Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 267 Ginger Is Still Old And Spicy

"Whether it's the base station, embedding the program in "Different" or money, all these are left to me. You and He Xiansheng are only responsible for expanding the technology tree. We have to do something big."

Zhang Xibao was very satisfied with this inspection, at least the money was not wasted, and the laboratory finally produced products.

At present, there is only one watch-style paging device, which can send text messages and audio communications. It is small in size and low in cost.

However, Wang Xiao is confident, saying that as long as the prototype comes out, all that remains is to add modules with different functions to the inside of the machine.

In addition, the experimental building has registered a patent for the product, and added a magic circle to prevent reverse cracking inside each machine. As long as someone tries to disassemble the machine, the magic circle will burn the components.

Zhang Xibao took away 200 machines and planned to promote them in the live broadcast room.

After leaving the experimental building, he went straight to Qian's villa in the eastern suburbs.

"Mr. Bao is here!" Steward Qian greeted Zhang Xibao respectfully.

The meeting place was not in the living room, but in Qian Dafu's back house.

It seems that the Qian family attaches great importance to this business.

Zhang Xibao walked into the courtyard of Qian Dafu in the back house, and found that the three generations of Qian Dafu, Qian Tai, and Qian Chengjin gathered together.

"Yo, are they all here?"

Zhang Xibao walked over with a smile and sat down on his own empty seat.

The atmosphere was a bit weird, Qian Dafu was using the tea cover to put the tea leaves in the cup, Qian Tai was in front of the gambling contract signed with Zhang Xibao, Qian Chengjin was the lowest, sitting obediently, not daring to be arrogant asthma.

The contract was placed on the table, it seemed that Qian Tai had confessed to his father.

"Master Qilin deceived Mrs. Qian so hard..." Qian Dafu sighed.

Qian Chengjin had a weird expression on his face, but Qian Tai, a middle-aged man with no seniority, looked like a grandson.

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "This can't be called cheating, it's called win-win!"

Qian Tai pushed a cup of tea over: "Would you like to hear about high theory?"

"Gathering peach cores can not only strengthen Daxia's body, but also make Qian's money. Kill two birds with one stone. Helping others and being happy don't conflict! As for my identity, it's a trivial matter."

Zhang Xibao sipped his tea, and added: "My identity must be kept secret..."

Qian Dafu was a little helpless, the Qian family had joined the dark sage's boat, and he might never be able to get away from the fifth dark sage in the future.

But after thinking about it, it's not bad. The Qin, Ye, and Tang families all have at least one sage. Although the Qian family is rich, they have a weak foundation in supernatural powers. Now that they have the relationship with the dark sage, the Qian family's status will be even higher. floor up.

"Win-win, win-win..."

Qian Dafu muttered twice, figured out the joint, looked at Zhang Xibao, with a smile on his face: "Then let's talk about the next business!"

Zhang Xibao put down his teacup and stretched out a finger: "I bought 1,026 pieces of black hardwood in Cherry Blossoms, kept 26 for my own use, and sold the remaining 1,000 to Qian's agent. We will give you 90% of the money." Bar!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, there was silence.

Qian Chengjin couldn't get in the way from the beginning to the end, and was only responsible for being dumbfounded. The same was true for Qian Tai. It was the old man Qian Dafu who really made up his mind.

Qian Dafu is indeed an old fox who has seen big storms, he accepted this fact in an instant, and at the same time, a plan for how to handle this matter popped up in his mind.

After taking a sip of tea, Qian Dafu talked eloquently: "Because Neon has not announced the theft of the black quebracho tree in the foreign land of cherry blossoms, let's take the lead in announcing the news that the black quebraca species was found in the foreign land of Daxia. In this case, The source of this batch of black hardwood is justified, and the Neon side is dumb eating coptis, if they insist that this batch of black hardwood is the one that was stolen from the cherry blossoms, then it is pure Pingci!"

"But there is no black hardwood in our Great Xia's foreign land..." Qian Chengjin interjected foolishly.

Qian Tai glanced at his son, and said decisively: "You must have it, and if you don't have it, you must have it!"

Qian Dafu nodded: "Our family can't eat enough, so we have to bring the Tang family in. Didn't the Tang family contract a large area of ​​land to try planting exotic seeds in Mi Kirishima? It's very appropriate for them to release the news, saying that Mi Kirishima discovered it. Heijianmu, and if you want to digest the thousand of Heijianmu, you must let the Liuli Pavilion enter the arena."

With Qian Dafu's quick dial, the plan in Zhang Xibao's mind became clear, and he clapped his hands: "Jiang is still old and hot, the old man is really tall!"

"Hmph, I'll talk to the old guy Tang Tonghai personally about the joining of the Tang family!"

Qian Dafu drank the tea in his cup and gave Zhang Xibao a reassurance.

"In that case, I'll leave these thousand pieces of wood in Qian's warehouse first. They are all fresh wood, and if they are not handled in time, they will easily damage their appearance."

Zhang Xibao got up and walked towards the warehouse under the leadership of Qian Chengjin.

"Brother Bao, you really are like this!"

Qian Chengjin gave a thumbs up, with shock and curiosity remaining in his eyes.

He really wanted to post on Moments to pretend to be a comparison, and the copywriting was all thought out "Shocked, my roommate is Qilin, the fifth dark saint!" ! ! 』

It's a pity that Brother Bao's identity is a secret, and it must not be spread out. Qian Chengjin still feels a little regretful when he thinks about it.

"low profile……"

Zhang Xibao tempted: "Brother Bao is still a bare-bones commander, do you want to become my subordinate star? If you join, you will be Brother Bao's first younger brother, and you will be the boss in terms of seniority in the future."

"I knock, okay, okay!"

Qian Chengjin was extremely excited, but then he became depressed again: "Brother Bao, the constellations are at least the first grade of the Mysterious Rank, I am afraid that my strength is not enough?"

Zhang Xibao pinched the little fat man's face, and said: "Other stars rely on supernatural powers, but yours is... rich! Don't worry, there will be strange treasures, strange treasure seeds, and high-grade exercises too." There will be!"

"Okay, listen to Brother Bao!" Qian Chengjin nodded firmly.

Zhang Xibao left 1,000 black hardwoods in Qian's warehouse, and made another trip to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Zhang Xibao approached Qinglong and put forward his request to build base stations in foreign countries and abroad, as well as the idea of ​​upgrading the live broadcast program.

After listening to Zhang Xibao's words, Qinglong gave a suggestion: "You have to figure out this matter slowly. It is easy to upgrade the live broadcast program of "Different", but building a base station is not a trivial matter. You can choose a foreign land for the pilot first. "


Zhang Xibao thought that he could choose Mi Kirishima as the pilot site for the construction of the base station, so that he could cooperate with the Tang family to announce the news that Mi Kirishima had discovered the black jianmu.

Let the Tang family and the Qian family pull Heijianmu into the fan Kirishima, and then go to the fan Kirishima for a live broadcast. They not only tested the base station, but also promoted the Qingqi pager, and also publicized the news of the discovery of Heijianmu, and then pulled Heijianmu Come out and sell for money.

That's several birds with one stone!

Such a coquettish operation, the neon side has to call the experts directly after seeing it!

Before leaving, Zhang Xibao left 100 Qinglong pagers for Qinglong.

"This kind of machine can completely replace the sound transmission talisman, and the cost is very low. Such a good thing was taken away by me because of insufficient funds. I hope Wulong will pay more attention to it and label it as a military industry. Idols can feel it. My sincerity?"

While Qinglong was in a daze studying the machine, Zhang Xibao laughed and ran away.

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