Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 274 Sharma, Dangerous

"The third one is also a rare treasure, and it's still at the third level of the earth. It's called the "Twelve-armed Stone Statue".

"Twelve-armed Stone Statue: Earth-level C-level rare treasure, the stone attribute is earth, it can summon mountains and rocks as armor and weapons, and incarnate a true cultivator comparable to Earth-level C-level war. 』

[Sharma] There was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he said, "Mr. Bao is a senior treasure appraiser, but he is much better than other senior treasure appraisers. Can't compare to you!"

"I'm going, is it another earth-level rare treasure? [Sharma] Who is it? 』

"This treasure friend is really rich, let's not look at the strange treasures, have you noticed the carpet in his house, it is inlaid with gold threads, and it costs tens of thousands of points per square meter!" With such a large consumption of filament, the carpet alone can exceed 100 million! 』

"Ah, this... is not an ordinary person who can marry four beautiful women with supernatural powers as wives!" 』

The barrage flowed, and looking at the above words, [Sharma] was greatly satisfied in his heart.

"Don't flatter yourself..."

Zhang Xibao leaned closer to the camera and asked, "You don't need to appraise these strange treasures at all? It's not so much that you come to my live broadcast room to appraise the strange treasures, it's more like showing off, what do you mean?"

When Zhang Xibao said this, Bao friends came back to their senses.

"Oh, I see, Versailles, right? 』

"Hiss~ Don't this guy come here to catch Bao Ye's enthusiasm? 』

"Human high-quality local tyrants, right? Hang the lights, hang the lights! 』

[Sharma] chuckled: "If I hadn't come, how could you have seen so many rare treasures? Ordinary people don't even have the chance to see me!"

After all, the fourth beauty stepped forward, holding a golden scepter in her hand, [Sharma] took it casually, and knocked it on the table with a bang.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, this golden scepter looks familiar, it seems to have been recorded in a photo stolen by He Xiansheng.

"Sand Spring Golden Rod: An earth-level first-class rare treasure, refined by a certain earth-type ancient master, who can control endless sand seas. Under certain circumstances, this thing is comparable to a heaven-rank rare treasure. 』

"Hehe, then my friends and I have to thank you!" Zhang Xibao was a little disdainful.

Damn it, it was pretended by [Sharma], a big dog!

Zhang Xibao's identity as a dark sage cannot be exposed, otherwise Tongtianbao Curry will just come up with something and surprise the eyes of all the treasure friends present?

[Sharma] Didn't hear the sarcasm in Zhang Xibao's words, he leaned closer to the camera and said: "I heard that you have recently produced a large amount of black hardwood in Daxia, and I want to buy it to build a magnificent palace, so I use your live broadcast In the meantime, I want to tell the people behind Heijianmu, see you at the auction!"

Hehe, Zhang Xibao was a little excited.

Love [Sharma] is going to the internal auction of the expo!

This is great!

Zhang Xibao made up his mind, when the time comes to see [Sharma], he must show him why the flowers are so popular!

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Xibao's mood improved a lot, and [Sharma]'s unbeaten face was also a lot cuter. This is not pretending to be a big dog, this is obviously a noble person who helped Zhang Xibao get rid of poverty!

Before waiting for the friends to criticize him, [Sharma] hung up the connection with a pop, and didn't give the friends a chance to spray him. The spirit of not listening.

"Hmph, if you can run away, you can't run away to the temple! Unless you go to the internal auction of the World Expo, you will see me!" Zhang Xibao muttered to himself.

At this time, someone asked on the barrage:

"Baby Lord, although Sharma deserves to be beaten, what is his fourth rare treasure? 』

Zhang Xibao replied: "I don't know if you still have any impressions of the "Shaquan Golden Rod" of the first grade of the earth. Back then, Brother Glasses had a few photos that were not shown, and there was this golden rod in it."

The guy with glasses is He Xiansheng. He was captured by the Black Dragon Society before he finished showing a few photos. It was Zhang Xibao who caught him with his eyesight and discernment. Now he is working hard in the experimental building.

"Oh oh oh, I have an impression! 』

『[Sharma] This guy is not simple! 』

"Oh, by the way, Lord Bao, what kind of auction is he talking about? There hasn't been any big auctions in Daxia recently! 』

Zhang Xibao smiled: "It's a mysterious auction, and ordinary people and people with supernatural abilities can't get in touch with it at all."

"Ah, this..."

The barrage is a little silent, the reality is that people are more popular than others.

Zhang Xibao smiled: "Do you want to watch the auction?"

"Think about it, definitely want to, give me Kangkang! 』

"Baoye has a way? 』

"No, it stands to reason that people at that level of auction are not allowed to bring camera equipment in. Even if Master Bao can go in, he can't live broadcast. 』

"Are you stupid upstairs? Doesn't Baoye have Qingqi pager 3.0! 』

"Oh oh oh oh, this stuff works across borders? ! 』

"transnational? Anywhere across borders! 』

"Thousands of Blood Books, I beg Master Bao to release the pager 3.0 quickly. From now on, you can throw away your mobile phone and computer. We want to watch the live broadcast of the auction!" 』

"Well, of course Master Bao has it!"

Zhang Xibao thought of the golden invitation that Qian Dafu gave him, and smiled slightly: "Master Bao is so fond of fans, if you want to be healthy, I will definitely give you well!"

"Bao Ye is very brave! 』

"Baoye yyds! 』

"The auction is starting, Master Bao must remember to poke me, I will definitely bring a small bench to watch in the live broadcast room!" 』

"+1, +1, +1..."

Zhang Xibao interacted for a while, and then began to appraise treasures again. As the barrage said, it is not easy to meet a real rare treasure. [Sharma] is Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway, and there are three of the four rare treasures. Priceless.

"The last one is connected, friends, guess if you can find a good product?"

Zhang Xibao held a fun poll in the live broadcast room, allowing friends to bet on whether there is a real product or not. Those who guess correctly will have a chance to draw a wave of prizes. The prizes include Qingqi Pager 2.0, "Tiger Bone Wine" and talismans .

"I don't expect good products anymore, thank God if I can get a real product!" 』

"Come on, friends! I voted for yes, and asked my brother to vote for it, which lowered the winning rate! 』

"Then let me reveal the answer!"

Zhang Xibao clicked to connect, and the connection was successful. A friend named [Gesang Huahai] came to the live broadcast room.

"Hello Baoye, hello Bao friends!"

This Baoyou has a simple and honest appearance, wearing a leather jacket, and the left and right cheeks are each smeared with plateau red. It is obvious that this is a brother of a different race.

"My dear friend, what do you want to identify?" Zhang Xibao waved his hand in greeting.

Baoyou smiled innocently, showing his white teeth. He stretched out his hand and showed everyone a handful of blue gems.

"Well, this is a low-grade spirit stone, dear friend, one piece can be worth tens of thousands of yuan!" Zhang Xibao replied bluntly.

Someone on the barrage asked:

"Is this considered yes or no? Which side of the vote won? 』

"no! This spirit stone is not considered a rare treasure, and it is still a low-grade spirit stone! 』

"I think there is, and the spirit stone is the raw material of the rare treasure, it's a real thing!" 』

"Okay, okay, everyone don't make noise..."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Double the reward again, and the treasure friends on both sides can draw a lottery, this is the head office!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became lively again, Zhang Xibao was busy drawing prizes, and didn't notice that Baoyou [Gesang Huahai]'s connection was not disconnected...


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