Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 292 The Butterfly Effect


The wall cracks in the center, half slowly rising to the ceiling and half slowly falling to the floor, and the safehouse opens, revealing Vito and the boys behind the wall.

After the wall cracked, everyone saw that the heavy machine gun was about to wear through the wall. If Vito persisted, the talisman bullets without long eyes would definitely beat everyone in the safe house to pieces!

"Who on earth sent you? Let me know!" Vido looked desperate.

Is the life of the underground king who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain today to be ruined in the hands of this supernatural being wearing a monkey face mask?

"Come, come, put down your weapons first, and I'll talk to you guys!"

Zhang Xibao pointed at Wei Duo with his gun, and Wei Duo's younger brothers gave up their resistance one after another, leaving Wei Duo standing alone.

"I surrender, let them go!" Vido pointed to the little brothers squatting on the ground.

"Don't follow me about personal heroism! You are the big cancer villain, and the captives are not qualified to bargain!"

Zhang Xibao twisted Wei Duo's weapons into pieces with his gold-type abilities, and walked towards Wei Duo slowly.

"Surrender and lose half, I will need you later..."

After all, Zhang Xibao kicked Wei Duo's two legs, and the guy let out a muffled grunt, lying on the ground like a dog.

A pencil sketch appeared in front of Wei Duo, and Zhang Xibao squatted on the ground so that Wei Duo could see the person in the portrait clearly.

"These two people robbed me, see if it's yours, if you don't know them, let your hands go find them, before the sun rises, I want to get my things back..."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Wei Duo was still confused.

Can these four strange guys not be sent by competitors to assassinate him? It's numb!

After a long time, Vido's mind turned around, and he asked tentatively, "You came to me just to ask where these two addicts are?"


Zhang Xibao pointed to Wei Duo's face: "You are the big underground boss in New York City. Your business made those two guys desperate and robbed me. I can't find them. If I don't look for you, who can I look for? New York is so big, Who knows where those two bastards are, it's hard to find them, but it's easy to find you, it's like a monk who can run away but can't run away from the temple!"

Wei Duo was stunned by Zhang Xibao's strange thinking, but after thinking about it, it really makes sense!

So these powerful supernatural beings in front of him smashed his place, demolished his home, and broke his legs, just because two bums who might be his younger brother's younger brother's younger brother robbed something that shouldn't be robbed?

This is really a disaster!

Thinking of this, Wei Duo was so angry that he roared angrily: "Where did everyone die?!"

The timid younger brother stepped forward to obey, Vido threw the portrait on the younger brother's face with great effort: "Find it for me, I have to dig three feet to find these two guys, I will chop them up! "

After a while, a younger brother stepped forward: "Boss Wei Duo, a younger brother who is in charge of the West City business said that he knows these two people, and they are just our peripheral members."

"Catch them and ask where the things they stole!" Vido's eyes were about to burst into flames.

The two peripheral brothers almost caused the destruction of the entire underground kingdom!

Zhang Xibao sat on the gold-inlaid chair that should have belonged to Wei Duo, with his legs crossed, shaking a bottle of old wine that Wei Duo was usually reluctant to drink.

"I don't care what you do with it, just return the things to me intact."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the bullet casings all over the floor again: "Ask someone to collect all the bullet casings, and I will take them away. All the video recorded by the camera will be deleted. In addition, I will be reimbursed for the money I wasted on bullets. Look at the wages for lost work and mental damage... ..."

Wei Duo nodded with a constipated look on his face. His house was demolished, his leg was broken, and he had to pay a huge sum of money. He had never been so aggrieved in his life, but thinking about the good, at least his life was saved.

If the money is gone, people can earn more while they are alive, but if the people are gone, the money is not spent!

In the end, Wei Duo paid Zhang Xibao 100 polished top-grade spirit stones as compensation, totaling hundreds of millions of points.

Half an hour later, two men with sacks on their heads were escorted up, and a black box was placed on the ground intact.

Wei Duo looked at the box curiously. He didn't know what was in the box that could make such a powerful supernatural being value it so much. Could it be a treasure enough to destroy the city?

He never dreamed that the box contained Zhang Xibao's base station for live broadcast...

The experimenter brother squatted down, checked the contents of the box, and reported to Zhang Xibao: "There is nothing missing or damaged!"

Zhang Xibao nodded in satisfaction: "It's still sensible, let's go!"

A group of four left the Broken Villa, and Vido's roar came from behind. God knows what will happen to the two peripheral wretches.

Qian Chengjin asked curiously: "Master Bao, why don't you kill that villain to eliminate harm for the people?"

Zhang Xibao snorted coldly: "Of course, the more disasters in the beautiful country, the better. I wish they could be free every day!"

"That's true..." Qian Chengjin muttered.

After finding a quiet place, the little brother who was the experimenter assembled the base station. Zhang Xibao threw the activated base station into Tongtian Treasure, and patted the little brother on the shoulder: "It's really hard work for you this time. Let Wang Xiao reward you well when you go back." You, you tell him that Lord Bao said it himself!"

"Although I received a beating, tonight was really exciting!"

The little brother of the experimenter left excitedly. He felt that what happened tonight was worth bragging about for the rest of his life!

"Don't forget about the live broadcast tomorrow!"

Zhang Xibao sent his brother away and returned to the hotel with Qian Chengjin.

Unexpectedly, two beautiful figures blocked the way back to the room.

"I'm going back to my room first..." Qian Chengjin ran away knowingly.

Qin Li smiled and said, "It's been a lot of fun, it's all on the news..."

Tang Yinghuang said: "Remember to bring me with you next time you go out to play!"

"How do you two know it's us?" Zhang Xibao thought to himself that he had obviously changed the shape of the mask.

"One Sun Monkey, one Zhu Bajie, one Sha Wujing, and one Tang Sanzang, can people who know you not guess it's you?"

Tang Yinghuang snorted: "Does this count as promoting traditional culture to the world?"

She raised her mobile phone, and the wanted notice of Zhang Xibao and the others was displayed on the screen. There were no real faces on it, only four pictures of masks full of joy.

"It's as if you know me well..." Zhang Xibao murmured, walked over the two women and walked towards the door.

"Remember to pay attention to Sharma at the auction tomorrow. The Qian family arranged our seats together with Sharma's. We are bound to win the candle!" Qin Li couldn't help reminding.

Zhang Xibao waved his hand and returned to his room.

With the inner ghost of the priest, Lingxi Candle is not easy to catch

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