Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 296 Auction, Take A Fart

"If it wasn't for that idiot under your command, how could I have been injured? The twelve disciples wouldn't have lost most of their lives!"

Martin's low roar came from the hall.

"Oh, calm down..."

Sharma was half joking, and said half seriously: "As long as I only need 40% of the Nine Nethers, it's a huge compromise, so don't pretend anymore. When it's done, let alone twelve disciples, one hundred and twenty disciples will be able to do it." Create it, and you still have a chance to peek above the heavens!"

"You'd better not lie to me!" Martin was still full of anger.

"I swear to God, there are indeed a lot of rare treasure seeds in it. That idiot Gu Popa and my fifth wife just ate the seeds in it to become human body and beast head."

Gu Popa continued: "It's just that to pick the seeds, we need the blood of the supernatural beings to irrigate. Whether our plan can be successful depends on tonight's auction!"

"Those idiots, as long as I sell the qualifications to enter the Nine Serenities, they will definitely flock to buy, and even send a team of supernatural beings to explore with us. At that time, those guys will be the best cannon fodder!"

The conversation between the two was clearly and clearly heard by Zhang Xibao and the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"I knock, I knock? 』

"Looks like you heard something terrible? ! 』

"Bao Ye, run away, I'm afraid you'll be murdered if you expose yourself for a while!" 』

"One fish and two meals, this Sharma is really shameless, her heart is terrible!" 』

There was a crow's mouth in Baoyou, and the bullet screen hadn't finished scrolling when there were rustling footsteps behind Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao turned his head, and met Yu Le who was bewildered.

In fact, the guard was more confused than Yule. He clearly saw Mr. Yule enter the apse, but why did another Yule come?

The guard held back and said nothing. After all, there is not only one door in the apse. Maybe Mr. Yule went out through another door and entered through the door he was guarding again.

"Who put the mirror here?"

Yu Le waved his hand, and Zhang Xibao waved his hand expressionlessly.

Yu Le stretched out his hand to touch the non-existent mirror again, and suddenly turned his palm into a fist and punched Zhang Xibao's face, while shouting: "There is..."


Zhang Xibao caught Yu Le's fist with one hand, and squeezed Le's throat with the other hand.

For a moment, Yu Le was pinched by this huge force, his mustache trembled, and he passed out instantly, and the words he was about to shout were choked in his throat.

However, the movement still disturbed Martin and Sharma in the hall.

Martin flew out like the wind and stared at the calm Zhang Xibao. Yu Le, who had passed out, was thrown on the roof of the apse by Xiaoni, the Crow King.

"What's the matter? Is the auction ready?" Martin asked casually.

Zhang Xibao replied in a tight voice: "Holy, my almighty Son, the auction is ready!"

"What did you say just now?" Sharma led his five wives out again and asked with a smile.

"A guest wanted to see Mr. Sharma, and said that he was very interested in the qualifications that Mr. Sharma had mentioned, and hoped to discuss it further!" Zhang Xibao answered seamlessly.


Sharma laughed happily: "These idiots have really been fooled, let them prepare the money, and auction the qualifications to enter the foreign land tonight!"

Taking advantage of Sharma's joy, Zhang Xibao said again: "There are some guests who want to have a closer look at Mr. Sharma's foreign land key, and want to see if it is worth their money!"


Sharma sneered and touched the square-inch bracelet on her wrist: "Is this rare treasure something they can covet?"

Zhang Xibao glanced at Sharma's bracelet and determined the location of the Consonance Candle. The next step was to find a way to get the priest to cooperate with him to get the Consonance Candle.

At this time, the sound of fighting suddenly came from outside the arch.


The supernatural being guarding the gate broke a stone pillar and flew in backwards.

The bald disciples who were praying under the statue of the Son reacted instantly and blocked the door aggressively.

Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li rushed in, and Qian Chengjin followed behind, his eyes darting back and forth, as if looking for something.

Seeing that the plan is going smoothly, how did these two guys break in?

Two big sisters, if you want to find me, can you watch my live broadcast first?

Zhang Xibao roared in his heart, wishing he could kick the two of them out!

Martin's eyes fell on the faces of Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li, and he smiled: "You two came together, what do you want me to do?"

For a moment, Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li's scalps felt numb.

Heavenly Son Martin is here!

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

Smiling, Sharma took out a golden scepter from the square-inch bracelet, and the wives behind him also stood up, and one of the women held a statue with twelve arms in her hands.

Heaven-level holy son Martin plus an incomplete disciple, ground-level Sharma plus five mysterious-level wives and two ground-level rare treasures: "Twelve-armed Stone Statue" and "Golden Staff from Sand Spring"

This kind of combat power is enough to keep the Western White Tiger and Southern Vermilion Bird, the second of the Four Saints, right?

"Do it!" Sharma shouted.

At the same time, Zhang Xibao was also shouting.

West White Tiger and Vermilion Bird left, as did the five wives behind Sharma.

However, the target of the priest controlling Xiao's body was Sharma!


The priest's hand stabbed Sharma's heart with a knife. This change surprised most of the people present, and even Zhang Xibao's friends in Zhang Xibao's live broadcast room were a little confused.

"Murder your husband? 』

"Get lost? 』

"Justice to kill relatives? 』

"Good job!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, "Take his square-inch bracelet!"


Sharma's face was grim, and his chest squirmed.

The priest's hand knife pierced Sharma's back, but no blood flowed out, only dense gravel.

The golden gravel seemed to be alive, entangled along the priest's arm, and the priest would break it as soon as it was broken, and cut off the palm entangled in the gravel with his other hand.

"It's so cruel! 』

"The phantom limb hurts!" 』

"The backstab failed! 』

"This Ah San's body turned into sand? 』

The priest retreated violently, but the sand entangled her and clung to her legs, engulfing her in an instant.

There was a weird chewing sound...

The body controlled by the priest was finished, but it gave Zhang Xibao a precious opportunity.

Zhang Xibao's shadow disappeared in a flash.


Half of Sharma's arm fell to the ground, turning into gravel with a thud.

Zhang Xibao spit out Samadhi real fire to burn the wriggling gravel, at the same time he picked up the square-inch bracelet and took out the consonance candle inside.

He stretched out a pinch of the wick of the Lingxi candle, and with a whoosh, the candle was lit.

A strange fragrance instantly filled the courtyard of the hall.

Zhang Xibao snorted coldly: "Auction? What a fart!"

"Open the door to the foreign world!"

Zhang Xibao raised the burning candle and smashed it to the ground, with him as the center of a circle, large clouds of black mist emerged out of thin air.

The solid ground turned into a thick black quagmire, and everyone present was sucked into it in an instant.

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