"[Shishenliao] The explosion and volcanic eruption were all caused by you, so it was the right choice to send you to Neon..."

After a moment of silence, Bai Weiwei sighed.

"Oh oh, the fox's tail is finally showing, isn't this task specially set for me?" Zhang Xibao had such an expression.

When the elevator arrived, the two walked through the corridor of the magic circle, and Qinglong was still waiting in the original office.

Zhang Xibao walked over and sat down carelessly, he had made a great contribution this time, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't shudder.

"The hero returns, and I'll toast you with tea instead of wine!"

Qinglong pushed a cup of tea to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao looked down, the tea inside was still blackmailing his spiritual tea...

Zhang Xibao sipped his tea, waiting for Qinglong to ask questions.

"This mission is top secret. The Five Dragons will never admit that they sent people to Neon, so this mission report is omitted. You only need to dictate it to me once."

Qinglong knocked on the table, pretending to be listening attentively.

Zhang Xibao talked about the main events, such as: pretending to be Aoki to infiltrate, letting puppets rescue captives, burning temple ghost sculptures, etc...

Such as: snatching snake spirits, chopping wood, catching spiritual ginseng, etc., he is not stupid.

"Well, things are well done, you are brave and resourceful, no one is more suitable than you to do this..." Qinglong encouraged him verbally, but Zhang Xibao didn't listen.

"What about my reward of 150,000 merit points?" Zhang Xibao asked.

"Don't worry, it's under review, and it will be released in a while. Since you overfulfilled the task, the merit points of the task reward have been superimposed to 200,000, breaking the record of the single task reward of the Five Dragons Club..."

Qinglong asked again: "Have you brought back the things I told you to take?"

"Well, I think 200,000 is still close..."

Zhang Xibao started to take things out one by one, Qinglong was stunned by the dazzling treasures.

"The "Five Viscera Classics", the purple gold bowl, the golden pipa, the ghost banner..."

Qinglong sucked his teeth: "Are you digging out [Shishen Liao]'s lair?!"

"more or less……"

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that he really dug out their lair, he killed the priest with the highest rank, and snatched the curse dragon hidden deep in the ground.

"Where is 'Hu Jun Neng Mian'?" Qinglong glanced at the baby and found that the mask was not there.

"The mask was eaten by my strange treasure, should I take these instead?" Zhang Xibao pointed to the treasure on the table, with an expression of whether he wanted it or not.


Qinglong glanced at Zhang Xibao suspiciously: "That mask was originally intended for you to use, so it's a pity that it got damaged."

"It's not bad, it's not bad, it's just fused with the Qilin mask, isn't that just right!" Zhang Xibao spread his hands.

"Okay, then I'll record in the file that the "Tiger Lord Nengmian" has returned and is assigned to the Dark Sage." Qinglong waved his hand, it seems that he really didn't intend to take the mask away, Zhang Xibao was thinking too much.

Before leaving, Qinglong told Zhang Xibao seriously: "Join the Black Dragon Club, you can trust us with your back, and you will gradually understand this sentence in the future."

"Well, okay, I'll taste it slowly..."

Qinglong temporarily added 50,000 merit points to Zhang Xibao, and 250,000 merit points were credited to Zhang Xibao. Zhang Xibao left the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

go home.

The chicken in the pot is already stewed.

Fungus and Chinchilla looked at Zhang Xibao eagerly.

"Hungry, right? Let's eat!"

Zhang Xibao divided the chicken soup into three parts, and the three guys began to taste the soup with ginseng added.

"I knock, it's delicious!"

"The last time I fought Xibaihu, the marks left by the broken right hand seemed to have disappeared..."

While drinking the soup, Zhang Xibao muttered, "The living dead and white bones recorded in Tongtian Baojian must be exaggerated, but this thing can be used as a holy medicine for healing!"

Fungus and Chinchilla drank a bowl of soup contentedly, and the two guys began to sleep on the sofa. They looked like they were about to be promoted. Zhang Xibao ignored them. After eating and drinking, he planned to take a trip to Wang Xiao building.

"I don't know how Wang Xiao and He Xiansheng are getting along. Have you built the machine I want?"

Zhang Xibao didn't send a message to Wang Xiao, this trip was completely a surprise inspection, and he wanted to see the truest state of the experimenters.

As soon as he entered the building, Zhang Xibao noticed that several security personnel with supernatural abilities in black were guarding the entrance and exit, carefully patrolling.

"Security is pretty good..."

Seeing the strange mask on Zhang Xibao's face, a security guard approached vigilantly: "Hi sir, please explain why you are here, do you have an appointment?"

"Well, it seems that surprise inspections are unrealistic, and the employees don't know me as the boss..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head: "Call Wang Xiao, and tell him that Master Bao has come to inspect."

After the security made a phone call, Wang Xiao hurried down, still holding a box in his hand.

"Bao Ye, why don't you send a message in advance when you come here, and play with surprises!"

Wang Xiao opened the box, and inside was an identity card that looked like a rare treasure. He introduced: "Our experimental building has gradually become regular. This brand has the highest authority of the entire building. You can also log in to our internal software online. inspect..."

Zhang Xibao took the sign, and the two took the elevator to the upper floor of the building.

"Where's He Xiansheng?" Zhang Xibao asked.

While leading the way, Wang Xiao said, "That guy stayed in the lab and didn't come out!"

Wang Xiao called the security supervisor, security guards, and experimenters, held a small meeting for everyone, and introduced: "Did you see, this is the big boss of our building..."

Wang Xiao introduced the employees to Zhang Xibao: "The security guards are all supernatural beings. They were found through our network of the Five Dragons Club. You can rest assured that you can entrust the safety of the building to them. The same goes for the experimenters, and they have all signed confidentiality agreements. , The building has strict inspections in this regard.”

Zhang Xibao nodded and stood up: "Hello everyone, I am the boss of the experimental building. To make a long story short, I will not waste your time. I will leave the safety and experiments of the building to you. What our building wants to create is an epoch-making product. There must be a strong stroke in our experimental building, let's work together!"

After the temporary meeting, Wang Xiao began to accompany Zhang Xibao to visit the experimental products.

"He Xiansheng is a treasure. With his help, I solved the problem of signal transmission inside and outside the foreign country, but the premise is that base stations must be built inside and outside the foreign country. This matter requires the approval of the Five Dragons..."

Zhang Xibao nodded: "Leave the Five Dragons to me, you don't have to worry about it!"

The Fifth Dark Saint Qilin wants to build several base stations, who in the Five Dragons Club does not agree, and who dares to oppose?

Wang Xiao glanced at Zhang Xibao meaningfully, and felt that Zhang Xibao's relationship with the Five Dragons Club was very strong.

After changing the topic, Wang Xiao continued to introduce: "Currently, there are two types of products in the laboratory, one is a physical object, and the other is a program."

"The real thing is this combination of rare treasures and technology, the Qingqi pager, this thing can completely replace the sound transmission talisman, and the cost is reduced to the lowest, at 1000 points, and He Xiansheng is constantly improving it and adding more functions. "

"The program is the live broadcast program you requested last time. It can be embedded in "Different" and log in with the account of "Different". However, if you want to integrate with the program of "Different", it is as difficult as building a base station."

"In the end, the money is not enough..."

Wang Xiao expressed his appeal helplessly and hesitantly.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Money? I'm so poor that I only have money left..."

Qian's share will be available tomorrow, about tens of billions, and Tongtianbao Curry also has more than a thousand black hardwoods worth trillions.

Supporting an experimental building does cost money, but Zhang Xibao really can afford it!

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