
Zhang Xibao didn't hide, he stretched out the thorn stick to catch the sword energy.

It would be a big joke if the heaven-grade tribulus stick collapsed because of this sword energy!

The sword energy was divided into two by the thorn stick, and the aftermath of the flame stuck to the corner of Zhang Xibao's clothes. The black dragon society's special magic robe was actually ignited, but Zhang Xibao himself was unscathed!

Zhang Xibao provocatively said: "Knowing Lord Qilin is cold, so you got me a small flame to keep me warm?"

Martin was a little surprised. The Dark Saint didn't dodge the sword, but took it. Although he didn't use all his strength...

"You think you're the only one who can play with fire?"

With a bang, the Pastoral Tribulus stick was covered with a layer of strange fire.

"The glory of fire, right? Come on, come on, my stick is called Happy Stick, eat my stick first!"

Zhang Xibao imitated Martin's moves, and swung out a roaring fire dragon in a courteous manner.

Martin didn't accept this move, but turned his head and flew towards Snow Lotus.

Xuelian is the first target!

"Not satisfied?"

"Not satisfied with me, there are better ones!"

Zhang Xibao took out the flaming heavy machine gun and fired.

Thousands of talisman bullets poured out in a few seconds, and the barrage rained down on Martin's back.


Martin let out a low growl, and the snow-white wings suddenly doubled in size, completely covering his body.

The talisman bullets ping-pong-pong-pong hit the pair of pure white wings, hitting dazzling sparks. These wings are actually harder than the magic shield!

"These wings are not original at first glance, they must be the ones from the immortal slough..." Zhang Xibao muttered.

Although the talisman bullets from the Huo Tongue heavy machine gun could not hurt Martin, it greatly slowed down his speed towards the top of the mountain.

Zhang Xibao's goal is to hold Martin back!

I want to ask why Zhang Xibao hangs leisurely behind Martin, not in any hurry to snatch the snow lotus?

Because no one noticed a fist-sized phantom flashing on the top of the mountain.

Long before Xibaihu jumped off Phoenix's back, Jinmaoshu ran towards the snow lotus on the top of the mountain.

Chinchilla, a little mouse, is not very powerful, but he is an expert at touching things!

With Chinchilla around, Zhang Xibao was not in a hurry, he stuck tightly behind Martin and harassed him, making Martin extremely aggrieved.

The talisman bullet hit Martin's wings and couldn't hurt Martin, but the flesh hurts!

"Hehehe, I still have dozens of talisman bullets with base numbers, let's play slowly..."

Taking advantage of the gap between Zhang Xibao's reloading, Martin spread his wings. He realized that if he didn't deal with the dark sage, he would not be able to retrieve the snow lotus smoothly.

"Then kill you first!"

With a shake of his wings, Martin's speed was as fast as lightning, and the big sword in his hand slashed straight at Zhang Xibao's neck.


The great flaming sword met the thorns of the past life, and sparks kept splashing on the two heavenly weapons.

"Hey, I've never lost a contest of strength!"

Zhang Xibao let out an angry roar, the sound was like a dragon's chant, and with the blessing of his domineering body, his fighting power surged tenfold!

Zhang Xibao pushed the thorn stick and pressed towards Martin, Martin retreated violently and hit the tip of the iceberg, a large snowfall crashed to the ground.

"There is a flaw!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and twisted it, and stacks of talisman papers emerged. These sword talismans were bought by him with a large amount of merit points before setting out on the mission.

Another ability of "Tiger King Nengmian" - talisman control.

Zhang Xibao's talismans are not as good as Zhang Laodao and Qin Jiuyuan's, but with the help of Lord Tiger, these talismans are as good as his arms!

A series of talismans are connected end to end to form a huge chain, which is the same as the move used by the priests to block the snake spirit.

The talisman chains entangled Martin, Zhang Xibao grinned: "See how you break my silky little combo!"

Martin's wings changed again, the soft feathers suddenly became firm, the edges of the feathers were as sharp as knives, and the streamlined wings cut towards the talisman chain.

