Things are going on in full swing.

Qian Dafu went to Tang Tonghai's house. When he entered, his face was serious. When he came out, the faces of the two old foxes turned into chrysanthemums.

Wang Xiao took a team of technicians to Nanshimi Kirishima on a business trip. He didn't know how Baoye did it. The Five Dragons agreed to build the base station so quickly, but he felt that there was a lot to do in the future with Baoye.

Zhang Xibao felt relieved for a while, the 250,000 merit points had been issued, and he happily went shopping in the "merit system".

He replenished dozens of talisman bombs, and bought enough ancient talisman bullets for the Huotong heavy machine gun and the Moya hand cannon. By the way, he spent 100,000 merit points to buy a top-grade kung fu called "The Jue of the Sword".

With the Yujian skill, but the sword is not there, this is very embarrassing!

So Zhang Xibao had no choice but to carve a wooden flying sword out of black solid wood to practice sword control.

The wooden sword made of Heijian wood has two advantages. One is that it is lighter than metal flying swords and is easy to grasp. The other is that it is very strong and has strong resistance to beatings.

The wooden flying sword that moved crookedly in the air was like an old man suffering from gout. It was not flying at all, but moving. A six-year-old child could run faster than his flying sword!

Of course, practicing Yujianshu is a time-consuming process. There is no rush for this matter, and it must be done slowly.

The task Wang Xiao gave to Zhang Xibao promised that within seven days, the two base stations inside and outside Kirishima would be completed, quite like a construction madman.

The seven-day period is coming soon, and Zhang Xibao received a notification from Wang Xiao, using Qingqi pager 3.0, a new product that is equipped with a screen and camera, and can make video calls.

"Master Bao, the two base stations have been completed, and you can set off to test on site!"

Wang Xiao's face was very excited, he moved away and showed Zhang Xibao the base station behind him.

It was a strange obelisk with black iron as the base and refining materials as the main body. The blue magic circle formed a ring around the obelisk. The ring beat like a heart, expanded, expanded, and then sounded like waves. Generally disappear between heaven and earth.

Wang Xiao introduced: "Now the base station only needs medium-quality spirit stones to operate normally, and the spirit stones are only used to maintain the operation of the base station itself. The clean air in the communication process consumes the clean air between heaven and earth. This spirit stone Stone can be used for decades!"

Zhang Xibao gave an evaluation: "Beautiful work, this thing is very magical, although I can't understand it, but I am shocked..."

"Very well, you have all worked hard, and the overtime pay is sufficient. After returning, each of you will have three days off!"

Zhang Xibao plans to set off tomorrow to experiment with Kirishima's new machine and live broadcast program.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a group message on the channel of "Different": "Live tomorrow!" ! ! 』

The dark golden message special effects instantly attracted the treasure friends of the water channel.

"I knock, I knock, Master Bao, it's alive!" 』

"Catch Master Bao alive, where can the thief escape! 』

"I thought Master Bao was arrested by the Black Dragon Society for bringing goods! 』

"Why? Bao Ye has always been a positive energy anchor! 』

"Juling Peach Pit tastes good, but the key point is that [Several Peach Pit] is derived from this drink. One sip is refreshing, two sips will never get tired, three sips will make you immortal, oh yeah! 』

"Tomorrow is the weekend, everyone is resting at home, so there must be a lot of viewers during the live broadcast, not bad, not bad..."

The next day, Zhang Xibao got up early and rode Fang Rui to fly to Nanshi.

Entering the fan Kirishima, Zhang Xibao took out the Qingqi Pager 3.0.

Because of the additional screen, 3.0 is larger than 2.0, and currently only the software "Different" is installed on the machine. Zhang Xibao skillfully clicked on the program and entered the live broadcast room.

"Here comes baby! 』

"First, first, while there are few people, I am a Sabie! 』

Sure enough, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to surge.

Zhang Xibao put on the mask and linked to the video.

"I knock, why is it so foggy? 』

"Isn't Master Bao's house in Beishi? There shouldn't be such a heavy fog in Beishi this season?" 』

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Friends, Master Bao is now in Nanshi!"

"Nanshi? ! Quickly report the location, I will rob you! 』

"Are you going to hold another Baoyou meet-and-greet? 』

"NoNoNo, neither!"

Zhang Xibao turned the camera to let the audience see the background clearly.

"My dear friends, look carefully, I'm in Kirishima, a fan of exotic lands in Nanshi!"

In an instant, the treasure friends exploded!

"I knock, is it true or not? ! 』

"Won't the electronic original be damaged in a foreign country, and how is the signal transmission inside and outside the foreign country?" Master Bao, I don't read much, so don't lie to me! 』

"Don't be the background of PS, right? 』

"Coincidentally, I'm going to explore Kirishima today, I'll know if Master Bao is here or not!" 』

Facing the questioning audience, Zhang Xibao picked up the instrument and began to show the scene behind him.

"Everyone, please look, the mist is flowing. There is a large black baby-faced forest over there. There are still traces of fire in the middle of the forest. I don't know which wicked guy did it..."

"Look at the other side, everyone. That highland is the latest experimental field contracted by Liuli Pavilion. The specific purpose of this field is still a secret, and everyone will know in the future."

"Look at that river, everyone. Although the fog blocks the camera, you can vaguely see the shadow, right? Blackwater crocodiles abound in the Blackwater River, and there is also a kind of toad that shoots sand."

Zhang Xibao is a fan of Kirishima's iconic places and products.

"My dear friends, a cross-generational product has been born, please look at the Qingqi transmission base station behind me!"

While showing the base station, Zhang Xibao took out a wrist-type Qingqi pager by the way: "This is a new product that can use Qingqi for communication. It can not only type and chat, but also make voice calls. The key is that it only consumes Qingqi without charging. , and can also be used across the gate of another world!"

"Oooo! I want, I want, I want! 』

"Understood, Master Bao has started to bring goods again. Last time it was Juling Peach Core, this time he started to bring mobile phones!" 』

"Upstairs, you are definitely not a supernatural person, so you don't feel the pain of lack of communication in a different territory. This thing can replace the consumable sound transmission charm, but I don't know how much it costs. Can ordinary supernatural beings like us buy it?" Starting is the key! 』

Zhang Xibao smiled and showed Qingqi Pager 2.0: "This thing doesn't need 9999 points, not 8888 points, you can take it home with only 1000 points!"

"I knock, it's so cheap, I want to order ten sets!" 』

"Me, me, 100 units!" 』

"The one upstairs must be a scalper! Master Bao, don't sell it to him! 』

Seeing that the atmosphere has been mobilized, Zhang Xibao added: "This machine is affordable, powerful, and highly confidential. Users can set the anti-snooping mode through the internal magic circle, and the man-machine will explode when separated by 20 meters!"

"Couldn't it be used as a grenade at the critical moment?" Absolutely, my drop treasure! 』

Zhang Xibao clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "I've posted the pre-sale official website on the public screen. I have 100 machines here as benefits. Free lottery is given to my friends, and my friends are going to brush me up!!!"

"I want, I want, I want! 』




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