Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 272 Don't Sell, High Or Low Don't Sell

"Of course, of course we can be friends!" Adam didn't look angry at all, and stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and shook it, Adam's metacarpal bones creaked, and the smile on his face was a little deformed.

"Mr. Bao's strength is really well-deserved. I watched your live broadcast. It's really cool to fight against the black water crocodile with your body!" Adam flattered him like a cannonball. Old oily.

Zhang Xibao was a little impatient. As the saying goes, good medicine tastes bitter, but loyal words hurt one's ears. When a person praises you for no reason of encouragement, you have to be wary of what bad water is simmering in his stomach.

"Okay, Mr. Adam, if you have anything to say, just talk about it!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand, signaling the security personnel of the building to return to their posts, and leave everything here to him.

Seeing that Zhang Xibao lost his patience, Adam said directly: "The purpose of my trip is to find a man named He Xiansheng, and by the way, talk to Mr. Bao about a business."

"He Xiansheng? I don't have He Xiansheng here. Mr. Adam has solved the first question, so let's talk about the second question, what business?" Zhang Xibao didn't give Adam a chance to ask.


Adam thought that according to the information, Master Bao is more greedy for money at this time, so he should change the way of chatting.

Adam stretched out a palm: "Mr. Bao, five trillion, we are willing to give five trillion to your research on Qingqi pager, are you interested?"

"Five trillion!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened, pretending to be surprised: "You really gave too much..."

Adam was very happy, and felt that the information was correct, and Master Bao was really greedy for money at this time.

"Not for sale!"

Zhang Xibao refused without hesitation: "No matter how high or low, no matter how much!"

Adam was a little surprised, but he still asked tentatively: "Actually, our bottom line is ten trillion!"

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to answer, he added: "Actually, we can talk again. I reserved a table at the highest standard restaurant in the imperial capital. Shall we chat while eating?"

"One hundred trillion won't sell!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hands impatiently: "Don't come with me to treat guests and drink, accept the trick of being a dog, sell it to you, I will become a traitor, Goodbye, no, never see you again!"

Leaving the stunned Adam and his party behind, Zhang Xibao walked straight into the experimental building.

He hooked his hands at the security personnel and warned: "If this group of people cause trouble, don't go up there, and find the Black Dragon to solve it. In the future, there will be people covering our building, and the free labor will not be in vain. I gave up ten treasures trillion!"

"Bao Ye is awesome!" The security personnel shouted.

The security personnel could hear the previous debate clearly, ten omens, it would take eight hundred lives on an ordinary person, and a team of supernatural powers comparable to Xingxiu could be formed on a person with supernatural powers. Those who can, so much money, Master Bao directly refused!

Adam with black lines on his face looked at Zhang Xibao's back angrily, and the companion next to him asked curiously, "Why don't you crack the device in reverse?"

Adam glanced at the man, and replied: "The reverse cracking laboratory exploded, this guy has added an anti-cracking explosion circle inside the device!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't sell it. We have enough funds. Whether it's stealing base stations, hacking, spying, money tempting experimenters to steal data, let's play with him slowly!"

Zhang Xibao went to the building, found Wang Xiao, He Xiansheng, and several important members for a small meeting, announced the news that the Black Dragon Club would take a stake in the Experimental Building, and then talked about the threats the building would face in the future.

Everyone's expression is very serious, because this incident may threaten the lives of all members.

"Everyone don't need to panic. The Black Dragon Society will send members to the building. In our Great Xia territory, no matter how powerful the cross-river dragon comes, it will be honestly a worm. Can they still turn against the sky?"

Zhang Xibao nodded at the table: "My lord, put the words aside first, if the members of our building hurt a hair because of this incident, my lord will directly call them to the headquarters of the beautiful country to vent your anger! I'm not telling you Just for fun..."

Everyone laughed and responded one after another: "We know Master Bao is the best!"

"Hmph, so you still take my words as a joke..." Zhang Xibao didn't bother to refute, and he couldn't tell everyone directly that I am the Dark Saint Qilin, and I will definitely keep everyone safe.

"Wow ah ah ah..."

Zhang Xibao stood up, patted his mouth with his hand, and yawned loudly.

Today is too tired. Zhang Xibao ran to the strange land of Nanshi early in the morning, then returned to Beishi, went to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, went to the back house of Qian’s house, and hurried to the experimental building for a meeting. He promised his friends tonight Open live treasure appraisal!

"Alright, go home and catch up on sleep, and then the broadcast will start at night!"

Zhang Xibao dismissed the meeting and reminded Wang Xiao not to forget to deliver the goods to his friends. By the way, he set the release date of the pager 3.0 on the official website.

He had just left the experimental building, and he glanced behind him speechlessly. It's already 0802, and he still plays tracking?

What do you mean, plan to kidnap instead of buy?

Zhang Xibao was too lazy to do anything, and directly sent a text message to Bai Weiwei. Ten minutes later, the guys following Zhang Xibao began to disappear one by one. What awaited them was the underground prison of the Black Dragon Society.


"Squeak! 』

When Zhang Xibao returned home, he just opened the door when a familiar voice came.

Fungus and Chinchilla wake up.

These two guys have been sleeping since eating the roots of the spirit ginseng, and now they seem to have advanced.

The golden mouse has completely turned into a killing horse mouse, with a white body and a golden head.

The fur color of the fungus is black with red, and its size is bigger, like a black panther.

"Is the little mouse at the first rank?" Zhang Xibao asked curiously.

"Squeak! ’ Chinchilla nodded.

"The blood of the fungus is not as good as yours, and it has begun to develop into a huge body!"

Zhang Xibao stroked the hair of the fungus, and it felt good to the touch, as smooth as brocade.

"I have a chance to improve the blood of the fungus..."

"I'll sleep, you two will play by yourself, and you will broadcast live at night."

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to water the flame plane tree."

"Let the little crows clean up the living room!"

Zhang Xibao gave some instructions, returned to the bedroom and began to sleep soundly.

When the sun was setting, Zhang Xibao was resurrected with full blood.

Too lazy to cook, Zhang Xibao ordered takeaway, and the three guys had a big meal.

"Ready to broadcast!"

Chinchilla and Fungus skillfully helped Zhang Xibao set up the live broadcast equipment, Zhang Xibao clicked on the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers increased rapidly.

"Come on spicy!" 』

"Master Bao, are you going to appraise treasures tonight? 』

"If it's Jianbao, I won't be sleepy anymore! 』

"Old rules!"

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "Ten pieces!"


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