Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 306 Mama, I Want To Eat Roasted Yam

"Let's go, it's time to go back to the conference room."

Zhang Xibao stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and said to Han Meimei, "You go back and play your three good students, and I will go back and continue to be an applauding machine."


Han Meimei took a few steps first, then turned around and said, "The meeting is over, I'll treat you to dinner, it's been a long time, let's have a good chat."

"Okay, but let me treat you to eat. Lord Bao is rich now, so just tell me what you want to eat!" Zhang Xibao readily agreed.

After the meeting, Han Meimei took Zhang Xibao to the Town God Temple Snack Plaza in Shanghai.

A street is full of delicious food, and the foodies on the street are rubbing shoulders. Han Meimei and Zhang Xibao are eating a few vegetarian buns with big mouthfuls.

Zhang Xibao threw buns into his mouth one bite at a time: "Master Bao is now worth trillions, so why don't you take me to eat this?"

"Come on, do you understand that snacks can satisfy your hunger?" Han Meimei rolled her eyes and continued to search for delicious snacks.

"Brother Bao, hiccup!"

"Hi, Brother Bao!"

The two were walking around when Zhang Xibao suddenly heard someone calling him.

Qian Chengjin ran over excitedly holding a bunch of skewers, hiccupping like a rooster.

Zhang Xibao patted his stomach: "Eat less, the abdominal muscles that you have worked out so hard are almost gone..."

Qian Chengjin quibbled: "This is me, hiccup, I saw Brother Bao, hiccup, I'm choking on the wind, hiccup..."

"Just yourself?" Zhang Xibao asked him.

Qian Chengjin replied: "My brother, hiccup, and other students are also there!"

The little fat man said again: "Brother Bao, save your stomach, I will treat everyone to roast exotic beef in a while!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Han Meimei: "Student Han is here too, shall we come together?"

Han Meimei is not a hypocritical person, so she agreed immediately: "Okay, I happen to be familiar with the students in the imperial capital, so let's go together!"

The three gathered in the direction of the large army.

Qian Chengjin whispered to Zhang Xibao: "Brother Bao, are you dating classmate Han?"

"No, no, don't talk nonsense, she was my deskmate in high school!" Zhang Xibao vetoed three times in a row.

"Oh, so it's a high school classmate..."

Qian Chengjin stared at Han Meimei's back and asked, "Does she have a boyfriend?"

Zhang Xibao sensed something unusual, and smiled at Qian Chengjin: "Why, do you like her?"

"Well! My younger brother likes her too, and I'm ready to ask for her contact information. This time, I will never give in!"

The little fat man became shy for the first time, Zhang Xibao gave him a thumbs up, and said something meaningful: "You two brothers are real warriors..."

"If fate comes, you can't stop it. If you like it, go after it bravely!" Zhang Xibao smiled, patted Qian Chengjin on the shoulder, and walked forward.

Qian Guangming found a high-end restaurant nearby, and the two Qian brothers wanted to treat everyone to the exotic beast steak.

Alien Beast Steak is the special dish of this restaurant named [Magic Sea]. The Alien Beast is an exotic animal from a foreign land. In the near future, Black Dragon will try to release these artificially raised alien meat to specific restaurants, so that ordinary The people gradually accepted the flesh and blood of alien animals.

"I heard that the exotic animal steaks here are extremely fresh and tender, and in one word, expensive! Of course, if you have money, you may not be able to eat them, because the steaks are in limited supply." Qian Guangming said with joy, and everyone seemed confused. look.

Zhang Xibao doesn’t have any special feelings, the main reason is that the Five Dragons Association will give him the flesh and blood of different animals and treasure pills as benefits every month. He is a little tired of eating the meat of different animals. Spirit peach core or something.

Zhang Xibao sent members of the Black Dragon Society to Hao Cang Island, and brought a square inch ring to the leader of the spirit ape. Ten snow lotus seeds and piles of spirit stones were put in the ring. The leader of the spirit ape gave him a bunch of monkeys in return The wine and fresh exotic fruits taste very good.

