Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 278 Meat Bun Beating Qilin

"Let them in!" Gu Popa waved his hand, took a towel from the shelf, and wiped the food residue on his hands.

Two supernatural beings wearing black cloaks came in. Gu Popa was obviously no stranger to them, and threw three huge cushions on them: "Sit whatever you want, I don't like being so formal."

Gu Popa sat on the cushion by herself, buttoned her bald head, stared at her eyes like copper bells and asked, "Why did that guy Sharma send you here? I can deal with that little Xibaihu girl alone."

The two supernatural beings lifted their cloaks, revealing their true faces.

On the left is a dark and skinny old man, holding a string of colorful beads in his hand, his eyelids drooping, and he keeps silent.

The supernatural being on the right has a woman's body, but the head is that of an owl, and the black feathers are covered with ornaments made of high-grade spirit stones.

The owl woman replied: "Master Sharma sacrificed the eyes placed in the Black Dragon Society in exchange for an important piece of news. The Fifth Dark Saint of Da Xia has sneaked into the border of the Snow Mountain secretly. If we don't come, you will have to deal with the Western White Tiger alone." With a pseudo-celestial rank..."

"Pseudo-heavenly rank? Hehe..."

Gu Popa looked at the old monk, and then at the owl woman: "Can you and the old monkey deal with the Heaven Rank?"

The owl woman said again: "My ability can not kill him or seriously injure him. Besides, we are just scouting the way... Lord Sharma is sure to get the snow lotus seeds, and he has found another reinforcement for you."

"Reinforcements? How can he have reinforcements above Earth-level Grade A?"

Gu Popa was a little disdainful: "If Sharma is willing to give me the Sand Spring Gold Rod, I can also hit the Heavenly Rank!"

"Shaquan is not powerful enough in the snow. You should know that I can't reveal the identity of the reinforcements for the time being. When he comes, I hope you won't be surprised..."

The owl woman and the old monk stood up and glanced at Gu Popa: "I'm going to deal with that dark saint tonight. I hope you can prepare a quiet environment for me to draw the magic circle."

The place chosen by the owl woman and the old monk was in a huge and empty warehouse. The huge magic circle was arranged by the old monk, and the owl woman sat cross-legged in the center of the magic circle.

There was a circle of candles around the outermost circle of the magic circle, and the old monk lit one candle after another. He seemed unable to speak, and nodded to the woman, indicating that the magic circle was completed.

The owl woman closed her eyes, lay down, and said, "Darkness has covered the earth, and I'm about to start."

The dimly lit warehouse was silent, and the old monk in meditation and the bird-headed woman lying down made the environment a little weird.

There is no moon tonight, and there is a cold and dry wind blowing in the darkness. Taking a deep breath, one's lungs are about to freeze.

Kui Mulang was afraid that Lord Ansheng would not be used to the cold here when he first came to the snow-capped border, so he arranged for him a house as warm as spring. Although the facilities in it were not luxurious, they were quite complete.

After Zhang Xibao finished washing, he lay comfortably on the bed. He and Xi Baihu discussed riding a phoenix to the top of the peak tomorrow, so that Chinchilla or Shuling could feel the exact time when the snow lotus matured.


Zhang Xibao turned off the light, and it was pitch black outside the hanging window. The sound insulation effect of the room was good, and the weeping wind could not be heard.

The Chinchilla lay quietly beside the pillow, Zhang Xibao's eyes gleamed in the darkness, maybe he was a little sleepy, it took Zhang Xibao a while to slowly fall asleep.

In the darkness, there was a darker spirit hovering. For some reason, the base's defense circle did not respond. The spirit successfully invaded the interior of the base.

The codename of the owl woman is Xiao, and her ability is to kill people in dreams.

From Xiao Xiao's perspective, everyone's appearance is blurred, but she can judge the target according to the strength of Qing Qi.

There are two people with the highest clean energy intensity in the entire base. The color of Xibaihu is scarlet, which is because she has practiced violent skills, and the other most dazzling light source is golden. Xiao thinks that this person should be the fifth darkest person. Holy no doubt.

