"Hi, hi, this reminds me of the days when I ate buffet..."

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin had round stomachs and leaned against the pillars in the living room to digest.

He suddenly remembered something, Zhang Xibao silenced the sound in the live broadcast room, and asked Qian Chengjin: "Do you know the Qi family? Has Qi Delong heard your father talk about it?"

Qian Chengjin hiccupped while thinking: "I seem to have heard that the focus is on the development of Shanghai, and business dealings with beautiful state-owned enterprises."

"Well, check it out for me when you get back!"

After Zhang Xibao entered the Five Dragons Club, he checked the files of the Beishi assassination case. After the Qi family withdrew from Beishi, they stole a large sum of money and blamed it all on the dead Aotian.

The focus of this buffet party was not on the buffet, but essentially to provide a chance for each auctioneer to communicate privately. The communication was about Qian Tai, so Qian Chengjin and Zhang Xibao only cared about eating.

Fang Rui can't eat cooked food, but the crows can, because some customers are busy discussing business and don't pay attention to the food at all. Zhang Xibao asked the crows to come out to eat in the faces of those customers, as a benefit for the crows up.

"I knock, eat as soon as I eat, and licking the plate is too much!"

Zhang Xibao pointed at a crow boy who lost his composure and criticized: "It's a small shame, you've been exposed, what will the boys behind you eat?"

After the party, the butler Yu Le looked at the empty dining table in bewilderment, full of doubts. In previous years, a lot of food was wasted after parties. How did everyone eat so cleanly this year?

Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room has been open all the time, and the number of viewers has remained high. This eating and broadcasting has made the audience very addicted, because Zhang Xibao is really delicious, and the effect of the live broadcast is directly full.

The party lasted for three hours, and there was still a long time before the evening auction, and the guests had enough to eat and drink.

The butler Yule arranged a game for the guests-hunting.

The prey of the foreign castle is naturally a foreign beast.

When the guests leave, they can make specimens of the prey they hunt and take them away, or refine them into treasure pills and rare treasures from the castle.

Zhang Xibao and Qian Chengjin didn't go, but just took a few glances from a distance.

In the barrage, someone asked Zhang Xibao inexplicably why he didn't kill the strange beast, so that Bao's friends would also open their eyes.

"What's the point of killing those beasts whose teeth and claws have been pulled out?"

Zhang Xibao stared blankly at Carnival in the distance, and suddenly asked: "Do you think these arrogant people will suffer retribution one day?"

"Is it strange that strange beasts eat people, and people kill strange beasts?" 』

"It's right to kill and eat man-eating beasts, but I think Master Bao means that you shouldn't kill and torture for fun, right? 』

"Part of it..."

Zhang Xibao looked at the group of happy guests: "We can't even control our own destiny, so how can we control foreign lands and beasts? This group of people are too arrogant. It didn't take long for their spiritual energy to recover before they forgot their last name." What is it called, if one day the roles are reversed, I wonder if they will still be able to laugh?"

"Your Majesty is right..."

"People should still be in awe! 』

"Weakness is not scary, what is scary is arrogance and ignorance..."

Zhang Xibao's words triggered a long time of thinking in the barrage, and everyone was not interested in hunting anymore.

"Let me show you the scenery of the castle again!"

Zhang Xibao started to stroll, recording all the beautiful scenery in the castle, feasting the audience's eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao glanced at a group of people, and among the group of people wearing black cloaks, a woman with a bird's head also secretly glanced at Zhang Xibao.

Sharma and his five wives!

When the crowd in cloaks passed through the stone arch, Zhang Xibao raised his legs to follow.

"Guests stop, this place is not open to the public!"

A gatekeeper wearing armor and strange treasures suddenly stopped Zhang Xibao. He didn't care about Zhang Xibao who was talking to himself. Anyway, every year's guests have more or less eccentricities, so what is talking to himself?

"Restricted area, right? Got it..."

Zhang Xibao nodded, turned around and left.

The audience was very surprised, why did Lord Bao suddenly become so talkative?

Unexpectedly, when passing by a flower pond, Zhang Xibao suddenly turned back, and the audience couldn't see it. The mask and clothes on Zhang Xibao's face began to change, and he became the appearance of Yule, the castle steward.


Zhang Xibao searched for his feelings, lowered his voice, and imitated Yu Le's accent.

"Open the door!" Zhang Xibao commanded in Le's voice.


The gatekeeper saluted Zhang Xibao, then opened the gate, and respectfully invited Zhang Xibao to enter.

"Mom, am I stupid or the doorman is stupid? 』

"What the hell is going on, you didn't let me in just now, and this attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees?" 』

"It's a rare treasure."

Zhang Xibao explained casually: "I used a strange treasure."

"One thing to say, Master Bao is really courageous! 』

"Joke, Master Bao has done less things? 』

Zhang Xibao walked through the arch and came to a place similar to a side hall. The decoration style here was obviously different from the hall where the party was held. The most eye-catching thing was a pale angel statue.

The face of the statue belonged to the saint son Martin. Zhang Xibao saw a few bald men like Wu Ke standing under the statue and chanting.

"Holy, holy, my almighty Son Martin. 』

"Holy, holy, glory and power in one. 』


Zhang Xibao made a three-tone tone.

The bald people should be the disciples of the Son of God. They were all wearing cloaks last time. Although Zhang Xibao hadn't seen their faces, he could feel them.

During the singing, wisps of illusory light emanated from the statue and drifted towards the building in the transparent air.

"I knock?"

Zhang Xibao felt that the golden light was very familiar, but he couldn't tell what it was, Bao Jian didn't respond, but Shu Ling showed a strong desire.

The disciples didn't even look at Zhang Xibao, as if the butler Yu Le was a frequent visitor here.

Zhang Xibao walked in with a nonchalant expression. If he guessed correctly, Saint Son Martin and Gu Popa were both inside the building.

Golden rays of light floated above his head like fireflies, Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to touch, but those rays of light avoided as if frightened.

"These two guys must be holding back nothing!" Zhang Xibao muttered and stepped into the building.

Sure enough, a familiar voice sounded, Gu Popa and Martin were talking inside, and Zhang Xibao secretly lay in the corner and began to eavesdrop.

"Good guy, I'll be direct, good guy, Master Bao eavesdropped on the wall!" 』

"Ah, this...isn't it good? 』

"The live broadcast is physical evidence. The tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room are all witnesses. Master Bao broke the law!" 』

"Hmph, the crooked method still wants to control my people in Daxia? 』

Zhang Xibao didn't care about the teasing of his friends, and listened intently.

"Have you brought something?" Martin asked.

"Hahaha, of course!"

Sharma laughed and said, "Everything is ready, the only thing left is you, the east wind. How is your recovery?"

Martin replied, "Almost..."

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