
[Magic Sea] Restaurant, large private room.

The table was filled with hot exotic animal steaks, and the students ate them to their heart's content.

"It's still Bao Ge's bullshit!"

Qian Chengjin gave a thumbs up while eating the steak. He didn't eat the steak as usual, but cut it bit by bit with a knife and fork, quite gentlemanly.

The same is true for Qian Guangming. Usually, these two guys have to compete for food...

Zhang Xibao snorted, eating the exotic fruit that he brought with him, looking at these two brothers was like looking at idiots.

"Mr. Bao, are you satisfied with your food?"

The restaurant manager rubbed his hands and stood aside, his attitude turned 180 degrees.

"The taste is not bad. The tomato beef brisket and potato beef I made are a little bit worse."

"Exotic beast meat is firm and has less fat. It is not suitable for steak. You can create several new ways to eat it..."

Zhang Xibao commented casually, and taught several methods of different animal meat on the spot.

The manager of the restaurant humbly learned and nodded repeatedly.

"I'd like to see who snatched our quota?"

There was an impatient growl from outside, Zhang Xibao looked at the restaurant manager, who bowed apologetically: "Mr. Bao, take your time first, I'll take care of the outside matters."

It may be that the so-called VIP didn't eat the meat of the exotic beast, so he started to look for restaurants, but everyone didn't take this matter to heart, and they were all enjoying the delicious food in front of them.

"You can't go in, it doesn't comply with the restaurant's regulations!" came the voice of the restaurant manager.

Another strange voice sounded: "I can't keep your restaurant open, believe it or not?!"

"It's annoying!"

Qian Guangming threw the knife and fork on the table. As the hosts, the two brothers managed to bring everyone together for a meal, and this happened unexpectedly.

"I'll go outside and have a look!"

The mud bodhisattva was still angry, and Qian Guangming's temper was more explosive than Qian Chengjin's, and he couldn't sit still for a moment.

"I will go with you!"

Knowing his younger brother's temperament, Qian Chengjin was afraid that he would cause trouble, so he followed Qian Guangming and went out.

Outside the door, a group of young aristocrats were walking up. The restaurant manager and restaurant security guards stood at the stairway to prevent this group of people from going up, lest they disturb the distinguished guests of the restaurant.

"It's so noisy, can you be quiet?" Qian Guangming looked at the group of people condescendingly, and said something under control.

The crowd fell silent and looked up the stairs one after another. The leader pointed to Qian Guangming: "I hate other people standing taller than me. Do you dare to come down and talk?"

"Are you coming up?" Qian Guangming sneered.

Qian Chengjin didn't smile, and glanced at the group of people downstairs, wrote down their looks, checked it with the information in his mind, and found that he seemed to have seen the leader.

The leader is Qi Dongqiang. Brother Bao asked himself to investigate the information of the Qi family, but he did not expect to meet him in this restaurant today.

Qian Chengjin wanted to tell Zhang Xibao about this, so he told his younger brother Qian Guangming: "Don't make trouble, I'll go back and have a word with Master Bao..."

After all, Qian Chengjin returned to the private room, Qian Guangming leaned on the handrail of the stairs and sneered downwards.

Isn't it just that a few devils are evil and young, these dandies from small families are younger than his Second Young Master Qian!


The people downstairs felt being provoked, glanced at each other, and forced their way past the line of defense of the restaurant manager and others.

Qian Guangming muttered: "Even the security guards of supernatural beings can't stop this group of guys. It seems that they are not ordinary people anymore, so I am not violating the ban of the Black Dragon Society..."


A ray of thunder emerged from Qian Guangming's arm, and rushed down the stair railing like a snake.

Qian Guangming ate the strange treasure seeds one step ahead of Qian Chengjin, and activated the branch of the water-type ability - the thunder-type ability.

A few wisps of electric arc exploded on the evil boys of the Devil City, which was powerful enough to make them suffer a little, but not fatal.

Qi Dongqiang, the leader, had a white shield blooming on his body, completely absorbing the thunder light. He didn't even look at his companion who was suffering from pain behind him. He punched Qian Guangming with three steps at a time.

Qi Dongqiang grinned grimly: "You are also a supernatural being, right? Then it's easy to handle. You did it first!"

Qian Guangming felt a chill in his ears, he tilted his head reflexively, and a ray of wind blade scraped against his earlobe.

Qian Guangming touched his ear, and there was a drop of blood on his thumb. He sucked the blood off his fingertips expressionlessly, and looked at Qi Dongqiang: "You are red, you are finished..."

Qi Dongqiang shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression.

Crack crack!

Exploding sounds continued to be heard in the air, the decorative lamps on the wall flickered, and Qian Guangming's hair stood up slightly, which was a sign that the thunder and lightning were about to get out of control.


A palm landed on Qian Guangming's shoulder, and the air surged, instantly dispersing the lightning that Qian Guangming was about to activate.

Qian Guangming turned his head and met Zhang Xibao's pupils. He wanted to get angry, but he couldn't forgive Qian Chengjin for meddling in this matter, but it was Master Bao who broke his anger.

Oh, if you can't beat Lord Bao, forget it, hold on...

Qian Guangming turned off the fire, but Qi Dongqiang didn't intend to let him go. Three wind blades flew towards Qian Guangming's arm and calf.

Puff puff!

As soon as Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand, the wind blade hit his palm, leaving three shallow white scratches.

"What is it, like tickling?"

Zhang Xibao looked at his palm, then waved his hand, a large blue water polo appeared out of thin air, splashing and splashing the villains downstairs.

"Everyone calm down!"

Zhang Xibao looked at the people downstairs and said, "It's not embarrassing enough to fight over a piece of steak."

The villains still wanted to charge up, but they were stopped by Qi Dongqiang, who had horror in his eyes.

Receiving the wind blade with his bare hands, this masked guy is not ordinary strong!

"Young Master Qi, why are you stopping us?" Someone asked dissatisfied.

"Stop you and don't seek death. I can't beat this man. Who can beat him?"

Qi Dongqiang glanced at Zhang Xibao, then turned to his companion and said, "Let's go, we'll talk about this after we get down."

The evil boys reluctantly turned their heads and left.

"and many more!"

Zhang Xibao called them back: "You have violated the Black Dragon Association's prohibition against private fights between people with supernatural powers, so you will not be able to leave so easily."

"You can control it?" Someone among the evil young men said disdainfully: "You are not the Black Dragon Society!"


Zhang Xibao took out a black ID card representing the Black Dragon Association: "I am a member of the Black Dragon Association."

"As supernatural beings, you are provoking trouble in public. Not only will you not be able to eat today, but you will also not want to leave."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, everyone downstairs turned cold, Qi Dongqiang looked at Zhang Xibao and asked, "You must be looking for something today, right?"


Zhang Xibao said silently in his heart: My old classmate.

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