Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 281 Snow Lotus Is Ripe

The array tower of a line of defense was destroyed.

The energy pool of the base was bombed to pieces.

Nearly a thousand top-grade spirit stones disappeared.

Gu Popa's combat strength was damaged, and Saint Martin suffered internal injuries.

Zhang Xibao laughed wildly, leading a group of squawking flame crows away.

Gu Popa held her buttocks and hesitated to speak, but Saint Martin spoke first: "Shut up, idiot, I don't want to talk to you!"

The disciples found a communication line in the remaining base building, and Martin connected to Sharma's video.

On the screen, Sharma asked with a smile, "Has Mr. Martin arrived at the base yet?"

Martin looked angry, allowing Sharma to see the flames and ruins behind him clearly: "Look at what your subordinates have done. He put the enemy into the base, and the base exploded!"


Sharma's face changed drastically, and she yelled at Gu Popa behind Martin: "I'm going to cut off your nose and turn you into a real stupid pig!"

"Save your saliva!"

Martin sneered: "I'll talk about the matter between you and your subordinates later, let's talk about the covenant first! I want 80% of the rare treasure seeds!"

"What? Eighty percent!"

Sharma yelled, "Mr. Martin, you are more greedy than a poisonous snake in the desert!"

"This is the price you should pay!"

Son Martin pointed to Sharma on the screen: "Either agree, or I destroy the top of the mountain, and none of our three families will get it!"

Sharma hesitated, he thought for a moment, and agreed: "Okay, it's probably 80%!"

The video communication was hung up with a snap, and both parties were simmering with anger.

After finishing the communication, Martin didn't even look at Gu Popa, and led the twelve disciples on his own, found a flat place, and started to set up the tent.

Gu Popa's face was sometimes tense and sometimes angry. He knew how much his carelessness had caused Sharma a loss. If he didn't behave well in the future, Sharma would never let him go back.

"Rush to repair the magic circle tower, if we can't get the rare treasure seeds, we don't have to go back!"

Gu Popa turned grief and anger into strength, and began to direct his subordinates to put out the fire and rush to repair the array tower.

Zhang Xibao was in a good mood, and flew back to the snow-capped mountain border with his wings fluttering.

"You blew up Gubapa's base?"

Xi Baihu looked at Zhang Xibao with a strange expression, she seemed to know why Qinglong sent Zhang Xibao to the snow mountain border.

This guy is a disaster, wherever he goes, he will suffer!

Zhang Xibao chuckled: "I not only blew up his base, but also stabbed him with a stick, and his combat power dropped by at least 30%!"

"Okay, our chances of winning the rare treasure seeds are great again!" Kui Mulang smiled innocently.

"Don't be too happy, Martin, the heavenly son of the beautiful country, is here. He still has twelve disciples under him. When the rare treasure seeds mature, there is still a tough battle to fight!" Zhang Xibao reminded.

Xibaihu's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Previously, it was predicted that the mature time of the snow lotus would be within a week, but Zhang Xibao worked in Gupopa's base for two days, that is to say, within three days, the exotic treasure seeds will mature!

The stars on the border of the snow mountain are observing the peak of the snow mountain day and night. There must be visions when the rare treasure seeds mature, especially this snow lotus that has bred thousands of rare treasure seeds.

In the middle of the night of the third day, colorful rays of light suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, and the signal of assembly resounded across the border of the snow mountain in an instant.

Zhang Xibao, Xibaihu, and Xingxiu assembled and ran towards the top of the mountain. Ordinary superhuman warriors carried the Flametongue heavy machine gun and the Moya 4 cannon newly developed by the Blue Dragon Society and ran towards the commanding heights. The talisman bomb on the side of the snow mountain.

Phoenix carried Zhang Xibao and Xibaihu on its back, and Xingxiu had the help of Flame Crow, and the group of eight moved quickly.

On the other side of the mountain, Saint Martin and the Twelve Apostles took off with wings, and Gubapa directly formed a team of armed helicopters to follow Martin.

Gu Popa's face was as cold as ice, the thick ammunition belt was wrapped around his upper body, and the heavy machine gun was rattling as he pinched it. He wanted to see that hateful dark saint again to avenge his shame!

Two groups of people on both sides of the mountain faced each other from a distance, and in the middle was a mature snow lotus that was shining with colorful light.

"Kill the ancient Popa, seize the snow lotus, brothers rush!"

Zhang Xibao shouted, and the battle ignited instantly.

chug chug...

I don't know who fired the first shot. The heavy machine guns on the commanding heights on both sides of the mountain began to spit out bullets. The sound made Zhang Xibao's heart beat faster.

An armed plane on Gupopa's side exploded instantly, and the wreckage fell in flames.

The holy son Martin didn't care about the life and death of Gu Papa and the others, the twelve disciples formed a magic shield, guarding Martin and flying towards the snow lotus.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Gu Popa roared and pulled the trigger, the bullets with sparks seemed to be connected into a line of fire.

"Everyone move closer to me!"

Zhang Xibao stood on the back of the phoenix, the blue magic shield of "Tiger Lord Nengmian" resisting the strings of talisman bullets. He took out the Dragon Tongue Bow from the Tongtian Treasure House, intending to knock out the armed machine carrying the ancient Popa first.

This was the first time Zhang Xibao used the Dragon Tongue Big Bow at a supernatural being. Zhang Xibao pulled the string and body of the bow made of dragon carp whiskers into a full moon, and the arrows of the Dragon Tongue gleamed coldly under the firelight.


There was a bang.

The transparent air was torn apart, and the Dragon Tongue Arrow pulled out a glowing line in the dark night, instantly blasting the armed aircraft in mid-air.

A black shadow jumped from the armed plane, and it was unknown whether Gu Popa was dead or not.

"Definitely not dead, give him to me, the stars are at the disposal of the Dark Sage!"

Xibaihu voluntarily jumped off Phoenix's back, and ran towards the direction where Gupopa fell in the darkness.

"Be careful!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, but he didn't know if Xi Baihu heard it or not.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Saint Martin who was in the air.

"Did I let you do it?"

Zhang Xibao sneered, drew his bow and arrow, this time all three arrows were fired!



The three dragon tongue arrows let out a deafening roar, and three rays of light visible to the naked eye hit the blue magic shield composed of the twelve disciples.


The sound of the magic shield breaking was like thunder.

"Fuck them!"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the twelve disciples: "Shoulder to shoulder, there is no need to talk about morals!"

Kui Mulang and other stars responded in unison: "Yes!"

Zhang Xibao turned around in surprise: "I knocked, I forgot you, I'm talking about my younger brothers..."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Ni and the twelve disciples pretended to be the crows, and thousands of flame crows squawked and rushed towards the disciples.

Although there are ground-level masters among the disciples, there are so many flame crows, and Xiaoni and his crow's leg guards are all at the ground level with the blessing of Fang Rui's avatar!

The rockets sprayed by the flame crows were overwhelming, with great visual effects, and the twelve disciples were like straw men in a straw boat borrowing arrows.

"Formation, formation!" the first disciple shouted.

Martin took out the flaming great sword again. This thing is a sacred weapon of the beautiful country, but the sword energy it slashes can damage within the range of spells. If he doesn't stop him, the flame crows may suffer casualties.

Zhang Xibao took out a thorn stick and yelled: "Little thief, your opponent is me!"

As expected, Saint Son Martin was attracted to Zhang Xibao with a grinning grin.

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