Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 297 Nine Netherworlds


Fatty Qian Chengjin lay on Xiao Ni's back and retched, but fortunately he could hold back, otherwise he would have eaten for nothing at noon...

The gate of this "Nine Serenities" is not perpendicular to the ground, but a bottomless black hole opened directly from the ground, swallowing everyone present.

The moment he entered the gate of the foreign world, the sky and the earth spun, and Zhang Xibao had the illusion that this was not the gate of the foreign world, but a giant toilet.

Zhang Xibao held Tang Yinghuang in his left hand, and Qin Li in his right hand. He was suspended in mid-air, and beside him was Xiaoni, the Crow King who was flying with wings.

The live broadcast room was dark because the base station at the top of the tower could not cover Zhang Xibao's location.

Below are three darker holes, two smaller and one larger, and the holy son Martin, disciples and Sharma fell into two smaller holes respectively.

"What's the situation?"

Zhang Xibao lowered his head and asked Qin Li, before the mission, they knew more information.

Zhang Xibao and the others were floating above the largest hole.

Qin Li looked down at the scene below, and said, "Do you think the three openings below look like mouths and eye sockets? This strange world is the illusion of the corpse of a strange beast..."

"I knock, such a big beast?"

Zhang Xibao took a closer look at the hole below: "The eye sockets alone are several times bigger than a football field. Those things are teeth? I thought it was a mountain peak! What kind of beast's skeleton is this?"

Tang Yinghuang spat out two words: "Glutton!"

"Turtle, it's amazing!"

"Shall we go in directly?" Zhang Xibao looked at the dark hole under his feet.

Tang Yinghuang struggled twice: "You let us go first, we can fly with the sword, you just let the Crow King carry Qian Chengjin on his back."

"Oh fine……"

Zhang Xibao put the two of them on a protruding bone, Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li took out the Four Sacred Swords, and the four of them flew down towards the biggest hole with one bird.

After flying down for a long time, a group of people landed.

Zhang Xibao rubbed the ground with his toes, and found that it was bones that were not metal and not wood. He turned his head and asked, "We have been flying for so long, and the speed is not slow. No matter how big this skull is, it can't be this deep, right?"

Qin Li reminded: "Did you forget that the space in the foreign territory is folded?"

"Oh oh oh, I only cared about this big bone, and forgot that this is a foreign land, hahaha..." Zhang Xibao scratched his hair to hide his embarrassment.

Zhang Xibao pointed to the dark foreign world, and changed the subject: "There must be many treasures in the foreign world. I heard Sharma tell Martin that there are strange treasure seeds here, and we have to act quickly."

As the crowd walked, Qin Li said: "Ancient books record that gluttonous goat body, human face, tiger teeth and human hands devoured everything, because they were so greedy that they swallowed their own body. There is also a saying that Chi You's head was chopped off by Xuanyuan After coming down, it will be transformed into the ground..."

What Qin Li said, Zhang Xibao naturally knew that most of his attention was on observing the surrounding environment.

This strange land was transformed by Taotie's corpse, and naturally there was no light source in the sky, but it wasn't pitch-dark darkness, because there was faint blue phosphorescent fire floating in the air.

There are huge skeletons like mountains and mountains rising from the ground. What is amazing is that these bones are covered with hair-like plants.

"Bao Jian didn't respond. Is this thing a foreign plant?"

Zhang Xibao plucked a small hair-like plant, and used fresh air to stimulate the growth of the hair plant. He then burned it with a different fire, and the plant gave off a strong burnt smell.

Zhang Xibao came to a conclusion: "Well, the wood-type ability is effective, so it's considered a different plant!"

There is little fresh air in the Nine Nether Territory, and in the dark corners, there is a turbid air that looks like smoke but not smoke, which is the devilish air that harmful beasts like demon monkeys like to swallow.

"There are alien plants, but I don't know if there are any alien beasts. Even if there are, it must not be a good thing..."

As soon as the words fell, a fist-sized four-clawed monster sprang out from the bone under his feet and bit Qian Chengjin's ass.


Little Ni the Crow King vomited a rocket, burning the little four-clawed monster screaming and writhing on the ground for a while, turning it into a handful of ashes.

Although the little monster's body is only the size of a fist, its mouth is also the size of a fist and full of sharp teeth. If it bites, it may tear off half of Qian Chengjin's ass!

"Brother Bao, did you open your mouth?!" Qian Chengjin glanced at Zhang Xibao resentfully.

Crow King Xiaoni patted Qian Chengjin's shoulder with his wings, and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll cover you..."

Tang Yinghuang glanced at Xiaoni, the crow king, thinking that this big golden crow has become a genius.

"There are really strange beasts?"

Zhang Xibao took out the shiny cane, the dazzling light lit up, he searched the bone crevices with the cane, and sure enough, he found many little black and gray monsters.

Wherever the light went, the little monster hissed and hid in the darkness, exactly the same as the monkey's reaction back then.

Zhang Xibao engulfed a little monster, squatted down and observed it carefully.

"The eye sockets are sunken, and the eyeballs are like stones. It's hard to say whether it can be used. It has more bones and less flesh. It looks like a skinned mouse, but whose mouth occupies half of the body? This is too curious!"

While hissing and roaring, the little monster used its mouth with several layers of teeth to bite the hairy plant that wrapped around it. It was about to get away, but was trampled to pieces by Zhang Xibao.

"Be careful not to fall into the cracks of the bones, or there will be no bones left..." Zhang Xibao reminded.


In the layers of bone crevices, the little monsters ran like tides into the darkness in the distance, because they were afraid of the light from the shiny sticks.


A roar attracted everyone's attention, and a group of two-meter-long monsters that looked like wolves but not wolves appeared from behind the bone mountain. They devoured the little monster mice, as if they were eating a buffet.

The sound of chewing and bone fractures could be heard faintly in the air, making one's hair stand on end.

Qian Chengjin tugged at the corner of Zhang Xibao's clothes, shrank his neck and said, "Brother Bao, I think we should continue flying in the sky, or we will become self-help. I understand it, this place is a big fish to eat." Little fish, little fish eat dried shrimps, who knows what strange things are hiding behind?"

"What you said makes sense..."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the strange wolf who kept watching this side, nodded, and turned Fang Rui into a phoenix.

The phoenix flew into the sky with everyone on its back, and galloped towards the depths of the foreign land.

"It seems that another ecosystem has appeared in this alien territory. None of these alien beasts are recorded in the treasure book..."

Sitting on Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao was talking to himself.

Qian Chengjin breathed a sigh of relief: "The sky is safer than the earth. After all, there are no flying beasts..."

There was a crackling sound in the air, and two big lanterns were vaguely flying in the darkness, and there was a long black shadow hanging behind the big lanterns.

Zhang Xibao glanced at Qian Chengjin: "You are the pure crow's mouth..."

Xiao Ni innocently called out, "What's none of my business?"

Tang Yinghuang couldn't help but said, "I understand the truth, but why do you have to sit on Phoenix's back as a bird?"

"Idiot, because it saves effort..." Xiao Ni gave Xi Baihu a disdainful look.

"Okay, stop making noise, something is flying over, very fast!"

The Tongtian pupil lighted up slightly, Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes to look at the black figure, he raised his hand and shone it with the shiny cane, and finally saw clearly what it was.

The two big lanterns are the eyeballs, and the long black shadow behind it is the thing's body. This is a giant flying centipede tens of meters long!

"I knock, why can centipedes fly in the sky? This is unscientific!"

Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining, and then he thought about it, since the spiritual energy recovered, the science tree collapsed, and people can fly, it seems that it is not impossible to fly a centipede...

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