Qian Guangming booked a private room and became more active when his brother Qian Chengjin invited Zhang Xibao and Han Meimei. Qian Chengjin was not to be outdone and rushed to pour tea for everyone.

Zhang Xibao was nibbling the Juling peach pits one by one, looking at the two Qian brothers who were eager to express themselves, it felt like watching two little monkeys.

People, once you fall in love, your IQ is basically negative...

A hand reached out from the left and took away a handful of juling peach cores. It was Han Meimei, who had never been polite to Zhang Xibao.

Suddenly, a small white hand stretched out from the right, and grabbed a handful of juling peach cores. It turned out to be Vermilion Bird Li, probably because the greedy Ye Ziyun encouraged her to do it.

Zhang Xibao was afraid that everyone would not have enough to eat, so with one hand, the Juling peach pits fell on the table, and also took out some of the exotic melons and fruits given to him by the leader of the spirit ape, so that everyone could satisfy their hunger.

"You used to feed me this kind of peach pits. It turns out that they are really good for my brain. Your sister, I didn't realize it!" Han Meimei complained.

"Hehe, you can't stop your mouth even if you eat it!" Zhang Xibao smiled.

The restaurant waiter came over and brought a large plate of exotic steak and several plates of ordinary steak.

The manager of the restaurant came over and smiled apologetically at Qian Guangming: "Young master, the restaurant doesn't have enough exotic steaks, I'm really sorry."

Qian Guangming's face suddenly became ugly. He grabbed the manager's collar and asked, "Didn't you say that there were still more steaks when I made a reservation? Why did you say there were no more steaks when my guests arrived?"

"Others thought I couldn't afford it, so give me a big plate of Beast Steak, one plate per person!" Qian Guangming himself is a supernatural being, with great strength, he almost took off the manager's collar.

"I'm so sorry."

The manager of the restaurant is someone who has seen the world, even though Qian Guangming sprayed him with saliva, he still explained in a leisurely manner: "The restaurant has VIPs temporarily, and the exotic beast steaks can only be served to them first, the restaurant's regulations are like this... ..."

"My mother..."

Qian Guangming's eyes almost popped out, and he threw bank cards one by one on the table.

"VIP, right? Get me an SVIP! No matter how much it costs, do it right away!!!"

The restaurant manager shook his head: "I'm really sorry, SVIP can't just be done with money."

Qian Guangming almost pouted, he was the second youngest of the Qian family, how could he have been wronged like this.

Zhang Xibao knocked on the table and attracted everyone's attention. He looked at the manager of the restaurant and asked, "Your restaurant belongs to Liuli Pavilion, right? Since I entered the door just now, I noticed the sign on the mural in the hall. Although the painting is very vague, the sign I still know it."

The logo of Liuli Pavilion was designed by Tang Linlang, a young lady of the Tang family. Little Loli once boasted to Zhang Xibao that she split and integrated the Tang characters into the logo, which has a very beautiful meaning.

"You're right." The restaurant manager nodded and admitted generously, with some pride in his eyes.

"Oh, I see."

Zhang Xibao opened Tang Yinghuang's contact information, and sent a text message: "I want to eat the exotic beast steak at [Magic Sea] restaurant on XX Road in Shanghai. 』

Tang Yinghuang replied with a message in seconds: "You have one-tenth of the shares in Liuli Pavilion, you can eat it, you can eat it with a cow in your arms, why do you want me?" 』

"I knocked, I forgot about this..."

Zhang Xibao scratched his head, took out a five-color glazed card from Tongtian Treasure House, put it on the table, and said to the restaurant manager, "I want to eat exotic beast steak, what do you think?"

The manager of the restaurant shivered, leaned down on the table and looked at the glass card, and bowed to Zhang Xibao: "Understood, wait a moment..."

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