Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 298 Corpse Jing Fruit

"Sit tight, I'm going to speed up!"

Under Zhang Xibao's control, the flying speed of the phoenix under his seat suddenly increased a lot.

"Isn't it just a big centipede, what a fuss..."

Tang Yinghuang muttered, and took out the White Tiger Sword from the square inch bracelet.

Zhang Xibao asked in surprise: "You can also use a sword, why haven't I seen you use it before?"

"Nonsense, I am the master of the White Tiger Sword, why can't I use a sword?"

Tang Yinghuang breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just that I don't feel comfortable with the sword, but I still enjoy the fist!"

After all, Tang Yinghuang stood at the tail of the phoenix, staring at the flying centipede that was chasing after it.

"Why aren't you beheading?" Zhang Xibao urged.

"Wouldn't it work if you put it closer? It's more powerful if you put it closer!"

Tang Yinghuang's fighting spirit kept rising, and only the big centipede remained in her dark eyes.

Qian Chengjin shivered: "Hurry up, big sister, if you get any closer, you'll bite your ass!"

Tang Yinghuang ignored the little fat man, she was already immersed in her own world, and fierce sword intent emanated from the White Tiger Sword.

The master of the Western White Tiger killed, it seemed that not only his fists were strong, but also his sword intent was not low.


Tang Yinghuang slashed two swords, and two moonlight-like sword auras flew towards the big centipede behind him, and the transparent air was divided into four by the sword aura.

The Yi-shaped sword light enveloped the flying centipede, and the centipede let out a roar, and continued to chase after it without slowing down.

"Why is it useless?" Qian Chengjin scratched his scalp.

Tang Yinghuang glanced at him and said, "Shut up, let the sword energy fly for a while!"


The flying centipede suddenly exploded into several pieces and fell towards the same pitch-black ground.

"A cow, a cow!"

Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up, Tang Yinghuang hummed twice, and sat down again.

Although the turbid air is the opposite of the clear air, it is also very clear in Tong Tiantong's field of vision.

It's not the first time for Sharma and the others to come to this foreign land. The old horse knows the way, and it must be faster than the people who come to the foreign land for the first time, but Zhang Xibao has a phoenix to travel and Tongtian Tong to find the direction, so the speed is not slow. .

"Going forward, the concentration of turbidity is even greater, it is better for everyone to take the detoxification pill..."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Vermilion Bird took out the elixir on his own initiative and distributed one to everyone.

This elixir is produced by the [Meritorious Merit System], and its quality is naturally inferior to that of the detoxification elixir in [Different Mall], so it is naturally worth a lot, but to Nan Vermilion Bird, it is a small fortune.

"Standing on a wall..."

The deeper the phoenix flew, the more bones rose from below.

"That Xiaoli, did Qinglong tell you what our goal was before we set off?" Zhang Xibao's voice sounded faintly.

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, and replied: "It's the keel. The sacrificed Xingxiu Huohou once obtained part of the information from Sharma. There are keel bones in the Nine Nether Territory. Qinglong said that the five dragons will need a lot of keel!"

"A keel, that's going to be very useful..." Zhang Xibao nodded.

"I don't know why Qinglong suddenly needs so many keels?"

Dragon bone is not only the raw material of high-grade treasure pills, but also can be used to refine exotic treasures. It is a resource-based refining material that all forces must compete for.

The [Yin Yang Keel Bone Cone] of the Gate of Stable Stability is made from keel bones.


It seemed that there was a thunderstorm, and the sound echoed in the dark sky from far to near, attracting everyone's attention.

"There's a fight over there..."

Zhang Xibao looked in the direction of the sound source, and controlled the Phoenix to fly over.

They hadn't quite gotten close when they saw Martin floating in the air, wrestling with something with his glorious sword in hand.

That thing was a wolf-shaped beast more than three meters long, much larger than what Zhang Xibao and the others saw at the entrance of the foreign realm.


There was another loud bang, and the sword light of the Great Sword of Glory shattered a piece of strange beasts, which turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

The disciples swarmed up, picked up the corpse of the alien beast and threw it on a mountain of bones. Soon, wriggling tentacles entangled the corpse of the alien beast, sucking the flesh from the corpse.

Sharma wasn't idle either. The twelve-armed stone statue had swelled into a ten-meter-tall demon god. Compared with it, the three-meter-long alien beast seemed quite small.