Clap clap!

The talisman chain shattered inch by inch, causing Zhang Xibao a pain in the flesh, all the pieces were money!

I'm a billionaire? Oh, that's all right...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Martin laughed wildly.

"You managed to piss me off!"

The relic's wings waved towards Zhang Xibao twice like a fan, and the densely packed wing feathers flew towards Zhang Xibao, and there was a crackling sound in the air. The speed of these "hidden weapons" was faster than the speed of sound!

In a hurry, Zhang Xibao controlled the magic shield of the mask.

The magic shield shattered suddenly, and the magic shield produced by the earth-level mask couldn't stop the sloughed wings!

The wing feathers of more than ten centimeters scratched Zhang Xibao's flesh like a lancet. The moment the magic shield shattered, Fang Rui covered Zhang Xibao's vitals, so only his arms had the most wounds.

The wound was like a baby's mouth, the flesh rolled up and blood flowed out. This was the first time Zhang Xibao suffered such a serious injury...

"Mom, it hurts me to death!"

Zhang Xibao bared his teeth and grinned: "It's amazing that the slough has wings!"

Fang Rui quickly covered the wound, but the wing feathers carried a strange sword energy, and the wound could only stop the bleeding but not heal.

Zhang Xibao took out the big radish, randomly grabbed a handful of ginseng and stuffed it into his mouth, finally he felt that the wound healed a lot.

"Quack chicken! 』

The spirit ginseng screamed in pain, and the cries of ghosts and animals echoed in the snow mountain, which seemed to freeze the battlefield for a moment.

"Stop screaming, do you hurt me?"

Zhang Xibao closed the lid with a bang, and threw the small box containing the spiritual ginseng into the Tongtian Treasure House.


Seeing the spirit ginseng, Martin's eyes revealed greed, and then he looked suspiciously at the mountaintop behind him, because the breath of the snow lotus disappeared.

"The snow lotus is mine!"

Zhang Xibao showed a triumphant smile, it seemed that Chinchilla had succeeded.

Martin smiled: "I suddenly feel that snow lotus is not important, and you have a lot of good things in your hands. I feel a familiar atmosphere from you..."

The moment the wings and feathers cut through Zhang Xibao's flesh, the breath of the immortal's slough was revealed.

Martin absorbed a pair of wings and part of the torso of the holy skeleton, so he was very familiar with this breath.

"Hey, are you greedy for my body? You are lowly!"

Zhang Xibao turned around to leave, but Martin's wing feather attack came again, this time with more hidden weapons!

"Let go of the Holy Feather's attack in the second stage!"

The overwhelming wing feathers took shape behind Martin. This time the wing feathers were different from the previous ones. There was a layer of light golden light on the wing feathers, and the sword energy was even more powerful!

"Come on, if you die, you will die, and everyone will die together!"

Zhang Xibao was bloody aroused, and secretly controlled Fang Rui to protect his head, heart and other vital parts. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards Martin!

"Hehe, suicidal!"

Martin waved his wings, and the dense wing feathers rushed towards Zhang Xibao as if he had received an order.

Puff puff puff!

Chi Yu peeled off Zhang Xibao's flesh like a small knife, touching Zhang Xibao's bones.

Martin's eyes widened suddenly.

A golden light bloomed from Zhang Xibao's wound!

"what is that?"

The golden light came in an instant, Martin's blue pupils reflected the golden light, and he finally saw what it was, it was sword energy!

There is sword energy hidden in the bones!

"What the hell are you..."

The golden sword energy cut towards Martin's face, and Martin still couldn't help muttering to himself.

Boom boom boom!

The wings wrapped around Martin, and the golden sword energy chopped on the wings one by one, leaving bloodstains on the white wings.

Pieces of Bai Yu fell stained with blood.


The last sword qi chopped off a section of Martin's wing.


Martin roared, and flew staggeringly into the distance.

The invincible heavenly saint Martin has escaped!

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