Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 314 Please Stop Shouting

Zhang Xibao returned to his seat with a smile on his face, because Ye Weng and other presidents of the treasure appraiser association wanted to recommend him to be the vice president, and then to upgrade his grade of treasure appraiser to master treasure appraiser.

Masters at the level of appreciating treasures can no longer be obtained by taking exams. This requires rich qualifications and the approval of the Appreciating Appraisers Association. The level has soared all the way.

The rolling barrage is full of crap and Bao Ye's criticism, because when Ye Weng and others made a promise to Zhang Xibao, they were all heard by thousands of Bao friends in the live broadcast room.

In other words, Zhang Xibao will become the youngest master of treasure appraisal in Daxia, and a well-deserved dark horse in the treasure appraisal world.

When Zhang Xibao retires one day, he will no longer be a dark sage, and with his status as a master of appreciating treasures, he will be a favorite wherever he goes.

Zhang Xibao sat back in his seat, the auction in the arena was coming to an end, because a fool raised the price to 100 million points.

"Good guy, did everyone's money come from the wind?" Zhang Xibao looked surprised.

At this time, Weng Ye walked up to the stage and took the host's microphone: "Everyone, Ye is here to say sorry to everyone. Butian Wan is temporarily classified as unsold. It is not worth the price of 100 million points, because It has a flaw. I don’t know if the owner of Baodan concealed it on purpose, but the Association didn’t find out, it was indeed our mistake, so we will compensate the gentleman who photographed Baodan later.”

Although the person who got Bao Dan was dissatisfied, Ye Weng, who is the president of the association, said so, and he had nothing to say, and the auction continued.

The next thing is normal, there are top-quality magic circle materials and rare refining materials, but Zhang Xibao is not very interested, and the sign in his hand has never been raised.

Bao friends watched it quite enjoyable, and Queen Tang next to her occasionally raised the No. 19 sign to bid for the auction, but her attention was always on Zhang Xibao.

She was really curious, what exactly did Zhang Xibao want?

When the beautiful lady with supernatural abilities came up with a black stone, Zhang Xibao sat up straight and muttered to himself, "Here we come!"

Queen Tang stared at it, it was a square inch stone the size of a basketball!

What else can a square inch stone do besides refining a square inch treasure? Why does Mr. Bao want this stuff?

Of course she didn't know about Zhang Xibao's troubles, because the little crows are so good at giving birth!

Zhang Xibao sighed, a big plate is also an annoyance, he fooled the flame crows to leave their homes to hang out with him, so they have to eat and sleep, right?

The internal space of the Flaming Crow Banner is not enough, and a large square inch stone is urgently needed to expand it. We can't drive all the crows to the poles for the night...

"Everyone, this is a whole natural square inch stone without cracks. It is conservatively estimated that 100 square inch bracelets can be refined, so the reserve price is 100 million points, and the price increase for each auction must not be less than 10,000 points!"

As soon as the host finished his introduction, someone began to shout prices.

"110 million points! 』

"120 million points! 』


Everyone is asking for 10 million points, and 10 million points will be added up.

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded: "500 million points! 』

The auction price hadn't broken through 200 million points, but this voice suddenly raised the price to 500 million!

The field fell silent for a while, and everyone looked curiously at the bidder, whose number plate was 66.

The bidder was in the fourth row, Zhang Xibao also looked back, and silently uttered three words: "Qi Delong..."

Bidder No. 66 is Chidron!

As for why Qi Delong wanted to bid for this square inch stone, Zhang Xibao knew it at a guess, it was smuggled!

What is the most convenient and most concealed way to smuggle? Of course it is a rare treasure!

"In the past, Qi Delong claimed to be worth tens of billions of dollars, but now he casually calls out 500 million points. It seems that he has earned a lot over the years..."

Zhang Xibao jokingly held up sign No. 18: "1 billion points!"

The eyes of the auction house turned to Zhang Xibao again.

The barrage collectively climaxes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! 』

"That's 1 billion points, my lord, my dear!" 』

"I'm still wondering why Master Bao hasn't made a move, so he's holding back his big move here!" 』

According to the host, such a large square inch stone is enough to refine 100 square inch bracelets. Based on the price of 10 million points per square inch bracelet, 1 billion points to buy this square inch stone is just enough. Shout out and start losing money.

Zhang Xibao was not stupid, his price was just on the line of no loss and no gain.

"1.1 billion points! 』

Qi Delong of the No. 66 brand raised his hand again, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Xibao.

"1.2 billion points!" Zhang Xibao held up the sign again.

There was silence on the field, because both No. 66 and No. 18 were 100 million points and 100 million points were added.

This is a fight between gods!

Who dares to say anything?

No matter how rich the family is, can it be built like this?

"1.3 billion points! 』

Qi Delong held up the No. 66 sign and said, "My friend, please save face!" 』

Zhang Xibao didn't respond, and sneered, "Liu Liu Da Shun, right? I don't think you can get smooth today!"

The No. 18 sign was raised again.

"1.4 billion points!"

Without waiting for Chidron to speak.

The No. 18 sign was raised again, and Zhang Xibao began to increase the price by himself!

"1.5 billion points!"

"1.6 billion points!"

"1.7 billion points!"


"Okay, okay, sir, please stop lifting, the thing is already yours!"

This situation is beyond the expectation of the host. After so many years of working in the industry, I have seen arrogant people, but have I never seen such arrogant ones?

In the end, Zhang Xibao won the largest square inch stone since the recovery of spiritual energy at a price of 1.8 billion points!

Such a large square inch stone can only be eaten by a few alliances, but Zhang Xibao won it alone!

"Wuhu, Master Bao Niubi, accept my knee!" 』

"1.8 billion points! Master Bao still lacks warm beds? I want to fight with you, sword! 』

"You have to multiply the points by 100 to convert them into money, so Master Bao is about to go bankrupt..."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xibao snorted and said, "When you have hundreds of thousands, do you still care about spending 1,800 yuan?"

"Ah, this..."

"So Master Bao's net worth is calculated in trillions..."

"What is the unit of megabytes?" I didn't go to school, don't fool me! 』

"Trillions are trillions, trillions! ! ! 』

Zhang Xibao picked his nose, neither admitted nor denied it.

Queen Tang next to her had the expression of an old man on the subway, thinking that if the words were true, Mr. Bao's net worth could be comparable to that of the four great masters of the imperial capital.

"It's time to call it a day, there's nothing I'm interested in..."

After photographing the square inch stone, Zhang Xibao threw away the sign and lay down comfortably in the chair.

Zhang Xibao despises the exotic treasures and exotic treasure seeds after the square inch stone, because he has no shortage at all!

"Next, the finale of this year will be revealed soon!"

The host smiled mysteriously, and opened an inconspicuous box, revealing ten bottles that were only the size of a finger.

The last lot seems to be a liquid medicine, and the bottle is carved from Lingshi, which can restrain the escape of clear air in the liquid medicine.

Zhang Xibao smiled, he knew what it was, because it belonged to him, and the bottle contained ginseng essence!

He didn't want to spend money on taking the next inch stone, but he could make a lot of money by relying on ginseng essence!

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