Xiao Xiao flew straight towards Zhang Xibao's room, passed through many walls, not only did the defensive magic circle fail to take effect, even the always vigilant Chinchilla didn't notice her.

Xiao successfully flew into Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness, and she came to assassinate the dark sage with the determination to die, even if she couldn't kill the target, she had to do her best to seriously injure the target!

The moment Xiao entered the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhang Xibao suddenly opened his eyes, smiled strangely, and muttered to himself: "Don't you know that Master Bao killed someone in his dream? How dare you come to deliver food!"

Zhang Xibao suddenly closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep. The black tattoo quickly crawled all over his body. This time it was not a curse, but a protection mechanism.

Inside the Demon King's Castle.

"Another guest?"

Zhang Xibao chuckled, and saw a strange spirit body stepping under Heijia General's feet. The spirit body had the graceful body of a woman, but its head was a huge bird's head.


Sitting on the throne, Zhang Xibao waved his hands: "As usual, let's try her first!"

The eight bosses were dispatched together, each showing their special abilities, Xiao Xiao only persisted for less than an hour before revealing the whole plan.

"Hey, it's really not good, you are not as good as a priest?"

Speaking of the priest, Zhang Xibao glanced at the shivering shadow in the corner.

Ever since the priest was manipulated by Zhang Xibao and studied by Zhan Nian, he became a kind of puppet similar to a guardian spirit. The owl invaded Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness, and unfortunately entered the Demon King's Fort at the first stop. It was the priest's credit .

"Gu Popa really has a connection with Sharma. Sharma plans to split the accounts with the supernatural beings in the beautiful country, right? The supernatural beings are still a heavenly rank. It seems that it is a bit difficult to capture the snow lotus seeds this time. Going back will cost Qinglong a lot of merit points!"

"That beautiful country-level power user code-named Holy Son? Well, contact Qinglong tomorrow to find out about this person!"

The eight bosses dragged Xiao Xiao's spirit body down, Zhang Xibao hooked his hands, and the priest flew over, lying at Zhang Xibao's feet trembling.

"Your chance to make meritorious service has come..."

Zhang Xibao smiled slightly at the priest.

at the same time.

In a dark warehouse.

Puff puff!

The candles around the magic circle were extinguished one after another, and the old monk who was in meditation suddenly woke up and looked at the magic circle in panic.

If all the candles in a circle are extinguished, it means the owl is dead.

The old monk started rubbing colorful rosary beads, trying hard to keep the last candle burning.

A black spirit body quickly flew into Xiao Xiao's body, and Xiao Xiao lay on the ground and twitched like a zombie.

The old monk put his hands on Xiao Xiao's chest and abdomen, and sent a large amount of fresh air to Xiao Xiao's body, hoping to hang her life.

Suddenly, Xiao's eyes opened, and a pair of emotionless eyes became completely black.

" are not an owl!"

The old monk, who had been silent all this time, was so surprised that he uttered the first sentence in decades, and it was also the last sentence in his life.


Xiao suddenly poked five fingers out into the old monk's chest, crushing the living heart.

The priest who took over Xiao's body also took over Xiao's memory. He first gathered the rosary in the old monk's hand and the space treasure on his body, and then lit the old monk with a strange fire spell.

The flames blazed, and the entire warehouse was engulfed in flames.

Gu Popa rushed over after hearing the news, and met the priest who was controlling the owl.

"What's going on?!" Gu Popa asked.

Xiao said without emotion: "The action failed, Sand Ape (old monk) was backlashed by the magic circle and died."

"Ha ha……"

Gu Popa laughed and said, "I knew you two were unreliable, so clean up and get out!"

"it is good……"

Xiao turned around and left. As a loser, she had no right to refute.

It is unrealistic to backstab ancient Popa or the heavenly son.

Therefore, Zhang Xibao assigned the mission to the priest to get close to Sharma!

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