Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 291 Don't Eat The Toast And Eat Fine Wine


"This is where your boss lives. You're well armed. Have you used the magic circle?"

Zhang Xibao stood outside a villa, his Tongtian pupils were shining brightly, he could see all kinds of magic circles hidden inside the villa.

The citizens of the beautiful country have unlimited defense rights, so as long as anyone dares to invade the territory of this huge villa, the people inside can fight back, and killing them is useless.

"Hmm..." The manager of the man in black nodded weakly.

This guy's limbs were pierced, and Zhu Bajie Xiaoni spat out a mouthful of fire and temporarily sealed his wound, otherwise he would definitely bleed profusely and burp.

"It's like a bastard, how do you get in?" Qian Chengjin scratched his head and looked at Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao's eyes shone faintly in the darkness, he squinted his eyes: "You don't need to attack in, just force them out..."

Zhang Xibao asked the three of them to wait for a while, and he walked around the villa, choosing several positions.

The top-grade exercise "Great Earthquake Technique" is to connect the eyes of the formation, pry the ground, and cause damage to the buildings on the ground.

No matter how hard this fortress-like villa is, can it be as hard as Mount Fuji?

"It happens that there are three formation eyes, the three of us are on each side, just follow the method I taught you to inject fresh air into the formation eyes!"

Zhang Xibao asked Qian Chengjin and Xiao Ni to each be in charge of a formation eye, and cooperated with him to inject fresh air into the interior of the earth.

As early as when Zhang Xibao and the others took the nightclub manager hostage and came outside the villa, the boss whom the manager called had already discovered them.

The owner of thousands of entertainment venues, the BOSS who controls the arms trade is named Vido, a legend in the beautiful country, who slowly climbed from a villain who did all kinds of evil to the top spot in the underground world of the beautiful country.

"Turn on all the magic circles in the villa!" Wei Duo gave an order, and the magic circles turned on at full power, even if the heavenly masters came, the magic circles could also block a block.

At the beginning, the magic circle in the villa cost Vido a lot of swordplay, but he felt that it was worth it. After all, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, and it is inevitable that they will be stabbed. Isn’t the magic circle coming in handy today?

"The person coming from the opposite side is not kind..."

According to intelligence, light, heavy, and hot weapons can't do anything to that masked monkey, and the two mysterious-level power users who suppressed the nightclub didn't last a minute in the hands of that man!

Wei Duo observed Zhang Xibao and the four of them through the camera, and at the same time kept thinking in his mind, who sent such a master with supernatural powers to assassinate him.

"A monkey, a pig, a bald man, a bald man with big ears, hiss, have you never heard of such a killer organization?" Wei Duo was puzzled.

"Has the magic circle been activated? What are they doing?" Vido turned to ask his younger brother.

The younger brother replied: "The magic circle has been opened to the maximum, not even a fly can fly in! Those strange guys seem to be holding some kind of ceremony..."

Outside the villa.

Zhang Xibao and the other three continued to inject fresh air into the ground.

"Okay, that's fine."

When Qian Chengjin felt that he was about to be fucked, Zhang Xibao told them to stop.

Quantitative changes produced qualitative changes, and a shining magic circle emerged out of thin air.

"Look well guys, let me surprise them!"

Zhang Xibao asked Qian Chengjin and the others to stand a little further away, while he stood outside the villa door, making formulas with both hands, and silently recited the formula of "Great Earthquake Technique".


It was as if a thunder exploded in the sky, and the entire villa was shaken in an instant.


Wei Duo was horrified, and looked at Zhang Xibao outside the door through the camera in disbelief.

"No, those people are playing tricks, their ritual has taken effect, they summoned an earthquake, my God!" a supernatural being next to him suddenly revealed the truth.

"Quick, retreat to the underground safe house!"

Wei Duo himself is a mysterious power user, but he doesn't think he can compete with the monkey face outside. Only the safe house hidden deep in the ground can give him a sense of security.

The violent shaking shook the villa into ruins, the foundations were destroyed, and the magic circle within the villa naturally failed.

Zhang Xibao walked in carelessly with everyone, only to find that the people in the villa were gone.

"Where are people?"

Zhang Xibao opened the Tongtian pupil and discovered the secret space under the ground.

"Hehehe, the little mouse is hiding..."

In the ruins, there is a gate made of refining materials, which covers the secret passage and fits tightly with the ground.

"Do you think I can't get in if you seal the secret passage with the refining materials? Xiaoni!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, and Xiao Ni rushed forward in a hurry.

Zhang Xibao pointed at the door: "Burn it through!"


Xiao Ni took a deep breath, and the pale flames began to burn the door.

Crow King Xiaoni is already on the ground level, and the flame it spews out is already a strange fire, and mere refining materials can't withstand this terrifying temperature.

The gate began to turn red and melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally opened a big hole with a diameter of 1.5 meters!

"Come on, let's dig him out!"

Zhang Xibao jumped into the tunnel first, followed by the three of them.

At the end of the secret passage is a smooth wall, the material of which is better than that of the refining material at the gate of the secret passage.

Zhang Xibao knocked on the wall, but there was no echo at all, which meant that the wall was far thicker than the secret passage door.

"Give me some time, I can break it open!"

Xiao Ni took the initiative to invite Ying, but this time Zhang Xibao rejected it.

"This time I'm here..."

As he spoke, Zhang Xibao took out the Flaming Tongue heavy machine gun, and boxes of talisman bullets were piled up on the ground.

When passing through the customs, everyone's rare treasures will be strictly inspected. Only Zhang Xibao's Tongtian Treasure House can ignore these restrictions, so Zhang Xibao still packed all kinds of arms this time.

Click it, click it...

The sound of the talisman bullet being loaded echoed in the dark passage. Zhang Xibao said to the wall while loading the talisman: "I know you can see outside, I will give you a chance to come out on your own initiative, and I can let the past go, if I waste bullets to catch you out , Heh heh, at your own peril!"

After all, there was silence, and Vido behind the wall did not respond.

"Bull, bull, toasting is not eating and fine wine is..."

"Stand back, I'm going to start breaking the wall!"

Xiao Ni drew a big cross on the wall. Zhang Xibao picked up the Flaming Heavy Machine Gun with one hand, twisted his neck, and pulled the trigger with a smirk.

Da da da……

Da da da da da...

The talisman bullets bombarded the wall, and the wall began to burst, layer after layer of refining materials were peeled off.

The flame tongue heavy machine gun spun wildly, and the talisman bullets drilled on the wall like a drill.

Potholes appeared on the thick walls at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the potholes extended deeper...

"Stop, I surrender!"

Wei Duo's voice suddenly sounded from nowhere, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Who sent you, let me know!"

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