Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 284 Daily Persecution Ginseng

"You know my sister?"

Tang Yinghuang was even more surprised. He didn't expect that Qilin, the Dark Saint, was still an acquaintance.

"Um, yes!" Zhang Xibao nodded.

Tang Yinghuang thought for a while, probably really couldn't figure out Zhang Xibao's identity, she suddenly asked: "What's your name, can I see your face?"

Zhang Xibao thought for a moment that his identity as the Dark Saint Qilin should not be considered a secret to the Four Saints, so he took off his mask and smiled at Tang Yinghuang: "My name is Zhang Xibao, don't tell Lin Lang and the others that I am the Dark Saint, otherwise Qinglong It will definitely explode.”

"I didn't expect you to be quite handsome..." Tang Yinghuang closed her eyelids and seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "Isn't this nonsense..."

Fenghuang headed east all the way, and it took midnight to reach the imperial capital.

The time for snow lotus to mature and fight was in the first half of the night, when the dawn dawned, the two arrived at the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club.

The members of the White Dragon Society who came to check Tang Yinghuang's injuries were a little surprised, because they found that the wounds had healed, and even some internal injuries from the battle were also improving.

"The injury is no longer serious, but the depletion of vitality caused by the White Tiger Sacred Body is difficult for a god to heal..." The president of the White Dragon Society shook his head.

The eruption of the White Tiger Eucharist will shorten the lifespan!

Zhang Xibao noticed that silver strands appeared in Tang Yinghuang's black hair.

Tang Tonghai was the first member of the Tang family to come here. The old man was in tears, complaining and distressed, and said, "Silly boy, didn't I tell you not to let go of the White Tiger Eucharist completely?"

Zhang Xibao explained for Tang Yinghuang: "If she didn't use the White Tiger Holy Body at that time, I'm afraid she would have lost her life. That guy Gu Popa turned into a four-armed demon god. You will know when his body is brought back..."

"San Nizi, don't be afraid. Grandpa will find a way to find a solution for you. It doesn't matter how much money you spend!"

Tang Tonghai already knew about the loss of life in the Holy Body of the White Tiger, so he comforted Tang Yinghuang for a while and prepared to leave.

Zhang Xibao stopped Tang Tonghai suddenly, the old man suppressed his anger and asked, "Master Ansheng, what's the matter?"

Zhang Xibao spoke after deliberation: "I seem to have the immortal grass that can prolong life..."

"You have?"

Tang Tonghai suddenly became excited: "If you can sell it to the Tang family, I will buy it for any amount!"

"Talk about the reward slowly, let's see if my solution can work!"

Zhang Xibao took a handful of ginseng roots and handed them to members of the White Dragon Society: "Combined with your existing prescription, boil this ginseng root for her."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Zhang Xibao explained: "I understand what the president of the White Dragon Society said just now. Can the overdrawing of vitality be regarded as the White Tiger's holy body that caused the collapse of Xi Baihu's body? The heart, blood vessels, and even the cells couldn't bear the force, which led to the accelerated death. As long as her body is completely repaired, it is equivalent to increasing her life..."

The president of the White Dragon Society nodded: "Master Ansheng is right, but is the effect of this ginseng enough?"

"Try it with ginseng first, if it's not enough, I'll find a way..."

Spirit ginseng has spiritual wisdom, so Zhang Xibao only asked for its roots and did not harm its body. To save Xi Baihu, he had to discuss it with Lingshen.

Zhang Xibao planned to go home to inquire about spiritual ginseng, but just as he was about to leave the headquarters, Qinglong stopped him.

"The mission was successful, and you have made great contributions this time."

Qinglong sighed: "I didn't expect you to be able to compete with that guy Martin."

"I took a chance this time. I will explain the situation in the mission report. Just credit me with merit points, or you can just give me a few high-grade exercises..."

Zhang Xibao rushed home and wanted to leave.

"Snow lotus seeds?" Qinglong said quietly.

"Oh oh, I almost forgot..."

Zhang Xibao took out the square inch ring and handed it to Qinglong: "I took two hundred exotic treasure seeds, isn't it too much? You see, I'm still an elite commander, and I don't have a single younger brother..."

Qinglong sucked his teeth: "It's not too much. Within the normal wear and tear, the Five Dragons will have to thank you. I can't leave the imperial capital too far. Without you this time, we can't get a single seed."

"Are you guarding the imperial capital just to keep watch over Tianyi? What happened to the earthquake in the imperial capital last time? With the two heaven-level treasures of killing monsters and demons guarding the gate, you won't be run out by those eight people?"

Zhang Xibao was a little confused, so he decided to ask today to clarify.

"Have you forgotten the 'Great Earthquake'? That's Tian 1's fault!"

Qinglong began to tell Zhang Xibao: "Those eight people were released by Tian Yi to explore the way, so I took advantage of the situation and let them run out, trying to lure Tian Yi out and kill them!"

"I understand, fishing law enforcement, the spirits of those eight unlucky bastards have been refined into the formation and become the guardian spirits of the third underground floor!"

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Tian Yi has already been imprisoned, why not kill him directly?"

"Because the other dragon heads want to pry high-grade exercises from him, I can't make a fool of myself, and it's against the rules to kill him directly..." Qinglong felt a little helpless.

"Hey, hypocritical..." Zhang Xibao waved his hands and left the headquarters.

go home.

Zhang Xibao took out the small box containing the spiritual ginseng and tore off the seal.

Zhang Xibao asked it: "I have a... friend, she is dying, I want to save her life, not for money! So is there anything more effective than roots? Reply to me within a minute... ..."

"Quack chicken! 』

Lingshen hugged his body and shivered, every time Zhang Xibao took it out, something bad would happen! If I don’t pull out the roots this time, my feelings will eat it?

"Okay, stop barking, barking counts as time! You still have forty seconds to reply to me..." Zhang Xibao and Ling Shen stared wide-eyed.

"Is there any? If you have a way, I will release you from the small box. You must be bored these days. I have a Tongtian treasure house, which is very spacious..."

Zhang Xibao continued to bargain: "I can go to Zhang Laodao and ask for some Huaqing pills for you to eat. Don't you small animals like to eat Huaqing pills? Oh, are you an animal or a plant?"

Lingshen looked like he had eaten a fly, and his roots wriggled like ghosts.

These roots are quite miraculous, Zhang Xibao scooped up a lot of them, and they grew even more densely!

"Come on, it seems to be soft and not hard..."

Zhang Xi Baozheng took out his knife and studied where to cut a piece.

"Quack chicken! 』

"Quack chicken! 』

Panicked, Lingshen vomited!

"I knock, what is it? It's like a big snot..."

Zhang Xibao was a little dazed looking at the transparent jelly substance in the palm of his hand.

Shu Ling passed on to him two words: "Shenjing"

"Essence? This stuff should be more effective than roots!"

Zhang Xibao used the drunk fairy gourd to fill up Lingshen's snot, put the mouth of the gourd into Lingshen's mouth, and encouraged him: "Come on, come on, spit more, spit more..."

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