Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 269: Popular Science Time

"Okay, the lucky list of 100 randomly selected people has come out, and the shipment will be made within three days. Please look forward to it!"

Zhang Xibao announced the list in the live broadcast room, and while he was talking, a group of people entered from the entrance of the foreign realm and rushed straight towards him.

"Bao Ye, ouch, it's really in a foreign land!"

Bao You, who had just said in the live broadcast room that he was going to meet Master Bao, appeared on camera and greeted the camera.

Zhang Xibao looked back, and muttered to himself: "I knocked, isn't it a coincidence, isn't this so and so inside?"

The supernatural being on the opposite side is the leader of the supernatural being who killed Feizoom in the corpse mountain. This guy also acted as an informant between [Heaven's Blessing] and the Black Dragon Society.

It's just that at that time Zhang Xibao used the face of the little brother Dameng, and the team leader couldn't recognize that Brother Dameng was Master Bao.

"The world is so small..."

Zhang Xibao sighed, the team leader didn't understand what he meant, and laughed silly and happily with the team members.

If some people questioned the function of this new invention just now, ten out of ten people now believe that Qingqi pager can communicate across different borders.

"Come, come, get together is fate, and each person will get a pager."

Zhang Xibao gave each team leader a watch, and showed how to use and operate it on the spot.

The audience looked at the supernatural beings enviously, thinking that Lord Bao is still his favorite fan!

"Okay, Master Bao, it's time for us to explore the island, so I won't disturb your live broadcast."

"Thank you for the watch!"

The squad leader greeted and walked towards the depths of the foreign land.

"Goodbye, pay more attention to Baoye's new products in the future. This is only 2.0, and the 3.0 that can make video calls is still being improved."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand and asked again: "What's your name?"

The squad leader responded: "I'm Li Ziming."

Someone said on the barrage:

"Good guy, I figured it out, Lord Bao is now making a transition to making mobile phones..."

"After 3.0, there will definitely be 4.0. The marketing is so true that Bao Ye can understand it!" 』

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Since you have guessed it, I am here to collect the names of new products by the way. You can also actively send the names and logos of your ideas to the official website mailbox. Once Baoye adopts them, you will be rewarded with points and qualified to experience new products. !"

Zhang Xibao interacted with his friends, and began to wander around the highlands contracted by the Tang family. According to the plan, the news of the black hardwood produced in a foreign land can be disseminated today.

"There are more than 10 million people online in our live broadcast room, and a thousand people with supernatural powers is considered high. Although foreign lands have nothing to do with ordinary people now, the process of spiritual recovery is accelerating, and we can't keep all the small animals and plants around us one day. It becomes a strange beast and a different plant, so it is good to watch more live broadcasts of Lord Bao in the foreign land, and you can learn the knowledge of the foreign land."

While chatting, Zhang Xibao looked for something with the camera.

"Good guy, watch Bao Ye's live broadcast more, and the second half of the sentence is right if you see it." 』

"However, what Bao Ye said is also reasonable. The price of professional identification textbooks is not low. You might as well learn more in Bao Ye's live broadcast room, and you may use it someday." 』

The barrage chattered and chattered, and someone asked Zhang Xibao if he could record and edit the video of each live broadcast into a professional video explanation, so that more people could understand the knowledge of foreign lands.

"That's right, Baoyou who are interested can record it and cut it into a video. As long as you stick to public welfare and positive videos, Master Bao will never sue you for infringement of portrait rights, and there will be absolutely no lawyer's letter to warn you."

While talking, the camera focused on the beach of the Blackwater River, where an adult blackwater crocodile was sleeping.

"Look, everyone, the adult blackwater crocodile, the body length of this crocodile is more than 20 meters by visual estimation."

Zhang Xibao thought he was standing too far away, afraid that his friends would not be able to see clearly, so he kept walking towards the river beach.

"Oh my god, I've only seen pictures of blackwater crocodiles on the Internet before, how big is it in real life? ! 』

"Twenty meters? Twice the size of a Deinosaur! 』

"How many bags can you make with such a big one?" 』

"Baby Lord, can the meat of the black water crocodile be eaten, or not firewood?" 』

Seeing that the barrage gradually became strange.

