into the night.

Zhang Xibao rides on the back of a phoenix, with a sci-fi bird's-eye view of the New York night scene under his feet. He flies high and fast, and with the light pollution of the city, no one can notice his existence.

Seen from a high altitude, the city looks like a huge ship covered with spotlights, and the densely packed streets like flowing fire are like its veins.

Zhang Xibao was going to receive the base station sent by Wang Xiao. To be precise, it was sent by a person. The finished base station could not pass through the customs. He had to dismantle the base station into pieces and enter the beautiful country as a rare treasure material.

The person Wang Xiao sent was a young experimenter, who was responsible for assembling the parts of the base station into a complete base station and handing it over to Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix to the agreed place to meet the experimenter, but he was met by a little brother with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Master Bao, I'm the experimenter sent by Wang Xiao!" The little brother walked over clutching his stomach, his face was covered in blood.

"I knock, what's going on?"

Zhang Xibao quickly helped the staggering little brother up, and took a look at his injuries. Fortunately, he didn't hurt his vitals, it was all skin trauma.

"On horseback!"

The little brother spat bloody saliva, and said to Zhang Xibao apologetically, "Master Bao, I'm sorry, the parts of the base station have been robbed, and the other party has a gun!"

"People safe is good!"

Zhang Xibao took a bottle of Baodan to heal the injury and handed it to his brother, comforting him and saying, "If you lose the parts, you can get them back. You have done a good job."

It is not easy for people with supernatural abilities to cross borders, and they need to go through strict screening and testing, so the experimenter brother sent by Wang Xiao is an ordinary person, only in this way can the base station be quickly handed over to Zhang Xibao.


Seeing the little brother sighing and blaming himself, Zhang Xibao patted him and said, "Calm down, you can't lose the parts, you take the wound medicine first, wipe the blood off your face, and then change into some decent clothes, Master Bao." I'll take you there!"

"it is good!"

This little brother is also a fan of Master Bao. Hearing what Master Bao said, he calmed down a lot.

Zhang Xibao took his little brother to wash the blood in the public washroom, bought a new set of clothes to change into, and at the same time figured out what happened.

As soon as the experimenter brother got off the plane, he was followed by some drug addicts, because when he was passing through the customs, someone saw the base station parts in the box, and there was a polished high-grade spirit stone in it.

After leaving the airport, the experimenter brother went straight to the joint with Zhang Xibao, but was rented out by hackers to a remote place, where he was beaten with a gun to the head, and the parts of the base station were also taken away.

The experimenter brother is not a supernatural user, nor does he have a weapon, so he was succeeded by this group of guys who are also not superhuman.

After listening to the little brother's narration, Zhang Xibao almost laughed out of anger, Mad, a bunch of rotten people, robbed Master Bao?

"What does the person who robbed you look like?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

The little brother of the experimenter replied: "A white man with blond hair, a black man with short hair, the white man has tattoos on his hands, and the black man has a scar on his face."

The little brother of the experimenter had learned sketching, and after a while, he drew the faces of the two robbers.

Zhang Xibao took the portrait and glanced at it: "Okay, the features are quite obvious, let's look for it!"

Zhang Xibao called Qian Chengjin, and Qian Chengjin came after a while.

"Bao... Master Bao, what do you want from me?" Qian Chengjin asked Zhang Xibao after he glanced at the brother experimenter with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Follow me to do something!" Zhang Xibao waved his hand, letting the two of them follow.

"Wait a minute, I have to change your appearance for you, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Zhang Xibao wiped the experimenter brother's face, and the little brother immediately turned into a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He pinched Qian Chengjin's face again, and Qian Chengjin turned into a bald man with sun islands.

Afterwards, Crow King Xiaoni transformed into a fat-headed Zhu Bajie.

"Everyone is here except the white dragon horse..." Zhang Xibao nodded in satisfaction.

After all, the "four people" walked towards the nearest nightclub without saying a word.

"Cosplay?" A curious passer-by looked at the four people with their picturesque style.

Zhang Xibao told the ins and outs again, Qian Chengjin understood, and asked Zhang Xibao, "Master Bao, do you know where those two people are?"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "I don't know where those two guys are, but I know how to find them as quickly as possible."

"Those two guys have eyes on their wrists, so they look like drug addicts, so they just dig out the underworld in New York. I don't believe I can't find those two rotten people!"

The nearest nightclub is called【SatanSuperclub】

Amidst the blaring music, Zhang Xibao kicked open the door of the nightclub.

Two Xuanjie nightclub gatekeepers were already lying on the ground.

Zhang Xibao and the others didn't even buy tickets. After all, they didn't come to drink and dance, so why should they buy tickets?

"Tell the person in charge to get out!" Zhang Xibao yelled arrogantly.

"Yes, get out!" Zhu Bajie Xiaoni followed suit.

Drifting Monk Qian Chengjin shrank his neck. Although he is already a wood-type supernatural being, he is still a little timid in this situation.

Tang Seng, the experimenter brother, was numb, and followed behind Zhang Xibao and the others expressionlessly.

After a while, the guests in the nightclub were cleared away, and a group of men in black with guns surrounded them and pulled the trigger without saying a word.

Ding ding ding...

The bullet hit the blue magic shield, Zhang Xibao curled his lips: "The two mysterious-level supernatural beings at the door have been knocked down, do you think guns are useful to me?"

Qian Chengjin reminded in a low voice: "Master Bao, the mysterious-level supernatural powers here are called B-level supernatural powers!"

"What b, it's not as good as Xuanjie..." Zhang Xibao muttered, and then yelled again: "I have limited patience, ask the supervisor to come out!"

Seeing that the firearms were useless, the man in black not far away took out the bazooka!

Qian Chengjin couldn't help sighing: "Damn it, it's really a free and beautiful country, with gun battles every day!"

"You don't want to give face, do you?"

I just want to try the newly opened five-element abilities. Isn't this the target of the door?

"Little fat man, aren't you curious about the authenticity of the five elements supernatural power? Master Bao will show you something today."

"Gold system!"

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand and pointed, the bazooka was twisted into twists, and the warhead inside exploded, killing the man in black.

"Wood type!"

The ornamental flower trees in the flower pots next to them suddenly grew wildly, submerging the two men in black in the green.

"Water system!"

The wine pulp that had been shattered by bullets suddenly gathered together, and several large water balls covered the heads of the three men in black. Seeing the three guys gurgling and spitting out bubbles, and struggling continuously, the water balls made of wine pulp just condensed. scattered.

"Fire is even easier!"

With a flick of Zhang Xibao's fingers, the nightclub caught fire, and the fire blocked all the escape routes of the people in black.

"The last is soil!"

Puff puff!

Three stone spears shot out, nailing a man in black who looked like a manager to the wall. The stone spears penetrated the man's arms and legs, making him stuck against the wall and unable to move.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined..."

Zhang Xibao stepped forward and asked condescendingly, "Are you in charge of this nightclub?"

"No, no, I'm not!"

The manager shook his head and denied it. He was scared out of his wits and said frankly, "Our boss is not here!"

"Take us to him!"

Xiao Ni laughed and pulled the manager off the wall and put it on his back. A group of four hurriedly left the nightclub and walked into the darkness

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