Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 294: It's Really A Transition To Eating And Broadcasting

Passing through the barrier of the manor composed of [Ghost Maple], the passengers' vision suddenly opened up, and a huge castle appeared in front of them.

"I knock! 』

"I knock! 』

"I knock +10086"


The barrage turned into an all-out exclamation.

The audience couldn't help sighing, even the well-informed Qian Tai was also amazed.

"Although this is not the first time I have come here, every time I come here, I have a new experience!"

The castle rises from the ground in the shape of a medieval knight's castle. The round spire is black and the main body is beige, echoing the surrounding green mountains and forests. The whole castle is integrated with the surrounding natural environment.

"It's so dreamy, it's like a fairy tale world!" 』

"A screenshot has been taken, thank you Baoye for letting us see such a beautiful building and scenery!" 』

The treasure friends pay attention to the appearance, while Zhang Xibao looks at the inside. With the castle as the center, in the transparent air, a larger magic circle that is invisible to the naked eye is slowly moving.

Dozens of cars were parked in the underground parking lot of the castle one after another. Zhang Xibao guessed that the number of people participating in the auction was no more than 200.

After leaving the parking lot, Zhang Xibao, the Qian family and his son walked towards the gate of the castle on foot.

Zhang Xibao stared at the ground and introduced to his friends in a low voice: "Did you see the pattern on the big stone brick? It is full of patterns of magic circles. The material of the stone brick is not ordinary stone, but a refining material. Every tile is worth a fortune."

The exclamation in the barrage has not stopped since Zhang Xibao approached the manor, just as a barrage said, what a knife and a butt!

Zhang Xibao casually glanced at the fellows participating in the auction, some of them were wearing masks, some were wearing cloaks, and even some were wearing medieval aristocratic clothes.

The well-dressed waiters and the guards wearing exotic treasure armor are all supernatural beings. There are hundreds of them standing at the gate of the castle, lining the road to welcome the guests.

"Welcome the most distinguished guests to the Castle of Foreign Lands. I am your old friend, the most loyal and caring housekeeper——Yule."

A middle-aged man with a mustache came over and bowed to the guests, and the waiters and warriors behind him saluted one after another.

"Okay, okay, come out like this every year, let us go in quickly!"

A harsh male voice sounded, and the crowd burst into laughter.

Qian Tai introduced: "This alien castle was built by several big families in the beautiful country. It is a place for these families and top supernatural beings to relax and vacation, and it is also the entrance to a private alien world."

Zhang Xibao joked, "The family is so extravagant, how can Qin, Ye, Tang, and Qian be compared?"

Qian Tai shook his head and said something vague: "It's not that we don't have the financial resources, it's just that we are very different, very different..."

In fact, there is no need to explain, Zhang Xibao also understands that Wulong will crush him to death, who dares to make mistakes!

Although this foreign castle looks so beautiful, who knows how many bones are pressed under the foundation?

The [Ghost Maple] forest outside the Castle of Light was transplanted from a foreign land, and many people with supernatural powers would have to die.

The stewards, waiters and guards surrounded the guests and began to walk slowly towards the castle.

There are thousands of rooms in the castle, and Zhang Xibao and his room are arranged on the second floor with the best view. The room is very modern and has everything in it.

At Qian Chengjin's request, he and Zhang Xibao lived in a big room, while his father Qian Tai lived in a slightly smaller single room.

"It's a big filial piety, student Cheng Jin! 』

Zhang Xibao was lying on the bed, but his eyes were fixed on the wall and interior decoration.

"I got stuck? 』

"No, Master Bao is in a daze..."

"Although I don't know if the camera is on Baoye's face, our live broadcast is indeed Baoye's first-person view, and the frame drops even in the blink of an eye. I suspect that Baoye's eyes are the camera! 』

"Call Bao Ye, Bao Ye, what are you doing, is the machine down?" 』

Zhang Xibao pointed to the decoration on the wall: "Have you noticed that there are no wires or electrical appliances in this room, the reason is that they are replaced by magic circles, which can control the temperature and communicate, although they didn't research the magic circles The base station, but they have already begun to study how to use Qingqi to make their lives more comfortable."

"Therefore, the civilian research process of Qingqi has to be accelerated. I hope that one day, ordinary people can live in such a house, enjoy various products in the experimental building, and truly enter the era of cultivation!"

"Those who hold salaries for the people must not be frozen to death in the wind and snow, and those who pave the way for the world must not be trapped in thorns!" Lord Bao, yyds! 』

"This anchor, love, love! 』

"Global warming is caused by Master Bao. What you said makes people's blood boil!" 』


Zhang Xibao's attention was attracted by Qian Chengjin.

Qian Chengjin shook his head and smiled apologetically: "My father said that the food served here is all exotic specialties, so I deliberately didn't have breakfast in the morning, trying to save my stomach and have a big meal..."

"I knock, all the ingredients are produced in foreign countries? I have never tasted anything produced in a foreign land in my life, so greedy! 』

"Fart upstairs, have you never eaten the juling peach kernels sold by Master Bao? I heard that mooncakes filled with juling peach cores have also come out recently...』

"I have an immature idea, let Master Bao give us a show, what do you think? 』

"It's really eating and broadcasting, I support it with both hands and feet!" 』

"Hehe... for the effect of the live broadcast, I have to eat more!" Zhang Xibao patted his belly and made a pa pa pa pa sound.

As the time approached noon, a waiter came to inform that the buffet party in the castle hall had started.

"I've already smelled the smell of food!"

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin rushed out with a groan, and went straight to the hall on the first floor.

There are two long tables more than ten meters long on the left and right sides of the hall, and the food on them is piled up like a hill: colorful and strangely shaped exotic fruits are placed in the fruit plate, and the copper plate is full of roasted large pieces of exotic fruit. Beast meat, the most compelling one is the Big Mac cake!

The cake made of exotic bird eggs and exotic milk is made into the appearance of an alien castle, covered with small exotic fruits and seeds. Although these fruits and seeds cannot bring people supernatural powers, they can greatly Strengthen the body of the supernatural being!

The raw materials of the streams, rivers, and waterfalls next to it are exotic animal milk, wine brewed from exotic fruits, and juice squeezed from exotic fruits!

"Damn it, it's too extravagant, it's really a knife sticking in the ass back and forth today!" 』

"Is this the life of the rich and the rich? Lord Bao eats the special ones. Anyway, it doesn't cost any money, so I can eat the share of my friends too!" 』

"The chicken legs in the chopsticks suddenly no longer smell good, woo woo woo..."

"I'll show you a pig with three bites first!"

Qian Chengjin grabbed a roasted suckling pig and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Just looking at it, you don't have the experience of eating buffet! It's too greasy, and it's easy to have the illusion of being full..."

Zhang Xibao gave Qian Dashao a blank look, picked up a plate of salad made of exotic fruits and jelly grass, and said, "Let's have a light appetizer first, and then start making!"

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