Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 277 Snow Mountain Border

Camellia oleifera, finger meat, tsampa...Zhang Xibao and Kui Mulang were warmly received by Tashi, and the three settled on the ownership of the black lion in the dining room.

"Bao Ye, come and play often when you have time!"

The Black Lion has a belonging, and he has become a member of the Black Dragon Club. Tashi was very happy, and gave a farewell to Zhang Xibao and the others when they left.

Zhang Xibao and Kui Mulang left the pasture and came to a remote place. The phoenix soared into the sky and flew towards the border of the snow mountain where the West White Tiger was stationed.

"Now, the mask can be replaced..." Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to wipe it, but Kui Mulang hesitated to speak.

"Speak up if you have something to say..." Zhang Xibao glanced at Kui Mulang.

Kui Mulang praised sincerely: "Ah, Mr. Dark Saint, your mask... is very convenient!"

Doesn't this wooden lump have some gorgeous flattering vocabulary in his head? Zhang Xibao fell silent.

As the phoenix flew all the way, the ground below changed from green to gray to white, and the temperature dropped a lot. The two of them took out cold-proof clothes from the space treasure and changed into them.

"It's almost here..." Kui Mulang reminded.

Zhang Xibao squinted and saw a black defense line winding like a long snake on the white ground. The phoenix swooped down, and the members of the Black Dragon Society standing guard on the defense line noticed the abnormality in the sky.

There was a piercing signal sound, and I don't know how many anti-air magic circle weapons and talisman weapons were aiming at them. It seemed that they had received an order. Zhang Xibao felt that all the threats against the Phoenix had disappeared.

At this moment, he suddenly understood a truth.

Personal bravery is important, but the steadfast backing is always the humble people who make it up.

The Celestial Azure Dragon is very powerful, but without the members of the Black Dragon Society who operate as precisely as parts, he can't protect Daxia by himself.

It is always more difficult to protect something than to destroy it.

As for the "immortals" above the heavenly ranks? As long as it has a blood bar, it cannot escape this law after all.

At this time, Xi Baihu was dressed in white, standing silently in the snow, looking up at the flying golden phoenix, with some surprise in his eyes.

When the phoenix landed, Zhang Xibao, who was dressed in black, jumped down and asked from a distance, "Meet you again!"

"I didn't expect that the person Qinglong said was really you."

Xi Baihu stretched out his hand: "Welcome Dark Saint to the border of Snow Mountain."

The two hands were tightly held together. From this moment, any grievances and grievances disappeared, and everyone became brothers and sisters, and they were the backs that could be trusted by each other.

"San Shui Yuan." It was a short-haired girl who spoke.

"Lou Jingou." A young man wearing glasses introduced himself.

"Stomach pheasant." This is a woman wearing a mask, who seems to be a dark place.

"Pleiades Chicken."

"Bi Yuewu."

These two stars are twins.

"Welcome Lord Dark Saint!"

The stars who came to welcome them shouted in unison.

Zhang Xibao looked around the crowd and replied, "Hi, thank you!"

"Kui Mulang is in charge of the dark saint's logistics, and the others return to their respective positions. I will take you to familiarize yourself first!"

The first half of the sentence is an order to the stars present, and the second half is to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao nodded, followed Xi Baihu's footsteps, and walked towards the interior of the base.

"Before departure, Qinglong has sent me the information of the relevant personnel, you can make some additions."

The two walked and chatted.

Xibaihu introduced the various weapon configurations inside the base, talked about the functions of the various divisions of the base, and finally pointed to the snow peak in the south and said: "The snow lotus that breeds the rare treasure seeds is on the top of the mountain, and on the other side of the mountain is stationed the people from the Peacock Kingdom." people."

Zhang Xibao raised his eyes to look towards the top of the mountain, and a large multicolored glow appeared in Tongtian Tong's perspective.

"Is the supernatural powers induced by the rare treasure seeds bred by snow lotus all of one type, or all kinds of supernatural powers?" Zhang Xibao has long been curious about this question.

Xi Baihu replied: "The preliminary judgment should be five types of abilities. Have you noticed that the abilities produced by the person with the ability can't be separated from the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and even those strange abilities can only be traced back to the variants of the five elements. "

"Well, what you said makes a lot of sense." Zhang Xibao recalled it carefully, and found that it was really the case.

Fearing that Zhang Xibao might not be able to see the layout of the border, the location of the snow lotus, and the layout of the Peacock Kingdom, Xi Baihu led him to the war room, where there was a clear three-dimensional map on the big screen.

Zhang Xibao carefully studied the map, and asked about the location of each vital point, then turned his head and asked, "Does the snow lotus have an exact maturity date?"

"The maturity time of the strange treasure seeds cannot be accurately estimated, nor can it be accelerated. These things are very mysterious. We can only roughly estimate the maturity time. Within a week, there is a 80% chance that the snow lotus will mature!"

Xi Baihu answered Zhang Xibao's questions in detail.

Sharpening knives is not the same as chopping firewood, this snow mountain border is a real place of war, no matter how cautious Zhang Xibao is, he can't be too cautious.

Passing through the black line of defense, a snow lotus the size of a washbasin is growing on the peak of the nearly 9,000-meter snow-capped mountain. , yellow, blue, blue, brown five colors.

With the snow lotus as the center, there is a huge inactive magic circle, which was arranged by the black dragon as soon as it discovered the existence of the snow lotus.

Outside the magic circle, on the side close to the Peacock Kingdom, there are countless powerful talisman landmines buried under the ice and snow.

The Peacock Kingdom is not to be outdone, and has built dense array towers on the side of the snow mountain. Once these array towers are activated, they are enough to level the entire mountain top.

Across the high mountain, in a white base, a ferocious humanoid beast is exercising.

This beast has a body more than three meters high, bronze-colored skin, big knotted muscles, and a gray elephant head.

The hair on the head has all disappeared, the two red eyes are like copper bells, and the most striking thing is the two razor-like long teeth.

Gu Popa, the most powerful person in the Peacock Kingdom.

The barbell the size of a millstone was made of fine gold exported from the beautiful country, and it was extremely dense, with a small piece weighing dozens of tons.

Gu Popa was exercising standing on the reinforced floor, he lifted and lowered the tens of tons of dumbbells easily, the floor creaked and moaned, and beads of sweat rolled down his big bald head.

"Well, I'm hungry..."

"Where's my food?!"

Gu Popa roared, and immediately two teams of chefs came up with food.

One team carried all kinds of fruits produced in foreign lands, and the other team carried roasted large pieces of exotic animal meat.


Gu Papa gulped down the fruit and roasted meat, the meat crumbs mixed with the juice slipped from his teeth, the cooks hurriedly backed away, fearing that Gu Papa would swallow himself in a hurry.

Gu Popa ate up hundreds of catties of food like a storm, and a supernatural person ran in to report: "My lord, the reinforcements sent by Lord Sharma are here..."

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