Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 279 The Son And The Twelve Apostles

Xiao's attack in the middle of the night did not respond to the base's defensive circle. Fortunately, this guy chose to attack Zhang Xibao instead of anyone else, otherwise she might have succeeded.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xibao told Xi Baihu about this matter. Xi Baihu was taken aback, and thoroughly checked the magic circle in the base, and found that the magic circle was indeed invaded by the opponent.

"Don't panic, the assassin has been dealt with by me. Her ability is unique. It is impossible for the other party to have a large number of assassins with such abilities. Otherwise, there would have been casualties in the base long ago. They are coming for me..."

Borrowing the secret connection with the priest, Zhang Xibao knew that the priest had already left Gupopa's base with Xiao's body on his back. He smiled: "It's not rude to come here, the other party has already shot first, so how can I?" I have to give you an answer..."

Originally, Zhang Xibao's plan was to visit the snow lotus on the top of the peak, but now he decided to go to Gupopa's base to do something.

The news from Qinglong came.

The so-called holy son of the beautiful country was originally named Martin, a celestial-level supernatural being, and his specific rank is unknown. It is said that he is currently the strongest supernatural being in the beautiful country, the owner of the holy skeleton, and has twelve disciples under his seat. It ranges from Xuan Tier A to Di Tier A.

"The Holy Son and the Twelve Apostles, it's kind of like that..."

Zhang Xibao pinched his chin and pondered for a while, thinking about it.

He found Xibaihu and told his plan. Xibaihu was silent for a moment and said, "You want to impersonate the Holy Son? Who will play the role of the twelve disciples? It's too risky. I am also responsible for your life!"

Zhang Xibao smiled strangely: "Well, you don't have to worry about the twelve disciples. I have my own way. Is there any extra flesh and blood of alien beasts in the base? Don't the seeds of alien treasures mature within a week? Leave enough rations for a week. Give me all the flesh and blood of the alien beasts!"

Zhang Xibao insisted on his plan, but Xi Baihu couldn't resist him, so he had to prepare the flesh and blood of the alien beast as required.

With enough rations for a week, Xibaihu got Zhang Xibao half a warehouse full of alien meat. Zhang Xibao packed the alien meat into Tongtian Treasure House and left the base alone.

When they arrived at a remote place, Zhang Xibao disassembled boxes of the flesh and blood of alien animals, piled them into piles, and called Fang Rui out.

"Come on baby, open up and eat today!"

Fang Rui returned to his original form, lying on the flesh like a transparent slime and began to devour it, watching his size gradually increase.

Under Zhang Xibao's deliberate control, Fang Rui began to divide into clones one after another, and there were twelve Fang Ruis in total!

Zhang Xibao took out the Flame Crow Flag and let the Crow King Xiaoni out.

"Xiao Ni, pick out eleven clever little crows, let's do something big today!"

Little Ni quacked, and eleven big fiery crows flew out from the Flame Crow Flag. These eleven guys were Xiao Ni's favorite personal guards. There are a lot of other flame crows.


With a wave of Zhang Xibao's hand, twelve clones of Fang Rui attached to Little Ni and Little Crow, and the twelve Flame Crows began to deform, gradually changing into human appearances.

"Suit up!"

Zhang Xibao took out a bunch of black cloaks, and the crow boys put on their clothes one after another, and twelve cloaked men appeared in front of Zhang Xibao.

"Hey, aren't these the twelve disciples!"

"It's up to me next..."

Zhang Xibao's size is not a big problem, mainly the head. According to the information, Saint Son Martin is a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes, and he is also a winged supernatural being.

Fang Rui's body began to transform. Zhang Xibao looked in the mirror and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Set off!"

With Zhang Xibao's order, a pair of snow-white wings extended from his back, and the backs of the cloaks of the twelve little crows also began to tear, and huge wings grew out one after another.

Xiao Ni's wings are dark gold, and the crows' wings are fiery red. The lineup looks extremely luxurious.

The "thirteen people" flapped their wings and flew towards the Peacock Kingdom base on the side of the snow mountain.

"Pretend that the time is up, let's see if this operation can scare Gu Popa!"

Buzz buzz!

When Zhang Xibao led the Twelve Crows to approach Gu Popa's base, the rows of formation towers had a chain reaction, one after another red formations appeared out of thin air, as if in the next second, Zhang Xibao and the others in mid-air would be attacked. Focus fire attack.

"Unfamiliar supernatural beings, stop approaching immediately! 』

The base did not launch an attack immediately, but issued a warning.

"Don't panic, keep flying!"

Zhang Xibao gave an order, and the Twelve Crows flew in formation behind him, continuing to approach the base.


A magic formation tower standing in the front shot out a blood-red sword light, and the sword light was extremely fast, stabbing towards Zhang Xibao.


Zhang Xibao snorted coldly, "Tiger Lord Nengmian" activated the first supernatural shield, and a huge blue light shield appeared out of thin air in front of him, blocking the blood-red sword light.

Afterwards, without Zhang Xibao's action, Xiao Ni, who was the No. 1 dog leg, took the lead in attacking, and a rocket blasted the formation tower into pieces.

Gu Popa rushed out from the base, looked up at Zhang Xibao who was in mid-air, with a bit of anger on his face, he had never seen a superhuman who dared to be so arrogant in front of him!

Before Gu Popa could open his mouth, Zhang Xibao preemptively asked, "Is this how you people from the Peacock Kingdom treat their allies?"

Zhang Xibao took off his hood, revealing his long blond hair, his blue eyes drooping, and he stared down at Gu Popa who was on the ground, while the Twelve Crows behind him had a chilling atmosphere, as if he would strike out if he disagreed with him.

What you destroyed was just a small magic circle tower, and a few low-level guards died, but what I lost was my majesty!

This is the style of the beautiful country!

Sure enough, Gu Popa was bluffed, and she was taken aback for a while.

Looking up at the thirteen supernatural beings floating in the sky, Gu Popa's tongue became dry for a while.

Gu Popa is the most powerful person in the Peacock Kingdom, and he has the combat power of the first-level earth rank, but the rank of the man in the sky seems to be the rank of the sky, even the twelve younger brothers behind him have the rank of the earth rank The aura of the beautiful country is Martin, the son of the beautiful country!

Gu Popa shouted loudly: "Welcome to the Holy Son, it was a complete misunderstanding just now, please go to the base to explain!"


Zhang Xibao snorted coldly, his figure slowly descended, and landed in front of Gu Popa, and the twelve crows followed him silently.

"lead the way!"

Zhang Xibao was not polite, but the more rude he was, the more respectful Gu Popa would be.

"this way please!"

Gu Popa's huge body was thumping in front of him.

A group of people walked towards the interior of the base.

In this way, Zhang Xibao successfully broke into the enemy's interior, and the enemy leader, Gu Popa, personally led the way...

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