Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 313 Defects Of Butian Pill

The food at the Treasure Appreciator Conference was good, with melons and fruits and exotic animal meat from other lands, at least the 1000 points ticket was not wasted.

After eating and drinking, there will be an auction in the afternoon.

The auction at the Treasure Appreciation Conference is not as mysterious as the World Expo. It just gives the appraisers a chance to barter and get what they need. After all, many rare treasures and refining materials cannot be purchased with points.

In the last auction, Zhang Xibao entered the Nine Nethers, which caused the signal to be cut off. The treasure friends missed the auction perfectly, so this time the treasure friends strongly requested Baoye to broadcast the auction live to make up for the regret.

"Okay, since everyone wants to see it, of course Master Bao will satisfy you."

There is currently no treasure appraiser king in Daxia, and there are only a handful of treasure appraiser masters. Therefore, with the rank of Zhang Xibao's senior treasure appraiser, the seat is naturally at the front, and it is in the second row of the auction. Provides a good viewing effect.

"My dear friends, the auctions between appraisers cost hundreds of millions, and some rare treasures and materials can't be bought with money. Let's open your eyes through Master Bao's live broadcast today!" 』

"I remember that at the last auction, the final item was a rare treasure seed, which was taken away by the Qi family in Shanghai? I don't know what the finale of this time is. 』

The bullet screen was rolling, but Zhang Xibao was observing the distribution of seats around him.

There are only six seats in the first row, which naturally belong to Ye Weng, the president of the treasure appraiser association, and five vice presidents.

Starting from the second row is the seat for senior appraisers. Zhang Xibao's number plate is 18, and the seat is in the center of the second row.

Zhang Xibao noticed that there were occasionally one or two bidders who were not treasure appraisers in the first few rows of seats. These guys naturally paid for sitting here.

The lower the appraiser's level, the lower the seat. Similarly, the seats of the small family are also in the back.

As for the students brought by Zhang Xibao, they are not eligible to take a seat. If they want to watch the auction, they can watch it through closed-circuit television in the private room, or watch it on the high platforms on both sides of the venue.

After all the bidders were seated, the host kicked off the auction.

"The order of the items in the auction is also particular. In addition to the order of value from low to high, the types of items start from refining materials, transition to strange treasures, and then end with strange treasure seeds."

"So the first lot starts with refining materials or magic circle materials."

It was Queen Tang who spoke. It was not the first time she participated in this kind of event, so she took the initiative to introduce Zhang Xibao.

"Hey, the queen is next to Master Bao, really, we can not only watch the auction, but also explain the beauty! 』

"Don't look, don't even look, the queen is mine! 』

"Bao Ye let you watch the auction live, where are you looking? I don't even mention you guys! 』

The barrage was messy, and Zhang Xibao's attention was all on the auction stage.

Next to it, Queen Tang asked curiously: "Mr. Bao also provided the lot for the conference?"

"En." Zhang Xibao nodded.

Queen Tang asked again in confusion: "Is there any good thing, just hand it over to Liuli Pavilion, will it still be used for bidding in this auction?"

Zhang Xibao turned his head and glanced at Queen Tang: "The Liuli Pavilion doesn't have what I want, so I have to barter it at this auction."

Queen Tang became even more curious, but she was too embarrassed to continue asking because the first lot came.

The first lot is a treasure pill.

Logically speaking, treasure pills should not appear on the auction stage, unless there is something strange about this treasure pill.

Zhang Xibao raised his eyebrows and looked towards the auction stage.

"Everyone, our first auction today is a treasure pill."

The host chuckled: "I just heard some people say that Baodan is dog meat and can't make it to the big banquet, and some people say that the auction of the treasure appraiser conference is getting more and more hip..."

The audience roared with laughter, and then fell into silence, everyone's eyes were on the box containing the treasure pill.

"Since the auction has selected this treasure pill, this treasure pill has its own magic, and I will reveal it to everyone below."

The host opened the box, revealing a blood-red pill.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes, and after reading Baojian's introduction, he smiled: "It's interesting."

"Butian Pill: Heaven-ranked treasure pill, the first of the odd pills, the way of heaven damages more than enough to make up for the deficiency. Those who take this pill will lose their spiritual wisdom to make up for their talents. Those who have no spiritual roots can take it and step into the road of cultivation!" 』

Before Zhang Xibao could introduce to Bao friends how interesting this treasure pill was, the host on stage spoke.

"Everyone, those who have no orifices do not have the potential to cultivate clear qi. This is the theorem that has always been acquiesced in the cultivation world, but this treasure pill breaks this theorem! After eating it, ordinary people who cannot cultivate clear qi can fully open their acupoints and become A cultivator full of potential!"

When the host said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone was surprised, only Zhang Xibao laughed.

"This is a treasure pill that can enable ordinary people to cultivate clear energy. Why are you laughing at Master Bao?" 』

『This is amazing, such a miraculous pill, it would be great if it could be produced with energy. 』

"I want to eat peaches upstairs, and the things that can be auctioned here are irreproducible. 』

Zhang Xibao smiled brightly when he saw the second barrage, if this pill was mass-produced, wouldn't everyone become idiots after eating it...

At this time, the host introduced: "This pill is called Butian Pill, a heaven-ranked treasure pill. The base price is 1 million points, and each time the price is increased by at least 1,000 points, the auction begins!"

After the introduction, everyone was in a burst of unexpected ecstasy. Such a miraculous heaven-ranked pill was only sold for 1 million points, which is too cheap, almost the price of cabbage!

"Friends, this treasure pill is so powerful, it's the first auction, do you think it's normal?"

Zhang Xibao's words made Baoyou and Queen Tang beside him calm down.

Queen Tang put down the sign she was about to raise and looked at Zhang Xibao.

"This treasure pill has a flaw. The host didn't say it. Either the auction house deliberately omitted it, or the owner of the treasure pill concealed something from the auction house. He didn't dare to ask for a high price, probably because he was afraid of being retaliated."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, Queen Tang continued, "It should be the second situation. The auction house can't beat itself up for a small pill. So, what are the flaws of Butian Pill?"

"If you eat it, you will become an idiot. The better the effect, the more idiot you will become..." Zhang Xibao lowered his voice and said something that surprised everyone.

The expression on Queen Tang's face was wonderful, and the bullet screen was full of uproar.

"Ah, this..."

"Eat it and become a fool, isn't this a proper Jiangzhi Dan?" 』

"Friends, I live in Bengbu, let me laugh first, hahahaha..."

"Normal ordinary people and brain-dead supernatural beings, I would probably choose the former. Sure enough, cheap goods are not good!" 』

"Shall we remind the venue?"

Zhang Xibao looked at Queen Tang, and the explanation she gave was: "In this way, the Appraiser Association will owe a favor."

"Well, that's fine." Zhang Xibao said it didn't matter.

Queen Tang pointed to Ye Weng in the first row: "Mr. Bao can tell Mr. Ye Weng, so that it will not appear abrupt and will not disturb the venue."

Zhang Xibao nodded, walked quietly to Ye Weng and told about the defects of Butian Wan, Ye Weng and others were shocked.

They were not only surprised that the venue was deceived, but also surprised by Zhang Xibao's knowledge of appraising treasures.

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