"Everyone, this is the treasure that will be the finale of this year's treasure appraiser conference auction!"

The supporter pointed to the ten small bottles on the stage and smiled mysteriously at everyone.

"What is this?"

"Can this thing be more precious than the rare treasure seeds?"

There were whispers from the audience, and someone cast questioning looks on the stage, only Zhang Xibao leaned back in his chair with a confident look.

"This is ginseng essence. According to the treasure's owner, it has the miraculous effect of living the dead, flesh and bones!"

As soon as the supporter said this, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Bringing the dead back to life is a bit of an exaggeration, right?" Someone shouted.

Being questioned, the host didn't panic, and clapped his hands to signal everyone to keep quiet.

"A while ago, everyone must have heard about the ancient Popa who defeated the Peacock Kingdom by the Western White Tiger, right?"

"Gu Popa is a land-level master of the Peacock Kingdom. When he competed with my Great Xia for snow lotus seeds on the western border, this guy turned into a five-meter-tall four-armed demon god. In the end, he was defeated by my Great Xia Five Sages." One of the Western White Tigers was killed, and the body is still kept in the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club!"

Everyone is an elite in the treasure appraisal industry, and they have heard about the snow lotus seeds, but they don't understand why the host is talking about it.

The host continued: "Killing Gu Popa is not as easy as everyone thinks. West White Tiger has liberated 100% of the White Tiger Holy Body to get this head. The cost of using the White Tiger Holy Body is to consume vitality. After the war, the White Dragon will The chief asserted that the West White Tiger would not survive a year, but at this time the West White Tiger has fully recovered, guess what medicine she took?!"

Having said that, everyone already understands.

"Could it be that Xibaihu survived by relying on this ginseng essence?"

The bidders in the audience looked at the ten ginseng essences with burning eyes, as if they were looking at the elixir of life.


The host picked up a small bottle and shook the viscous transparent liquid inside: "No matter how badly you are injured, as long as you still have one breath, you can heal your injuries quickly by drinking this, and you will be safe and sound. Drinking it can also prolong life, in the true sense of life extension!"

"The base price of ginseng essence is 200 million points per bottle, and each price increase must not be less than 10,000 points!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the bidders in the audience raised their signs one after another.

"210 million points! 』

"200 million and 100,000 points! 』

"205 million points! 』

"300 million! 』


Occasionally, Zhang Xibao would hold up the sign to follow suit, anyway, the higher the price of this ginseng essence, the better.

Queen Tang of the No. 19 card is also constantly raising her cards to bid. This ginseng is unknown to others, but she knows it very well.

Xi Baihu is her third sister Tang Yinghuang, who used up 10% of Liuli Pavilion's shares in order to drink this ginseng essence to cure diseases!

Now that this ginseng essence has appeared again, she must take at least a few bottles and store them in the Tang family for emergencies.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao glanced at her, and said casually: "You don't need to bid for the auction, if you want ginseng, you can buy it from me!"

Queen Tang's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Zhang Xibao as if she had seen a ghost.

"You...you are!"


Zhang Xibao shook his index finger, signaling Queen Tang to keep silent.

Queen Tang suddenly figured it out, no wonder grandpa wanted to cooperate with the Qian family to take such a huge deal of black jianmu. It turned out that the person behind it was the dark sage!

In the end, the ten ginseng essences were jointly eaten by several families, and the bidding price was as high as more than 3 billion points.

The corners of Zhang Xibao's mouth could not help but turn up slightly, because after deducting the 1.8 billion points for buying the lower inch stone and the handling fee paid to the auction house, Zhang Xibao actually earned 1 billion points!

So far, the Experimental Building is still burning money to research and develop various products, but it is Juling Peach Pit Trading and Heijianmu that really bring huge profits to Zhang Xibao.

Now he has opened up a new source of income, which is to provide some ginseng essence to Liuli Pavilion on a regular basis, and Liuli Pavilion will pay Zhang Xibao with the money for purchasing the ginseng essence and the equity share at the end of the year.

In the evening, there was a year-end summary meeting for appraisers, and Zhang Xibao was too lazy to attend, because he had more important things to do.

After sending the students back to school, Zhang Xibao and Qin Li headed towards the port of Modu together.

On Phoenix's back, Zhang Xibao and Qin Li sat cross-legged, while Crow King Xiaoni squatted in front of Zhang Xibao and began to report.

"In the past few days, the goods coming in and going out of Qi's warehouse are all mithril ore and fine gold ore imported from the beautiful country. The crow boys have not found any unusual smuggled goods."

After Xiaoni, the Crow King, finished his report, Zhang Xibao frowned: "Could it be that the rare treasures were used? If it's a large quantity of goods, the rare treasures are not enough at all. That's strange..."

Qin Li glanced at the pager and said to Zhang Xibao, "Zhen Shuichen and the others have obtained some information about the cargo ship."

"Hey, the efficiency is quite high?" Zhang Xibao was a little surprised.

"Well, the stars have all received professional stalking training."

"The captain of this freighter is named Qi Yong. This guy always goes to a nightclub near the port to have a good time before setting sail, because there are no female sailors on the ship..."

Qin Li read the information sent by Zhen Shuiqi to Zhang Xibao.

Qin Li said it tactfully, but Zhang Xibao understood what it meant.

"Let's go, go and take down this captain surnamed Qi, be simple and rough, and he will be fine after the first trial..."

Zhang Xibao controlled Phoenix and flew towards the nightclub mentioned in the information.

The name of the nightclub is [Lihuang Pavilion]. When the night falls, the colorful lights come on. From a distance, it is really magnificent. I don’t know which big family I thought it was.

Qi Yong, the captain of the cargo ship numbered IMO8XX600, took off his captain's uniform that was stained with salt and the smell of the sea, and put on a white shirt. His hair was shiny with hairspray, and he looked like a man.

He had a leather bag made of exotic animal skin under his arm, and there were stacks of cash in the bag. It's not like this nightclub can't accept credit cards, but Qi Yong likes to take cash, and stacks of banknotes fell on the table It is more visually effective.

"Oh, Boss Qi, are you here again?"

From a distance, the female manager of [Lihuang Pavilion] saw him, walked over with twists and turns, and took his arm to lead him into the nightclub.

"Let number 88 come over and pinch his feet!"

With a big wave of Qi Yong's hand, a stack of banknotes was thrown on the female manager's chest.

The female manager smiled like a flower, stuffed the money into her pocket, and screamed:


"One VIP in Tianzihao room!"

"Let number 88 come over!"

Qi Yong walked upstairs with ease, he liked to live in suite No. 6, and let No. 88 pinch his feet.

Every time before going out to sea, he has to relax, 66 rounds, 88 rounds, very auspicious!

After Qi Yong soaked his feet, No. 88 came upstairs with a tool bag.

"Boss Qi, where are you going to get rich this time?" No. 88 asked him.

Qi Yong threw a stack of bills on the bed, and said in a muffled voice: "Don't ask about my affairs, and take care of yours!

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