There is a barrage that suddenly says:

"Wait, everyone, don't argue, why am I watching Master Bao getting closer? (???)』

"I'm knocking, it's true! 』

"what? Master Bao, don't leave, if you leave again, you will end up in the crocodile's mouth! 』

"The movement speed of the black water crocodile is comparable to that of a mysterious supernatural being. Master Bao, check to see if there is a red danger word on its head..."

Zhang Xibao's voice sounded: "Don't panic, I can run faster than it. Today, while the big guys are here, let's have fun..."

The camera was getting closer and closer to the black water crocodile tremblingly. Zhang Xibao reached out to the black water crocodile's tail and stroked the tip of the tail twice. The audience in front of the screen opened their mouths wide in shock.

"Mom, this is not fun! 』

"This crocodile won't wake up..."

The next second, the crocodile's tail twitched, and it opened its eyes murderously.

"The prophet upstairs, it's a knife, it's a knife!" 』

"My lord, it's dangerous! 』

"Wooooow, my favorite anchor is going to feed the crocodile..."


The crocodile flicked its tail and drew towards Zhang Xibao, and then bit it with its big mouth crookedly.

Zhang Xibao held the mobile phone holder in his left hand, and stretched out his right hand to pinch the tail of the black water crocodile.


The mouth of the blackwater crocodile was empty, because Zhang Xibao grabbed its tail, making its body bend into a half-moon shape, and the crocodile's mouth couldn't even reach the corner of Zhang Xibao's clothes.

"Ooooh, grab it! 』

"Baoye Niubi! 』

"What level of supernatural power is Master Bao? ! I have,, curious...」

The blackwater crocodile twisted in the opposite direction, trying to throw Zhang Xibao away. Its four short legs dug a deep ravine on the wet river beach, but the tail held by Zhang Xibao remained motionless!

"This black water crocodile only weighs tens of tons, and it can't compete with Master Bao!" 』

"Surprised, shocked, it turns out that Master Bao is really a hidden master!" 』

"Baoye in Beishi is just me. Apart from live broadcasting and appreciating treasures, he beats small animals like crazy, nothing else!" 』


The blackwater crocodile was no match for Zhang Xibao, so it let out a powerless rage.

"My friends, pay attention. If I don't expect it, the blackwater crocodile will use its housekeeping skills, and death will roll over."

As he spoke, Zhang Xibao felt a huge force coming from his palm, he let go of his fingers, and let the black water crocodile roll on the ground.

The black water crocodile was free, he turned around and stared at Zhang Xibao maliciously.


Zhang Xibao jumped sideways, and the blackwater crocodile took a bite.

"The bite force of an adult blackwater crocodile is astonishing. Once bitten, it is impossible for a god to save it. Therefore, those who explore foreign lands generally do not hunt adult blackwater crocodiles, so all they see on the market are juvenile blackwater crocodiles. "

While avoiding the attack of the crocodile, Zhang Xibao talked about popular science with his friends.

"The scales, claws, and teeth of this crocodile are all good things for refining rare treasures. Crocodile blood, meat, and internal organs can also be used to refine treasure pills. The powerful pills that friends of supernatural beings usually eat contain crocodile meat. .”

"Well, that's almost the end of the story, let's take a closer look!"

The blackwater crocodile pounced on Zhang Xibao again, this time Zhang Xibao did not dodge, but raised one leg high.

With a slap, the rabbit kicked the eagle, the black water crocodile's jaw cracked crisply, and its huge body rolled and flew out, falling on the river beach with its white belly facing upwards.

Zhang Xibao squatted on the crocodile, and brought the camera close to the crocodile's skin, claws, teeth and other organs, so that Bao friends could see clearly and clearly.

At this moment, there was silence on the barrage.

"While talking about not provoking adult black water crocodiles, they are madly beating black water crocodiles with one hand, Baoye, you are too Versailles... what level are you, don't be a big boss Bar? 』

"Don't throw the crocodile, Baoye, throw me!" 』

"Everyone, among other things, this crocodile is worth tens of millions, Master Bao got one at random, is this the world of the strong..."

"Ten million? Ask for support! ! ! 』

"+1, +1, +1..."


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