Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 305 Met An Old Acquaintance

Starting from the imperial capital in the morning, the group arrived in the magical capital in the afternoon.

The phoenix dragged its long tail feathers and hovered over the playground of the Shanghai University. Zhang Xibao lowered his head and looked down, and sighed, "Oh, the battle is not small, is it?"

On the playground, the welcome slogans on the projection screen kept scrolling, and the students and teachers in charge of welcoming stood neatly in rows, holding small colored flags in their hands, making Zhang Xibao and the others seem like heroes returning.

"I'm afraid I'm not going to show off!" Bai Weiwei muttered.

The phoenix flew downwards, and many students in the magic city looked up curiously. After all, flying treasures are not common, and people who can fly casually in the magic city are even rarer.

"Fenghuang, it's so stylish, I'm so envious!" Someone sighed.

Someone said unconvinced: "Cut! What's the matter? Doesn't Henry Zhang, the honorary principal of Shanghai Magic City, also have flying treasures, and doesn't he also fly around in the sky all day long!"

The man retorted: "The gourd boat is quite exciting, but we don't have a chance to sit on it, do we?"

"To shut up!"

The team was led by a girl with twin ponytails. She glanced at the two classmates and warned, "Keep quiet and don't make any noise!"

The team quieted down, and it was obvious that everyone was a little afraid of the girl with double ponytails.

When the phoenix landed, Zhang Xibao and Bai Weiwei led the team down. The phoenix rolled out of thin air and took it back into Zhang Xibao's hands. This scene made the students exclaim again.

"Welcome everyone from Imperial University to come to our school for exchange and study."

A woman in a black uniform came over. Zhang Xibao knew her. This woman had approached Zhang Xibao as the person in charge of the Admissions Office of Shanghai.

"Han Chunhua, long time no see." Bai Weiwei sneered.

The woman adjusted her glasses: "Bai Weiwei, please stay safe."

"Ahem, two, there are so many students watching, let's pay attention to the occasion!"

Seeing that the eyes of the two women were about to shoot fire again, Zhang Xibao interrupted them by coughing twice.

"You are the leader of the team, Mr. Bao, you have known your name for a long time."

Teacher Han ignored Bai Weiwei's stinky face, smiled politely at Zhang Xibao, and then looked at the students: "Hi everyone, I'm Teacher Han, I'll take you to the accommodation first!"

A group of people walked behind Mr. Han, with the students of Modu next to them.

"Hello, two female students. I'm Han Meimei from the Student Union. I'm in charge of the reception. If you have any needs in life, you can find me." The girl with two ponytails greeted Qin Li and Ye Ziyun.

"Brother, look, there is a beautiful girl!" Qian Guangming poked Qian Chengjin.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Zhang Xibao looked back at the girl with double ponytails as if he had seen a ghost.

This is Han Meimei? This change is too big!

Han Meimei glanced at Zhang Xibao suspiciously: "You are not feeling well, we have prepared a pill..."

"No, no, I just have a dry throat, and I was blown by the wind while riding a phoenix..." Zhang Xibao hurriedly waved his hands.

Han Meimei handed over a bottle of drink: "Oh, then I'll give you a bottle of water to moisten your throat!"

Zhang Xibao took the drink and took a sip, his eyes fell on Han Meimei, wishing he could grab her by the neck and question her: Is it true that the body is lost? Say, where did you hide the real Han Meimei?

Teacher Han took Zhang Xibao and the others to a student apartment, and Shanghai University allocated the entire floor to them.

That night, Shanghai Metropolitan University held a small welcome party. The students sang and danced, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The following days were very routine. As transfer students, the six students began to study with the students of Shanghai University. Zhang Xibao and Bai Weiwei had endless meetings.

Zhang Xibao complained to Bai Weiwei: "You might as well let me study together as a student. At least I can fish for fish. Now, it's good. I follow you all day in meetings and meetings. I'm almost like an applauding machine!"

Bai Weiwei was also very helpless, the procedure was just like this, she comforted Zhang Xibao and said, "Just be patient, you will be liberated after two days of the treasure appraiser meeting..."

Meetings are boring, Zhang Xibao's only pleasure is to observe Han Meimei!

As Teacher Han's little secretary, Han Meimei sat obediently at the conference table all day long, and was responsible for recording some meeting agendas.

Occasionally, when Han Meimei raised her head and made eye contact with Zhang Xibao, Han Meimei would smile and nod in greeting.

Zhang Xibao crossed his arms, stared at the well-behaved Han Meimei, and sneered in his heart.

Hmph, you're not the real Han Meimei, just pretend, I'll see how long you pretend!

this day.

The two-hour meeting hadn't stopped, and Zhang Xibao had some doubts about whether the kidneys of the people in the meeting were made of steel. He took advantage of the leader who was speaking on the stage not paying attention, and sneaked out of the meeting room, planning to drain the water before talking.

Han Meimei, who was across the conference table, whispered something to Teacher Han, and quietly left the conference room.

The men's and women's toilets were next to each other, Zhang Xibao thought that Han Meimei was also going to the toilet, so he didn't care.

Just as Zhang Xibao walked into the men's room, the door behind him opened. He turned around in surprise and saw Han Meimei walking in with a blank expression.

"Ah, classmate Han Meimei, this is the men's room, you..."

Zhang Xibao didn't finish his sentence when a fist the size of a casserole hit him in the face.

Han Meimei's punch made a sound of piercing through the air, and she could kill a bear with all her strength!

Zhang Xibao let out a cheer in his heart.

Look, is it exposed?


Zhang Xibao caught Han Meimei's fist with his palm, and the toilet door beside him was knocked by the air current.

Before Zhang Xibao could speak, Han Meimei came up as soon as she cut off her children and grandchildren, and she used a set of small combos quite smoothly.


Zhang Xibao knocked Han Meimei's foot with his knee.

"Although I don't know why you did it to me, kicking here is a bit too much, isn't it?" Zhang Xibao questioned Han Meimei condescendingly.

"It's you pervert, wolf!"

Han Meimei missed a kick and made up another kick, but Zhang Xibao took over again.

"Sneaking and peeping at your sister Han all day long, with bad intentions!"

"An old sp like you, I've kicked out eight if not ten!"

Daringly, Han Meimei regards Zhang Xibao's observation as stealing, peeping!

"Stop, stop!"

Zhang Xibao pushed the frantic Han Meimei away: "Han Meimei, you tigress, even if I've been single for the rest of my life, I won't steal or spy on you if I jump from the eighth floor."

"Pfft hahahaha, your ponytails are outrageous!"

Zhang Xibao returned to his familiar voice, Han Meimei looked at him suspiciously, and asked uncertainly, "Zhang Xibao?"

"It's just tender stack!"

Zhang Xibao took off his mask, revealing his true face, and smiled charmingly at Han Meimei.




Han Meimei kicked Zhang Xibao a few times, finally stopped, and asked curiously, "How did you become the team leader of Imperial University? No, you are actually the big anchor Baoye?"

"Hahaha, are you stupid?"

Zhang Xibao and Han Meimei went up to the rooftop, and while they were sitting and blowing the air, he explained: "I'm also a senior appraiser, Imperial University hired me as the vice-captain to support the appearance, and I will take the students to attend the appraiser meeting. "

"I see……"

Han Meimei also began to talk about why she came to Shanghai.

It turned out that Han Chunhua was Han Meimei's cousin, and because of this relationship, and Han Meimei's score in the strength test was not low, so she came to Modu University, and became a freshman's big sister!

The breeze blew the two people's hair, Zhang Xibao looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and said with emotion: "Okay, each has its own way of life, it's very good...

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