"I'm going to take a shower first."

Qi Yong was squeezed so that his whole body was comfortable, he stretched himself, and walked towards the bathroom.

No. 88 first put the banknotes on the bed into the tool bag, then started to pack the tools, and then fetched the wine that Boss Qi kept here.

There was a song with heavy bass coming from downstairs, it was Qi Yong's favorite tune, he hummed it while taking a bath.

"Why don't you come in?" Qi Yong shouted outside.

There was no movement outside, but a rustling figure approached the bathroom.

"Come on baby!" Qi Yong blew the bubbles in his palm.

The door of the bathroom was opened, and Zhang Xibao's Qilin's face came in, and he shouted, "Sao, Huang!"

Qi Yong himself is a supernatural person, and he has seen a lot of strong winds and waves. When he encountered such a situation, he only panicked for a moment, and then punched the strange mask.


The water in the bathroom seemed to come alive, and began to climb along Qi Yong's body. A translucent water shield appeared between the fist and the face. This punch failed to penetrate the defense of the water shield.

Not only that, the water in the nozzle turned into a transparent shackle, and what sprayed on Qi Yong's body was no longer a warm liquid, but an indestructible shackle!

Ka Ka Ka!

"I knock, hot eyes!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the water element in the bathroom, controlled the naked Qi Yong, and did not forget to throw a towel on Qi Yong's pickled and dirty things.

Qi Yong felt his body move involuntarily, and the shackles formed by the bath water actually pulled him to slide out!

The opponent is too strong, and the manipulation of the water element is so terrifying!

At this time, Qi Yong panicked a lot, but he still resisted the urge to scream, and said in a trembling voice: "My man, there is money in the purse, and there is a card in the lining of the clothes. The password is six eight, and I will give you all the money." , save my life!"

Zhang Xibao controlled the water element and threw Qi Yong on the bed. Qi Yong was lying on his back in the shape of a Chinese character, his limbs were bound at the head and end of the bed by chains made of bath water.

Outside the bathroom, No. 88 had already passed out, and Qin Li, who had changed his face, stood silently aside.

"Where's the goods?" Zhang Xibao asked straightforwardly.

Qi Yong was surprised for a moment, then pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "What?"


Zhang Xibao flicked his fingers, and a sword qi brushed across the point of Taizi, tearing the bed sheet to pieces.

"Oh, miss?" Zhang Xibao said to himself in a voice that Qi Yong could hear.

"Man, sir, I'm just a small crew member, I really don't know what kind of goods I have!" Qi Yong almost peed out.

The person in front of me is not only a water-type power user, but also a sword master!

What virtue and ability do I have, when did I provoke such a big Buddha?

"Okay, stop pretending."

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Qi Yong, a collateral relative of the Qi family, the captain of the cargo ship numbered IMO8XX600, has been helping the Qi family in smuggling, who are you pretending to be with?"

Qi Yong fell into silence, and finally said in a cold voice: "Since it is in your hands, kill me, I won't say a word!"

"Hehe, you have a lot of backbone..."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the time, there were still a few hours before the departure time of the ship, so there was plenty of time.

"The backbone of the enemy does not exist here, do you know?"

Zhang Xibao approached the head of the bed, smiled and stretched out a finger.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do!"

Qi Yong had an ominous premonition, he struggled violently, but to no avail.

There is a tattoo on Zhang Xibao's arm, which is a nightmare curse modified by Zhan Nian.

Last time the priest occupied Xiao's body and stabbed Sharma in the back, but was killed by Sharma's sand stick, so the priest's soul left Xiao's body and returned to Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Recently, Zhang Xibao has developed a new use of priests - interrogation.

In terms of interrogation, BT's priests are professional...

Zhang Xibao's finger touched Qi Yong's eyebrows, and the black tattoo crawled along his fingers to the center of his eyebrows like a living thing, and Qi Yong fell into a deep sleep immediately.

"have a good dream……"

Zhang Xibao laughed fiercely, Qin Li looked at him dumbfounded.

"Cough cough cough..."

Maybe because he realized that his smile was a little abnormal, Zhang Xibao pretended to cough twice, then turned to Qin Li and asked, "Did I look like a big villain just now?"

"It's not a bit similar, it's just..." Qin Li replied weakly.

Qi Yong, who fell into a deep sleep, suddenly became painful, and his limbs began to twitch unconsciously. Qin Li asked Zhang Xibao curiously, "What did you do to him?"

Zhang Xibao explained casually: "Nightmare curse, the skill I learned last time I went to Neon to give out missions. This guy is facing what he fears most in his subconscious. For a minute outside, he can suffer in his dreams for a long time."

"Amazing..." After a moment of silence, Qin Li spat out two words.

It's hard to imagine what happened to Dark Saint Qilin in Nihong. There was no written mission report that time, and Zhang Xibao only dictated it to Qinglong. Even Qin Li didn't know the specific situation.

"Spicy chicken, you only carried it for five minutes? Just now you looked like you were going strong..." Zhang Xibao glanced at Qi Yong, and couldn't help complaining.

Qi Yong fell into a deep sleep for less than five minutes, and when he woke up, he cried out to his father and mother and told the truth clearly.

According to Qi Yong's confession, Zhang Xibao learned that what the Qi family smuggled was not a foreign product at all, but a human being!

Every time they go out to sea, the cargo ship will take a boatload of stowaways away, and then bring back a boatload of mithril mines. No wonder Qi Delong shouted tens of billions like playing games. It turns out that the Qi family is doing nothing at all!

"Contact Zhen Shuizhu and the others to take this guy away. We split up and take action. You stay in Shanghai and take down the Qi family. I want to take this cargo ship to the beautiful country and completely destroy this line and Get rid of the people behind it!" Zhang Xibao's roar resounded through the room, it was obvious that he was really angry.

"Why do you think some people always feel that the air outside is sweeter than Daxia's?"

"Although I don't know what happened to these people when they were transported there, they definitely didn't go to enjoy the blessings. They didn't treat them as human beings at all!"

Before leaving, Zhang Xibao couldn't help complaining to Qin Li, then he changed into Qi Yong's face, stepped onto Phoenix, and flew towards the ship at the port.


It was one o'clock at midnight.

"Captain, you are finally back, are you happy today?" A sailor greeted him with a smile.

Zhang Xibao kicked this guy into the sea, and the other sailors looked at Zhang Xibao in surprise, thinking that the captain took gunpowder today, didn't he feel comfortable?

"Gah! 』

"quack! 』

Dense crows began to land on the mast, the side of the ship, and the deck, and the sound of their claws stepping on the iron plate was loud.

In the darkness, countless pairs of fiery red pupils lit up behind Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao said in a cold voice: "Everyone squatted down with their heads in their hands, those who disobey will be killed without mercy!"

"He's not the captain!"

"Fire... Flame Raven!"

"Mysterious beast!"

The deck became noisy, with occasional fire lights, and people screaming and jumping from the ship into the sea covered in fire.

Three minutes later.

Most of the sailors were locked in the cabin, and the "cargo" in the cabin was driven ashore. With the help of Fang Rui's avatar, the crow boys became sailors. Zhang Xibao stood in the captain's cabin, looking at the dark sea and giving orders. :"set sail!"

"Let's set sail! 』

The crow boys screamed and raised the anchor, the internal combustion engine roared, and the turbine drove the huge hull to the depths of the sea.

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