, and the flowerpot looked a bit small in comparison. Zhang Xibao thought about finding a place with strong fresh air, and planted the flame sycamore on the ground.

The soil in the flower pot is still moist, it seems that Bai Weiwei did water it regularly.

After checking everything, Zhang Xibao didn't rush to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, but locked the door and drew the curtains impatiently.

"Hey Hey……"

Zhang Xibao rubbed his hands, and began to take out the spoils of the neon trip one by one.

"Hey, it's better to live broadcast than to go to a foreign land, to go to a foreign land is better to go on a mission, and to go on a mission is better to grab a neon hahaha!"

Needless to say, there are more than a thousand Heijian trees. They are stored in Tongtianbao Curry first, and when they visit Qian's tomorrow, they will ask Qian's family to find a safe warehouse, and Zhang Xibao will take out the wood.

The trophies of this trip include: "Tiger King Nengmian", "Heart Sutra", "Liver Sutra", "Spleen Sutra" and "Lung Sutra" of "Five Zang-Organ Sutra", a gold five-stringed pipa, and a wraith streamer , a purple gold bowl, a snake spirit (the remnant soul of a giant thunder-scale python), and a big radish.

There are exercises, strange treasures, national treasures handed down from generation to generation, spirit bodies of strange beasts, and even fairy grass...

Zhang Xibao put the "Tiger King Nengmian" on his face, and experienced the remaining four abilities - magic shield, floating, ice ability and talisman.

"This mask is really a good thing, but it looks a little ugly! Can you change the pattern on it?"

Zhang Xibao tried to make Fang Rui cover the mask, and changed the "Tiger Lord Can Mask" demon into the appearance of Qilin's mask, and found that it was feasible!

"Well, hehe, if Qinglong asks me, I will say that the "Tiger Lord Neng Noodles" was swallowed by my strange treasure, and the raw rice is cooked into cooked rice. Now he can't force the mask away, right?"

Zhang Xibao put away the mask, and his eyes fell on the other things.

The "Five Viscera Classics" is useless to Zhang Xibao, but it can be handed in as a mission result. He doesn't want to transform his internal organs into a temple to worship temple ghosts. It's too disgusting, but it doesn't prevent Shuling from recording the contents of the four scriptures.

The Wraith Banner is not as good as the Flame Crow Banner, it is useless to keep it, but it can also be exchanged for merit points.

The ornamental value of the wrong gold pipa and bowl is greater than the practical value. Although the material is more precious, its inherent cultural and artistic value is greater.

In the end, Zhang Xibao planned to exchange the wrong gold pipa and purple gold bowl for merit points.

The snake spirit hadn't figured out what to do with it, so it was thrown into the Tongtian Treasure Storehouse, and by the way, it also swallowed the "Yan Luodian Modified Version" by itself.

"Is spiritual ginseng really edible?"

Zhang Xibao opened the box, looked at the spirit ginseng wriggling in the ancient talisman paper, with the expression of an old man on the subway.

"Quack chicken! 』

Lingshen let out a scream, and instantly attracted the three foodies, Shuling, Jinmaoshu and the fungus.

Four pairs of eyes fell into the small box, the spirit ginseng trembled, and the roots twitched wildly.

The fungus and Chinchilla had already started to swallow their saliva, and the book spirit was flapping the pages of the book.

"Quack chicken! 』

"Quack chicken! 』

Perhaps it was too nervous, but Lingshen took the initiative to shed a clump of roots.

The granulation-like roots lost their vitality after detaching from the ginseng, and turned into dehydrated ginseng.

Zhang Xibao picked up a root hair to have a look, nodded: "This kind of appearance is acceptable, but what kind of thing is this, to survive by cutting off the tail, grab a few root hairs and give them to me, and I won't eat you, right? "

"Quack chicken! 』

Lingshen nodded pitifully.

"Stay honestly in the small box first, don't pretend to be pitiful with me, I want to let you go, and I will run away in no time..."

Zhang Xibao closed the small box with a snap, added a few ancient seals, and began to study the dehydrated ginseng whiskers.

There are a total of five roots that have been pulled out from the spirit ginseng.

"Grasp the ginseng, Fang Rui and Shu Ling should take the lead, they each share one root, do you have any objections?"

As he said that, Zhang Xibao fed Fang Rui a ginseng whisker, and Shu Ling another. Shuling swallowed the ginseng whisker, babbled, and returned to the sea of ​​consciousness contentedly.

Gulu Gulu!

Fang Rui grew another round at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There are three left..."

The fungus and Chinchilla yelped twice excitedly, and kept winking at Zhang Xibao.

"Let's try one, the other two are useful, this stuff is great tonic, and it's not good to eat too much..."

Zhang Xibao unceremoniously put away two of them, and held the remaining one in his hand.

"I'll cook a pot of old hen ginseng soup in a while, and the three of us will share it."

Zhang Xibao quickly bought three chickens in the supermarket downstairs, put green onion, ginger and garlic in them, put ginseng in them, and stewed them in a pot.

"You two watch the pot, supervise each other, and you are not allowed to steal food. I will go to the Wulonghui, and we will have dinner when I come back!"

When Zhang Xibao went out, the fungus and Chinchilla squatted in the kitchen, drooling.

Headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Zhang Xibao bumped into Bai Weiwei at the door.

"Yo, it's finally here. If it's a little later, I'll have to go to your house to pick you up..." Bai Weiwei seemed to be in a good mood, and she didn't have the decadent feeling of squatting on the third basement floor crying that day.

"Hey, isn't this here? Thank you for helping me take care of Chinchilla and fungus these days, thank you, thank you!" Zhang Xibao smiled, and the two walked towards the elevator.

"Just thank you, went to Nihong, didn't you bring me some souvenirs?" Bai Weiwei rubbed her fingers.

Zhang Xibao remembered that Heilong sent someone to apologize to Qian, but brought a lot of special products such as cherry blossom wine, he waved his hand: "Of course there is, cherry blossom wine, haven't you drunk it, I will give you two bottles later, anyway It's tasteless, it's not as good as monkey wine..."

(?????????????)? Bai Weiwei was silent.

The elevator went all the way down.

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