The material of the Twelve-armed Demon God was special, and it was not attacked by those black tentacles. It stretched out its arms, pinched wolf-shaped beasts one after another, and threw them to the bone mountain.

"What is that, it's disgusting!" Tang Yinghuang frowned.

Zhang Xibao replied: "Corpse Jing!"

Baojian recognized the black tentacles that seemed to be alive!

"Corpse thorn: It is also a beast and a grass. It is an evil thing transformed by the turbid air of the world, and it is born by attaching to the corpse of a fierce beast. It likes to eat fresh flesh and blood, absorbs life energy, and breeds the fruit of the corpse. Those who cultivate the truth eat it and become demons!" 』

After listening to Zhang Xibao's introduction, Qin Li came to his senses: "So Sharma and Martin are feeding the corpse thorns with the flesh and blood of those strange beasts, are they trying to give birth to corpse thorns?"

Tang Yinghuang also asked: "Is the corpse jing fruit the rare treasure seed?"

"Do not!"

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "There should be a lot of rare treasure seeds in Sharma's mouth. This dead thorn fruit should be for Martin. He wants to surpass the heavenly level!"

There are immortals and ghosts on the heavenly ranks. This guy Martin obviously wants to go astray!

Although ghosts are disdainful by Old Man Tongtian, ghosts are ghosts after all. Isn't a ghost in full strength beaten by a blue dragon at the peak of the heaven rank?

"You can't let this grandson get away with it, or he will turn his head against us!" Qian Chengjin's mind turned quickly, and after Zhang Xibao's touch, he reacted instantly.

"Brothers, let's do it!"

Zhang Xibao controlled Phoenix and charged towards the battlefield, while Tang Yinghuang and Qin Li pulled out the Four Sacred Swords respectively.

"You two deal with Sharma, Martin leave it to me!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Xibao roughly designed the tactics.

Qin Li and Tang Yinghuang rushed towards Sharma with their swords in hand.

Qian Chengjin, who was making soy sauce, was taken to a safe place by the two crow brothers to continue making soy sauce.

The group of crows flew up, and after receiving Zhang Xibao's instruction, the little crows began to attack Shi Jing with all their strength!

As long as the corpse jingle is destroyed, Martin's plan will be ruined. As for the corpse jingle fruit, Zhang Xibao still doesn't like it.

After eating the corpse jing fruit, he would become enchanted, and it sounded like he was following the cultivation path of the underworld faction, not to mention that the old man Tongtian and Zhan Nian would kill relatives righteously, if Zhang Xibao wanted to eat that stuff, Qinglong would definitely be the first to find him.

At that time, Zhang Xibao will enjoy the small SVIP cell in the base, and he might not be neighbors with Tianyi.

A man can sit upright, what kind of dead thorn fruit to eat!

"There was no winner last time, let's continue this time!"

The phoenix retracted under Zhang Xi's throne and turned into wings again. He took out the thorns of the past life and killed Martin in mid-air.

"It's you annoying guy again!" Martin roared in mid-air.

"Go to hell!"

The snow-white wings spread out, the wings that were cut off by the golden sword intent last time were intact, and the densely packed holy feathers rushed towards Zhang Xibao again.

"Come up and make a big move, right? Think I can't do anything about you?"

The golden wings on Zhang Xibao's back spread out, covering his body like a protective umbrella. The holy feather like a hidden weapon hit the wings, but failed to break through the defense.

"Impossible!" Martin was shocked.

"Nothing is Impossible!"

Zhang Xibao sneered: "I'll show you this move!"

The golden wings spread out, and golden holy feathers emerged in the air.

"You can also taste the taste of Sheng Yu's attack!"

As if there was a golden rainstorm, the golden holy feather transformed by Zhang Xibao lit up the dark sky.

In an instant, a golden rainstorm enveloped Martin, and the white holy feather behind Martin slid down the sky like a meteor!

The small half of the wing that Zhang Xibao got last time was neither stewed nor refined into a treasure, so Zhang Xibao fed it to Fang Rui!

This is the scary thing about Fang Rui, absorbing blood and simulating abilities, as long as Zhang Xibao can support the supply of clean energy, Sheng Yu's attack power can even surpass Martin's defense!

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