Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 317 The Mysterious Base


"Get ready, Captain! ’ cried the crows.

Crow King Xiaoni squatted on the mast: "I can't hear you!" 』

"Get ready, Captain! ’ the crows shouted again.

"Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea..."

The sea trip was boring, and the flame crows held the second crow world cultural performance.

Zhang Xibao stepped on the side of the boat with one leg, holding a chart in his hand, and the captain's cap rattled in the salty sea breeze.

His expression seemed to be contemplative, as if a century-old problem was placed in front of him waiting to be solved.

Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon, in fact he lost his way...

"Makabaka, I arrived early to ride the phoenix, and I have to drive such a broken boat!" Zhang Xibao muttered.

"Xiao Ni!" Zhang Xibao roared at the top of his voice.

"here I am! 』Xiao Ni pressed the "arm" to signal the sailors to be quiet.

"Go to the cabin and bring me a prisoner, I need a guide..."

"okay! 』

A minute later, Xiao Ni threw a former sailor onto the deck with a bang.

Zhang Xibao said coldly: "I'll give you a chance to show off. Take the helm and take me to the port of the beautiful country. Afterwards, I can commute your sentence by three to five years..."

When the prisoner heard that the deal was a good deal, he nodded and began to lead the way.

Half a month later, a port finally appeared on the horizon.

Zhang Xibao pointed to the cabin: "Take him back!"

The prisoner turned his head and asked loudly: "Leader, I behaved so well, how many years can I reduce my sentence?"

Zhang Xibao replied: "Five years, but you were sentenced to life!"

"I'm ****@xx..." The prisoner's voice disappeared in the cabin.

As the ship approached the shore, the captives were restrained by sacks, and they were escorted by crow boys pretending to be sailors.

This wave is really a role reversal...

The anchor slowly lowered, and a group of men in black uniforms appeared in the port.

"Yong, you are late, but you have to deduct money!"

A middle-aged man with a beard shook the card in his hand: "This batch of goods has been handed over, you have to buy me a drink!"

The bearded middle-aged man was the connector, named Steve, which Zhang Xibao learned through interrogating the captives. As for other information, he knew more or less, but sneaking into this kind of thing still needs to be adaptable.

"Okay, let's deliver the goods first..." Zhang Xibao snapped his fingers, the sailors hung the huge container on the crane, and trucks pulled the container away.

"Where's my goods?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Zhang Xibao didn't know what Qi Yong wanted. At first he thought it was mithril ore, but the captives said no, but no one could tell what it was, so Zhang Xibao could only play Steve.

"Don't worry, the goods have been updated this time, let's try those people first and see the effect..."

Steve hooked his hands together, and the two got into a black car and drove in a certain direction.

"Old rules, Yong..."

Steve threw the hood to Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao put it on without hesitation, lay down on the back seat of the car, his body was relaxed, but his ears were pricked up vigilantly.

No matter where he drives the car, there is a little brother crow watching in the sky anyway...

After driving for a long time, the car suddenly stopped with a snort. Zhang Xibao took off his hood, looked through the window, and found a piece of yellow sand all around.

Something is wrong, the environment has changed too abruptly...

Zhang Xibao looked up and glanced at the sky, only to find that Little Crow, who was following him, was gone.

Therefore, it is 80% possible that they are in a foreign land at this time.

The two got out of the car, Zhang Xibao stepped on the yellow sand, scanned the environment with his Tongtian pupil, there was a clear air spinning like a tornado, in fact it should be some kind of magic circle.

"Let's go!" Steve took the lead and walked towards the endless yellow sand.

Zhang Xibao followed him silently.

Not long after the two walked, the air fluctuated like ripples, and a black building appeared in front of them.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes. The yellow sand should be a combination of magic circle and phantom formation. The real buildings are hidden in the phantom formation. If they try to force their way in, the intruder will probably die in the endless yellow sand.

"It turns out that the base of supernatural beings in the beautiful country is hidden in a foreign land..." Zhang Xibao muttered in a low voice.

The two continued to walk in, and soldiers with talisman guns came up to them, searched Zhang Xibao thoroughly, and scanned Zhang Xibao with a special machine, and let him go only after finding that there was no danger.

Tongtian Treasure House and Shuling have merged with Zhang Xibao's sea of ​​consciousness, it's no wonder these guys can find out.

Entering the building, Zhang Xibao could make a big fuss, but he patiently walked behind Steve, because he wanted to see what the hell these guys were up to.

The two kept walking in, Zhang Xibao could feel that the corridor was going downward.

"This batch of new products is more powerful than the previous ones, and can at least increase the combat power by 30%!"

Steve smiled, and brought Zhang Xibao to a laboratory. The walls of the laboratory were completely transparent, and the patterns of magic circles flashed on the walls, which indicated that the four walls were all products of refining equipment.

"Let's go!" Steve said into the microphone.


The light source in the room disappeared, leaving only the white laboratory behind the transparent wall.

Two guys in thick lab coats pushed a small cart with a whining prisoner lying on it.

The experimenter plunged a syringe filled with red liquid into the captive's neck, and quickly backed out.

Click it.

The restraint straps on the cart opened automatically, and the prisoner struggled to climb to the ground.

The transparent wall is a one-way observation mirror, so the prisoner in the laboratory cannot see Zhang Xibao and Steve behind the wall, but he knows there are people there.


The prisoner peeled off the tape from his mouth, and he was probably shouting that he was not a smuggler but Qi Yong's sailor, but his words had become slurred.

Perhaps it was the red liquid medicine that had an effect, his tongue swelled up and filled his entire mouth.


The prisoner shook his head, the red tongue squeezed out from the corner of his mouth, and the crystal saliva dripped on the ground.


At this moment, the prisoner began to roar, his bulging muscles tore through his clothes, his hair began to fall off, and red bristles began to appear on the surface of his skin.

Zhang Xibao narrowed his eyes, approached the transparent glass, and carefully looked at the prisoner.

That guy is already half-beast, he looks more like a beast than a human.

So, is the smuggling of people used as an experiment...

"Ugly is ugly, but powerful!" Steve's excited voice sounded behind Zhang Xibao.

Ka Ka Ka!

A machine gun protruded from the corner of the laboratory, and the barrel began to spin.

Da da da da da...

Bullets and gunpowder smoke filled the laboratory like a line of fire, and the figure of the prisoner disappeared in the white smoke. Zhang Xibao could only hear roars.

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