Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 270 Preliminary Ideas For Bao Ye's Public Welfare

"Well, this treasure friend is right. This adult blackwater crocodile is indeed worth tens of millions."

Zhang Xibao turned the camera, and his smiling face appeared on the screen.

"I suddenly had a great idea..."

Zhang Xibao made a fool of himself, and the audience in front of the screen was very curious.

I saw Master Bao took out another wrist-type Qingqi pager and dialed the voice of the team of supernatural beings just now.

Because Master Bao had presented several pagers as a gift, when demonstrating the operation of the machines with Captain Li Ziming on the opposite side, they each added their contact information.

"Hello, Grandpa? 』Li Ziming's voice came from the opposite side, and he asked with some uncertainty.

Zhang Xibao asked with a smile: "How is Captain Li's harvest?" 』

Li Ziming replied: "Hey, don't mention it. I heard that the Shesha clams in the Heishui River are very valuable, so my team members and I came to catch the toads, but I don't know why, there are too few toads in the river. It took me so long to catch them." How many were caught? It is clearly stated in the intelligence that the sand clams are overrun? 』

Zhang Xibao wondered if it wasn't the last time he almost caught the clam to extinction...


Zhang Xibao coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, changed the subject and said, "It's just right, you go up the river, I have something good to entrust to you." 』

"good stuff? 』

Li Ziming hesitated for a moment: "Okay, anyway, our trip was wasted anyway, if Master Bao is busy, just speak up!" 』

After hanging up the communication, Zhang Xibao waited while chatting with his friends.

After a while, the team of supernatural beings ran over from a distance and shouted: "Master Bao, what a big black water crocodile?"

Since Li Ziming and the others were in a different territory, the 2.0 equipment was temporarily unable to watch Baoye's live broadcast, so they didn't know that Baoye got a black water crocodile before the communication.

Seeing that Li Ziming and the others had come, Zhang Xibao no longer kept his secrets, pointed to the black water crocodile, and said to the camera: "Didn't a friend of Bao say that he wanted to edit the live broadcast of Master Bao to teach ordinary people about foreign lands? You have the general public in your hearts, and Lord Bao also offers a love."

"This black water crocodile worth tens of millions, I entrust Li Ziming's team to sell it, and all the money from the sale will be used to make a bonus pool, which is specially used to pay salaries for these precious friends who have contributed to the society, and can also be used Help those in need!"

"My lord is so powerful! 』

"Bao Ye has spent so much money this time, it belongs to him!" 』

At this time, someone said on the barrage:

"Bao Ye, we can set up a charity organization with tens of thousands of Bao friends! There are so many talents in Baoyou, there must be capable people in this field! 』

Zhang Xibao nodded in agreement: "Okay, my ancestors said that if you are poor, you will benefit yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. If you want to establish a public welfare organization, tens of millions will definitely not be enough. You know about my treasure's business of gathering spirit peach seeds? Take out 10 billion every year and use it as funds for the organization!"

"I knock, I knock, I knock! At this moment, only three knocks can express my shock and excitement! 』

"Shenma is called a surprise. First, the Qingqi transmission machine was born, and then the tens of billions of public welfare organizations were born. Are you really an anchor, Baoye?" 』

There are tens of millions of viewers in front of the screen. Master Bao will never deceive everyone. Li Ziming and his team of supernatural beings are witnesses at this moment.

"Lord, don't worry, my team members and I will transport the blackwater crocodile out right away. This trip is free and there is no charge. We will also dedicate our love!"

Li Ziming called the team members to lift the black water crocodile and started to walk towards the exit of the foreign land. He pointed to the pager on his wrist, indicating to get in touch.

Zhang Xibao nodded, and continued to stroll towards the high ground contracted by the Tang family.

"Everyone calm down, calm down, our live broadcast will continue, how about going to the Liuli Pavilion Contracting Field for the next stop?"

Zhang Xibao's response was endless, and Bao friends had long been extremely curious about Liulige, a huge and financially strong Yibao company.

The highland has been strictly sealed off by the Tang family, surrounded by magic circles, out of politeness, Zhang Xibao didn't force his way, but stood far away on a hill to allow the camera to take a closer look.

At this time, teams of well-equipped teams of supernatural beings began to move black solid wood onto heavy trucks. Zhang Xibao grinned, thinking that old man Qian's work efficiency was really high, so he negotiated with the Tang family.

The thousand black fennel trees were still in Qian's warehouse Curry a week ago, but now they appeared in the contract base of the Tang family in Kirishima, and were carried out by a group of supernatural beings.

"Hey, what are these supernatural beings carrying, wood? 』

The treasure friends were curious, and of course Zhang Xibao wanted to satisfy their curiosity, walking towards the team of supernatural beings.

"Who is it?" the leader of the team asked vigilantly, and touched the Moya pistol on his waist.

The Tang family had already warned that if Master Bao came to broadcast live, the supernatural beings in charge had to pretend to be nervous and cooperate with Master Bao to perform the show seamlessly.

"I'm going, is that a gun? Exotic weapon? Mo Ya produced by the Black Dragon Club? 』

There are treasure friends who know the goods in the barrage.

"Hiss~ This wood looks familiar! Wait, let me check...」

"Upstairs, don't look it up, I know what it is, black kennel that is worth more than gold!" 』

『Is there also black guacamole produced in the foreign land of our great summer? Didn't Neon, who had a good life, boast that it was their specialty? 』

"How many heavy trucks are these, the output is not small..."

"Oh, don't be nervous, I'm just an anchor, I don't mean any harm!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand.

"The Liuli Pavilion is an important place, and idlers are not allowed to enter!" The team leader unceremoniously issued an order to evict guests.

Well done! Zhang Xibao cast a look at the team leader.

"Well, fine, I won't get close, it's okay to have a look!" Zhang Xibao raised the camera and started to shoot.

"He dares to shout at our Lord Bao, Howdareyou! 』

"Take a look, it doesn't work, and there won't be a piece of wood missing!" 』

Friends of Bao complained for Master Bao one after another.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Maybe it involves commercial secrets, my friends, let's withdraw after the eyes are over."

After filming Heijianmu, Zhang Xibao retreated decisively, leaving time for the audience to imagine, allowing the news to ferment quickly.

With the legitimacy of Heijianmu, the next step is to find a buyer.

Before Zhang Xibao could leave the foreign land, Qinglong called.

Zhang Xibao temporarily withdrew from the live broadcast room and connected to Qinglong's voice.

Qinglong said: "Leave 200 pieces of Heijian wood for the Black Dragon Club, buy them at the market price, and return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, we need to discuss the matter of clearing the air pager..."


Zhang Xibao hung up the voice, returned to the live broadcast room, and smiled: "The prizes will be delivered to everyone as soon as possible. If you are interested in non-profit organizations, you can private message me. Today's live broadcast ends here. Let's see you at treasure appraisal time tonight." !"

"Don't! 』

"Baby, don't go! 』

Amidst the barrage of wailing, Zhang Xibao turned off the live broadcast, left the foreign land, and flew towards the imperial capital in a phoenix.

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