Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 275 Misunderstanding Into A Mysterious Foreign Land

"Baoyou, do you still have treasures to learn?"

After Zhang Xibao drew the prize, he returned to the interface and saw [Gesang Huahai] still smiling and looking at the camera.

Facing the camera, the little brother nodded, smiled shyly, and replied: "There is a story to tell."

"Well, then tell your story!" Zhang Xibao made a listening gesture and asked the little brother to tell.

"I got these pieces of things called spirit stones from a mysterious place."

[Gesang Flower Sea] Falling into memory.

"It was not yet dawn that day, and I was driving the cattle to the plain. The dog barked suddenly, and there was a thunderclap. The cattle were frightened and began to run away. I rode my beloved pony and the black lion to chase the cattle together. Oh, The black lion is my dog..."

The audience in front of the camera smiled, they were all infected by the story told by the little brother, and listened with all ears, the barrage was much less for a while.

"It took me a lot of effort to gather the cows together, and it took me a long time to count them carefully. There were only 99 cows, and one was missing..."

A barrage suddenly asked:

"Bridge bean sack, how many cows?" 』

『Ninety-nine, mommy, brother, do you still need cow herding babies? 』

"One person herds 100 cows? I do not believe……"

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't interrupt the little brother, let him continue talking. 』

[Gesang Huahai] Continue to talk:

"After gathering the cattle, I rode a horse to look for the lonely cattle. By the way, I wanted to check the cause of the cattle running. With the black lion leading the way, I could find the lonely cattle every time, and then I Arrived at a particularly mysterious place, like the foreign land mentioned on the Internet..."

At this moment, Zhang Xibao interjected and asked, "How do you know you've arrived at a mysterious place? Can you describe in detail what that place looks like?"

The little brother fell silent for a while, trying to recall the scene of that day.

"Well, that place is also full of grass, but the color of the grass is black, and it is taller than the grass on my home, and the shape of the leaves is different. The grass blades are like braids. Some leaves have sharp edges and are small. The legs of the horse were cut open, which I found out later..."

"Also, the sky is different. The sky is not blue. Although it was not yet dawn on the plain at that time, the color of the sky is black. In the distance on the plain, there is a red line reflected by the sun. The sky in the place I have been to is broken. , like the dark gray of a cloudy sky, with a bright strip of light in the very center of the sky..."

The little brother's Daxia language is not particularly fluent, and he is trying his best to express that the mysterious place he has been to is different from the one in his hometown.

Zhang Xibao is also thinking hard, there is no gate of alien world in the place where the younger brother is, and according to the description of the younger brother, there is no other sky in Great Xia that looks like that.

Seeing that Master Bao didn't make a sound, [Gesang Huahai] continued:

"I was riding a horse, but the black lion disappeared, so I had to search aimlessly, and then I was surrounded by people..."

The barrage suddenly increased:

"Wait, wait, man? 』

"Blind student, you have discovered Huadian, and you have never found anyone in a foreign land!" 』

"Unexpectedly, you little brother with thick eyebrows and big eyes can also deceive people!" 』

Seeing the skeptical barrage from the audience, [Gesang Huahai] quickly waved his hands and explained: "No, I'm not lying, it's really human, the clothes those people wear are different from mine, they wear black armor!"

"It's okay, little brother, you can continue!" Zhang Xibao frowned.

The little brother continued:

"Those people surrounded me, saying that I disturbed their hunting, and wanted to capture me and feed them to strange beasts. Then the black lion appeared and dragged a big toad in its mouth. The toad was as big as a carriage. I Seeing that the toad still has the hoof in its mouth, it killed my cow!"

"Those people were frightened by the black lion. When they found out that I was the owner of the black lion, they said they wanted to take the toad's body away. Even if they were cleared, they could let me go. Then they were very interested in my flashlight, so they used this Swap the blue stone for my flashlight..."

[Gesang Huahai] Spread your hands: "I'm done."

"It's as if it's true..."

"Wait, I'm still a little confused, the toad is as big as the carriage, and the black lion killed the toad, Baoyou, can you show us your dog?" 』


【Gesang Huahai】Nodded, picked up the phone and left the room. It was getting late and the screen was dark.

"The black lion should be sleeping in its den. I'll take a picture with a flashlight, so don't ask it to come out..."

As he said that, the little brother turned on the flashlight and shook it towards Curry, a wooden warehouse. In the dark warehouse, Curry lit up two pairs of green pupils as big as headlights.

Well, Wang!

The black lion raised its head and let out a low growl.

"Oh my god, is this Baoyou's dog? This is bigger than a lion! 』

"The black lion stands four meters high, no wonder it can hold 100 cows. Compared with dogs, cows are just pocket calves..."

"Is this a strange beast?" This must be a mutant beast! 』

The little brother scratched his head and replied: "Anyway, the black lion is getting bigger and bigger, and it is also eating more and more. The black dragon in the city will send people to my pasture, saying that it is best to let them kill the black lion. Take it away, to avoid danger, you can give me a subsidy of 100,000 points, but I can't bear it, the black lion is like my brother..."

Zhang Xibao thought for a while before answering: "You can contact the Black Dragon Club again. A black lion with a body size can eat a cow at a meal, right? How many days will your 100 cows be enough for it to eat? You can ask the black lion to join the Black Dragon Club." In this way, it can be sent out on missions at ordinary times, and with some research, the Black Dragon Society can provide it with food and the treasure pills it needs to evolve..."

The little brother was a little moved by Master Bao's words, and he nodded: "Okay Master Bao, I will contact the Black Dragon Club again. After all, the black lion can play a greater role than herding cattle every day..."

"The black lion is really the best friend of mankind, and the spirit of my brother is also very touching. 』

"If the story told by the little brother is true, does it indicate that Daxia has discovered a foreign land with human beings for the first time? 』

"You didn't report this to the Black Dragon Association?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

The little brother replied: "I told you, but I took them to look for it several times and couldn't find it!"

"Is that so..." Zhang Xibao fell silent.

"Okay, thank you for the story shared by this treasure friend. If there is any news in the future, I will tell you in the live broadcast room to satisfy everyone's curiosity..."

Zhang Xibao waved goodbye to his little brother, and said goodbye to the tens of millions of fans and viewers in the live broadcast room, and then closed the live broadcast room.

"Is it a foreign land in Tibet City..."

"There is a foreign world of human beings..."

Zhang Xibao took out his mobile phone, called up the map near Tibet City, and squinted his eyes to look at it.


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