Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 289: The Key To The Nine Serenities

"Oh, isn't this Shaqima?"

Sharma caught a glimpse of Zhang Xibao, with surprise in his eyes, Zhang Xibao touched the black solid wood with a smile, and asked, "What's the matter, do you really want to buy it back and build a palace?"

Sharma snorted coldly: "A small anchor also came to join in the fun. The exhibits of the expo are not allowed to be touched. Do you understand that you Daxia people have this quality?"

"It's so strange, someone stopped me from touching my things?" Zhang Xibao pretended to be surprised, and slapped a piece of black solid wood.

"your things?"

Sharma looked disbelieving: "If these logs belong to you, I will eat S."

With that said, Sharma snapped her fingers, and the person in charge of the expo came over and checked it on the tablet.

The person in charge nodded: "The owner of these five hundred pieces of black solid wood is indeed this mysterious Mr. Bao."

"Shall I take you to eat some hot food?" Zhang Xibao pointed in the direction of the toilet.


Sharma led a group of wives away angrily.

"The food at the expo is not to your taste, do you want to go back and eat?"

Looking at Sharma's back, Zhang Xibao shouted loudly: "Welcome to the auction tomorrow to buy black hardwood!"

"Your Excellency is the owner of Heijianmu?"

Suddenly, a female voice came from the side.

Zhang Xibao turned his head away, raised his eyebrows, another acquaintance came!

Isn't this Hei Neng, the new person in charge of Neon Sakura Alien? The young man next to him is also very familiar with Zhang Xibao, and the young man is He Tian.

Zhang Xibao wasn't surprised that the black boy came to the expo, but he was surprised that the kid Hetian didn't die?

When the dirty ghost sculpture was burned, most of the high-level officials died, but Tsuruta didn't die.

The talisman bomb shattered the [Shishen Liao], and a bunch of people died, including that kid Tsuruta.

The snake spirit went mad, and the priest was killed, but Tsuruta was still alive.

This fate is too big...

Not only did Tsuruta not die, he seemed to have caught up with the black line, successfully ascended to the top, and climbed to the top.

"That's right, I am the owner of Heijianmu!" Zhang Xibao said boldly.

"Then does your Excellency know about the theft of the Heijian Tree in the Cherry Blossom Foreign Land?" Hei Napi asked with a half-smile.

"None of my business!"

Zhang Xibao picked his nostrils. No one knew how he picked his nostrils while wearing a mask.

"Baga!" He Tian stepped over Hei Ni, as if he was going to be rude to Zhang Xibao.

"Baby boy, the old birthday star hanged himself, right?" Zhang Xibao rolled up his sleeves, intending to poke him to death with one finger, but he didn't believe he could escape this time.

"Everyone, fighting is strictly prohibited in the expo!" The person in charge came over and seriously warned both parties.

Hei Ni pointed to Zhang Xibao and said, "These black solid wood belong to neon, this is a thief."

"Thief? What did you steal from you?"

Without waiting for Zhang Xibao to speak, Qian Tai and Qian Chengjin walked over, and glanced at Hei Nian: "These black hardwoods are clearly produced in the exotic land of Daxia Mi Kirishima, it's too bad for Miss Hei Nian to frame others out of thin air." done."

"I just lost a large number of black fennel trees in the cherry blossom wonderland, and the expo has black fennel trees. Is it such a coincidence? Doesn't this explain the problem?"

"You lost the Heijian tree, when did you lose it? How did you lose it? Who stole it? How did you lose such a huge amount of wood under your noses? If you have the ability, please explain clearly!"

Qian Tai slapped his hands and spread them out, looking like an old rascal.

Zhang Xibao pointed to Qian Tai, and said to Qian Chengjin: "See, your father is called a professional..."

Qian Chengjin nodded: "Understood, I understand, Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, right?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at the phone, patted Qian Chengjin on the back: "Take care of our baby, I have something to go out for a while."

The news was sent by Wang Xiao: "Fortunately, the mission was fulfilled. The scaled-down version of the base station was successfully built, and it has been urgently sent to the expo, and it will probably arrive tonight." 』

There is also a picture attached to the email, which is a scaled-down version of the base station.

The normal base station is tens of meters high, but the scaled down version of the base station is only one meter high, shaped like a pyramid, and a small top-grade spirit stone is inlaid on the top.

"Thank you for your hard work, prepare to watch my live broadcast tomorrow!" 』Zhang Xibao replied with a message.

At this time, Zhang Xibao looked up and saw Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang walking towards him.

With a Southern Vermilion Bird, a Western White Tiger, and Zhang Xibao, the dark sage, Daxia's top combat power has increased by more than half. It is impossible to say that the Five Dragons will not act.

"I guessed that Qinglong must have arranged a mission for him, let's talk about it?" Zhang Xibao smiled and was curious at the same time.

"You are eloquent, so tell me!" Tang Yinghuang took the initiative to give Qin Li the opportunity to explain.

Qin Li didn't say it directly, but asked Zhang Xibao: "Do you still remember the spirit candle in Sharma's hand?"

"Spiritual Rhinoceros Candle: Earth-level C-level, there is a ground-level alien beast named Tongtian Rhinoceros. It is full of treasures, and its horns are especially precious. The rhinoceros horns of Tongtian Rhinoceros are supernatural. They are made into spiritual candles. The fire can break through all confusion and chaos. An important rare treasure that penetrates the nine secluded worlds. 』

Zhang Xibao recalled the content on the treasure book, nodded: "Of course I remember."


Li continued: "This candle is a key to open a new world."

"I don't know about that, tell me in detail?" Hearing about the new foreign land, Zhang Xibao instantly became interested.

A new foreign land represents all kinds of new opportunities. Isn't the opportunity to make a fortune just here again?

"The Consonance Candle can open a mysterious [Nine Nether Worlds]. Sharma has explored the shallow layers of the foreign world through this candle, but she can't go to the deeper places, because the combat power of the Peacock Kingdom's supernatural powers is not enough. So he cooperated with Martin, intending to use this candle to open the strange world, and then explore the depths of the Nine Serenities together." Li fully revealed the purpose of this trip.

"and many more……"

Zhang Xibao asked again: "Does it mean that this alien world named Jiuyou is not limited by time and place, as long as there is a candle, it can be opened?"

"That's right."

Tang Yinghuang couldn't wait to answer: "So our purpose this time is this consonance candle. At worst, we have to take advantage of the opening of the gate to enter the foreign land to explore and see if we can get some strange treasures out."

"According to the intelligence, the Nine Nethers is extremely dangerous, and even an Earth-level A-level supernatural being like Gu Popa would not dare to explore too deeply, so this time Qinglong asked the two of us to cooperate with you."

Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang stared at Zhang Xibao. The meaning of Qinglong was very simple. With Zhang Xibao as the person in charge, Xi Baihu and Nan Vermilion Bird acted together.

"I can fight neither of you, so I'm one for two..." Zhang Xibao scratched his head.

"Does he dislike us?" Tang Yinghuang asked Qin Li with wide eyes.

Qin Li didn't respond. Instead, he looked at Zhang Xibao and said, "Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Many people are powerful. At least the two of us can help you a little bit, right?"

"All right……"

Zhang Xibao didn't think too much about it anymore, he just wanted to get the base station tonight, and the auction will start tomorrow.

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