Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 271 World Auction Invitation

Headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

Qinglong sat opposite Zhang Xibao, and the two frowned tightly.

The cause of all this was the conversation five minutes ago.

five minutes ago.

Zhang Xibao hugged the teacup unceremoniously, and sipped it. Anyway, this tea was his own, and he could drink more than one cup.

"This Qingqi pager is indeed Wulonghui's eye. The future of this thing is limitless..."

Qinglong made his request after deliberating, and he stretched out a finger: "I won't be foolish. The bottom line of the Five Dragons Club is one trillion, and one trillion will take back the patent of the Qingqi pager. The Blue Dragon Club said that the patent was You bought it for 5 billion, and it increased 200 times in less than a month."


Zhang Xibao rushed up from the chair, jumping up and down like a monkey.

"Those guys have blind eyes. They see that the Qingqi transmission device is about to make a fortune. Now they want to reach out. It's too late. The value created by this thing in the future will be more than a trillion!"

Zhang Xibao said angrily: "They don't know that the owner behind this device is my Dark Saint Qilin?"

Qinglong curled his lips: "Of course they don't know, otherwise would they dare to propose compulsory withdrawal of the patent? This is why I withheld the report they submitted, otherwise this bad idea has been submitted to the upper echelons of the Red Dragon Society."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Xibao bared his white teeth with a sneer, and nodded the table: "Actually, I also know the potential of this thing in the future. If it is not controlled, it is likely to develop into a scourge. How about this? Only the black dragon will enter the arena, and the others will be spared." talk!"

"Wise choice."

Qinglong threw the documents and reports on the table and let Zhang Xibao look through them.

"As soon as the video of your live broadcast was posted on the Internet, there was movement in the beautiful country. They are also very interested in the Qingqi transmission device. If the black dragon will not enter the venue, your experimental building will face endless Network infiltration, insiders face the temptation of money and even the threat of personal safety.”

After Qinglong finished speaking, Zhang Xibao realized that the situation was indeed serious.

The Qingqi transmission device is a new technology tree that has integrated modern technology and the principle of Qingqi since the revival of spiritual energy. This is a piece of delicious meaty bone. Whether it is a wolf, a dog or a tiger or leopard, everyone wants to taste it.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Xibao made a request: "The Black Dragon Association will enter the market and control the military industry. As for the migrant workers, my experimental building will be responsible. The Black Dragon Association will not only provide financial support, but also be responsible for the security of the building."

"No problem." Qinglong readily agreed.

The two hands were tightly held together, and the contract was concluded.

After negotiating some small details, Zhang Xibao greeted and planned to leave the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

"To be honest, I'm not short of money at all right now, and I still have tens of thousands of small goals to share, and I'm all doing it for Daxia and Daxia people!"


Qinglong nodded: "This is also the reason why I pushed you to be the fifth sage against all odds. I saw the right person."

Zhang Xibao left the Five Dragons Club and went straight to the Qian family mansion.

What I said just now was a bit of bragging. The tens of thousands of small targets are indeed amazing, but the premise is that the batch of black hardwood is realized. If it cannot be sold, it will be a pile of rotten wood.

Qian's back house.

This place was supposed to be the forbidden area of ​​the Qian family, but Zhang Xibao almost smashed the threshold of this place.

Qian Dafu and Mr. Qian had been waiting for Zhang Xibao to arrive, and changed the tea three times, because Zhang Xibao first went to talk to Qinglong and released the old man's pigeons.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Qinglong has something important to discuss with me, so I'm a little late." Zhang Xibao apologized.

"Don't, don't, don't say that, Mr. Ansheng, the matter between you and Mr. Qinglong is the most important thing. Our business is a trivial matter."

An old man over the age of 60 chatted happily with Zhang Xibao, a kid like Zhang Xibao. It was absolutely weird in the eyes of others, but there was no one else in this back house.

Qian Tai, who is in the business world, also has to pour tea with his mouth closed.

Zhang Xibao took his seat, and Qian Dafu said, "The news of the black quebracho wood produced in a foreign land has spread, and the neon department has exploded all of a sudden. The people who visited Qian's neon branch almost broke the door."

"Hehe, the old man's move is really amazing. What is a dumb person eating coptis? I can't tell if there is suffering. When the neon is also deflated, I have long seen them not pleasing to the eye!" Qian Tai interjected at the right time, flattering It was shot just right.

"The Black Dragon Society turned a blind eye, and the Liuli Pavilion of the Tang family also entered the scene. What should we do next?"

Zhang Xibao is good at fighting and killing, but he is still a little confused about things in the mall.

Qian Dafu took out three bronzing invitations, pushed one to Zhang Xibao, and explained: "This is an invitation for the internal auction of this year's World Expo. The four major families of the imperial capital will receive three invitations every year. This year, the dog Qian Tai should lead the invitation. Cheng Jin and Guangming went to participate, and now it is more appropriate for Master Dark Saint to go."

"Did Heijianmu sell at the auction?" Zhang Xibao picked up the invitation and looked at it.

Qian Dafu nodded: "That's right, the four major families and the Black Dragon will absorb part of it, and the rest will be sold at the auction."

Zhang Xibao put away the invitation and nodded: "Understood, there is no way out if you have a baby, this time I will take the big boat of the Qian family to cross the sea..."

"Master Ansheng is polite, such a trivial matter is not worth mentioning."

Qian's family is still Lu Ziye, Zhang Xibao thought to himself that he was right to choose Qian's family back then.

While drinking tea, the phone buzzed continuously. Zhang Xibao took out the phone and glanced at it. Wang Xiao called.

When the phone was connected, Zhang Xibao asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Xiao said: "The people from the Consulate of the Beautiful Country came and said they were looking for He Xiansheng."

Zhang Xibao sighed, Qinglong was right, as soon as the clear air transmission device came out, troubles followed one after another.

Back then Xiao Ni dealt with Smith and his black followers, and this time they came again, but this time they were not only coming for He Xiansheng, they were obviously coming for the Qingqi transmission device.

"Old man, I still have things to do, let's go first!"

After leaving the back house of Qian's house, Zhang Xibao ran to the experimental building again.

From a distance, I saw a few guys in black suits being stopped by the security personnel of the building.

These people are different this time, they are all supernatural beings of high rank.

The two gangs were at war with each other, and there seemed to be a conflict.

Zhang Xibao strode over and asked bluntly, "I want to see who dares to make trouble in my building?"

"This is Mr. Bao, right?"

A blond and blue-eyed crooked nut stepped forward: "Damn, we didn't make trouble, it's because the security personnel of the building were a little rude."

"Politeness is for friends, are you friends?" Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes.

The so-called stretching out and not hitting the smiling man, Zhang Xibao slapped the smiling man Adam.

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