Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 288 This World Is Too Crazy

"See, colorful..."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the multicolored rare treasure seeds on the table, turned his head and said to Qian Chengjin: "After Bao Ge's experiment, it was concluded that one person can master all five elements. If I can, you should too. "

"Ah, five pills at a time?!" Qian Chengjin couldn't believe his ears.

"Eat five at a time and you'll explode..."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the seeds: "Your physical strength is not as strong as mine, so you have to eat it step by step, do you understand step by step? Step by step means to eat according to the color I prescribed for you, and gradually means to eat one grain every once in a while."

"Brown, blue, cyan, which color do you like, I suggest you choose one of these three to eat first, the earth, water, and wood are relatively mild."

Zhang Xibao ate the steamed stuffed bun with big mouthfuls, and pushed the three-color seed in front of Qian Chengjin.

"Just eat soy milk, don't panic..."

Qian Chengjin thought for a while, picked up the green seeds and ate them, because after seeing the cat druid just now, he was a little envious.

Fatty's thinking is different from ordinary people. Ordinary people must eat strange treasure seeds to become stronger. He chooses to eat blue strange treasure seeds because he wants to use the wood-type ability to give birth to foreign plants in the experimental field.

"Well, what you ate just now are wood-type seeds, now remember the order of eating them next, red, brown, yellow and blue, don't eat them wrong, I don't want to hear the news of your explosion someday... ..."

Zhang Xibao asked Qian Chengjin to put the remaining seeds in a square-inch bracelet and put them away.

"Red, brown, yellow, blue..."

Qian Chengjin read it silently several times, remembering the order.

"Brother Bao, you are so kind to me..." The little fat man looked at Zhang Xibao moved.

"Don't say anything like body promises, do you know who was rejected by me last time?"

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes at Qian Chengjin, sipped soy milk and said, "When you're older, your Qian family has shared weal and woe with me. When you're young, you, Qian Chengjin, are my best friend Zhang Xibao." Don't you always want to hang out with Brother Bao, you have to quickly increase your combat power."

"Hmm..." Qian Chengjin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The time agreed to go to the expo is coming soon, but Zhang Xibao doesn't need to worry about these, of course Qian Tai and the others will do it.

The holders of the three invitation cards of the Qian family are: Zhang Xibao, Qian Tai and Qian Chengjin and his son.

According to Qian Tai, the people who are going to the Tang family are: Queen Tang, Tang Yinghuang and Tang Linlang.

This kind of opportunity and occasion, Queen Tang naturally did her part, and Xiao Linlang clamored to meet the world. Originally, the third place belonged to Tang Huaniu, but Tang Yinghuang took his opportunity.

After all, Xibaihu retreated from the snow-capped mountain border, worked hard and recovered from a serious illness, so Tang Tonghai was responsive to her requests.

Those who are going to the Qin family are: Qin Jiuyuan, Qin Li, and Qin Yun.

Those who went to the Ye family were: Ye Changan, Ye Qingyan and Ye Ziyun.

Ye Wenggui is the president of the Association of Appraisers and has seen everything in the world, so he gave up the opportunity to the younger generation.

The four imperial capitals chartered a huge plane, like a presidential suite flying in the sky. Except for the accompanying bodyguards and service personnel such as Qian Butler, there were only these twelve distinguished guests on the whole plane.

on the plane.

Zhang Xibao is wearing a mask with the face of a great sage, and the current vest is Bao Ye.

Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang knew his identity, but for the sake of confidentiality, the three just nodded.

Qian Tai went to say hello to Qin Jiuyuan. After all, Qin Jiuyuan was a big boss at the level of Qian Tai's father's generation.

This kid Qin Yun and Ye Ziyun flirted with each other, while Ye Changan and Ye Qingyan looked wary.

But it was Lord Bao who attracted Ye Changan's attention the most.

Queen Tang is putting on a mask for beauty. After all, she is a proud queen, so she must pay attention to maintenance.

Tang Yinghuang was reading a book, but her book seemed to be held upside down...

Xiao Linlang ran around excitedly for a while, and finally threw herself into Qin Li's arms, pointed at Zhang Xibao and said, "Sister Li'er, sister Li'er, there is a monkey!"

Zhang Xibao:? ? ?

You are polite!

Qin Li let out a chuckle, stroked Xiao Linlang's hair, and looked at Zhang Xibao with a smile.

All in all, the plane was peaceful.

The location of the expo is in the beautiful country of New York, and the plane needs to fly for half a day.

Qian Tai has already arranged the hotel to stay in, and the four of them are all on the same floor.

"Sleep tonight and go play tomorrow!"

It was the first time for Tang Linlang to participate in an exhibition of this scale, and she was always excited.

"Sister Li'er, can you come and sleep together?"

Xiao Linlang looked at Qin Jiuyuan with pitiful eyes.

Qin Jiuyuan pinched Tang Linlang's face: "Okay, okay, you young people live together, let's adjust the room..."

In the end, the girls took up two apartments, Qin Jiuyuan, Qian Tai, Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin were in one.

Qin Yun lived with Ye Changan and Ye Qingyan.

There are considerations for such a distribution, after all, Qin Jiuyuan, the Qian family and his son knew Zhang Xibao's true identity.

Qin Yun glanced at the grandfather who moved away, and stared at Ye's brother: "Hiss, why do I feel that the three of us are being excluded?"

The next day, the fair opened.

The location is in a newly built huge glass building in the beautiful country.

The exhibits inside include the latest achievements in various fields such as economy, culture, science and technology of various countries. Among them, the most important thing is naturally the research on clear energy in various countries after the recovery of spiritual energy, including magic circles, talismans, and strange treasures.

Of course, the exhibits are only models and superficial concepts, and no one will show the real good things for others to see.

The most vulgar, most expensive, and most eye-catching is naturally five hundred black quebrachos.

Anyone who sees these things will sigh: "This exhibit is really vulgar, but it's so damn valuable, I like such vulgar ones!"

Most of the people who participated in the behind-the-scenes auction were standing in front of the black quebrano wood booth, and it seemed that everyone was very interested in this thing.

The people standing in front of the Heijianmu booth naturally have many acquaintances.

For example, Sharma from the Peacock Kingdom, this guy brought his four wives, oh no, now he has five wives, and he is smiling and staring at those black hardwoods, as if he has already won.

As for Sharma's fifth wife, Zhang Xibao is too familiar, isn't that the owl whose body is occupied by a priest!

Zhang Xibao quietly met the eyes of the priest, who nodded slightly.

Alas, it's hard to say...

Zhang Xibao thought this guy would be spoiled, right?

I let you get close to Sharma, you are Sharma's wife, brother, you are a man!

As for Sharma, her taste is quite heavy. Even though he didn't know that Xiao's soul was a man, the bird-headed supernatural being could do it well, tsk tsk tsk...

The world is crazy.

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