Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 319 Divine Power And Godhead


The elevator goes down to the third basement floor.

Zhang Xibao and Qinglong walked side by side to the superhuman prison.

"Master Qinglong, Lord Dark Saint, good afternoon..."

A few spirits guarding the third underground floor floated over to say hello to Zhang Xibao and Qinglong, and there were also a few puppet spirits with dazed expressions standing not far away.

Zhang Xibao glanced at it, and there was the fish-scale monster who was beheaded by Qinglong in the puppet spirit.

"You are also good." Qinglong and Zhang Xibao nodded.

The two walked down the spiral staircase to the deepest point.

The prison in Tianyi is at the end of the corridor, Zhang Xibao and Qinglong looked at each other, Qinglong said: "I don't want to see him, so I'll wait for you outside the door."

At the end, Qinglong added another sentence: "After asking, whether he says it or not, leave immediately, don't give him a chance to say anything else."

"Okay!" Zhang Xibao walked towards Tianyi's prison alone.

Day 1 inside the cell.

With a click, the prison door opened.

The air at the door is slightly deformed, which is the preset magic circle to prevent the prisoners from escaping.

The Black Dragon Club card worn by Zhang Xibao is a product of refining equipment, which is connected with the prison circle, so he can freely enter and exit the prison.

These prisoners can't do it. Once they step out of the prison, the magic circle will suppress them, and the black compass of the Black Dragon Society will automatically display their positions.

"What are you eating today? Or steamed buns? It's all faded away..."

The haggard old man sat on the bed with his back to the prison door.

His hair was disheveled and blown up like a bird's nest, and he was not meditating while sitting on the bed, but studying human epidermis.

Zhang Xibao walked in silently, took out two futons, and sat down on one by himself.


The old man turned around with surprise on his face, his eyes sparkling.

He jumped up from the bed, took the initiative to pick up a futon, and sat down in front of Zhang Xibao.

"So it's you!"

"Last time I mistook you for a green dragon!"

"Are you the Fifth Saint of the Five Dragons?"

"The breath is introverted, full of energy, not bad, not bad!"

"Do you want me to show you the palmistry and feel the bones? If you don't mind taking off the mask, I can see the face too..."

The old man crackled, Zhang Xibao didn't respond, but took out a bottle of ordinary wine in the void, he would never give Tianyi a chance to replenish his energy.


Zhang Xibao put the wine bottle between the two of them, pointed to the wine bottle: "Do you want to drink?"

"Think about it!" The old man nodded like a little chicken pecking at rice, and he was about to bleed out.

"Watch a video for me first..."

Zhang Xibao called up the video about Saint Son Martin and Jin Guang, and asked the old man to watch it again.

"Play it again!"

The old man squinted and looked again.

"It's really..."

"It's really..."

Tian 1 scratched his head, unable to think of words to describe it.

"You know what that is?"

According to the old man's performance, Zhang Xibao could tell that Tianyi knew those golden lights.

"Hey, I won't tell you!" The old man blinked.

"Then eat the futon!"

Zhang Xibao took the wine bottle, turned around and was about to leave.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The old man panicked.

This young man, why doesn't he play his cards according to the routine?

"What the hell is that?" Zhang Xibao stared at Tian Yi and asked.

"That's the divine power between the believer and the believer..." Tian Yi smiled mysteriously.

"Divine power?"

Zhang Xibao frowned, he did feel a power from those golden lights back then.

"This thing sounds illusory, but it can be explained..."

The immortal slough in Zhang Xibao's body was attracted by that mighty power, but because the power was produced by the disciples, Zhang Xibao instinctively rejected and loathed that power.

In other words, that power belongs exclusively to Martin and can only be used by him alone.

"He can absorb divine power, but he is very weak..."

Zhang Xibao fell into doubt.

Since Martin sounded so awesome, why was Zhang Xibao pressing and beating him?

"Because he didn't absorb it at all!"

The old man took the wine bottle from Zhang Xibao, lifted the lid off, and took a sip.

"That's just passive healing. He doesn't know how to use that power at all, and he's not qualified to use that power!" The old man chuckled.

"If you can tell me, just say more?"

Zhang Xibao pointed to the wine bottle: "I can give you another bottle after talking."


"You are better than that kid Qinglong, he only asks things from me, but doesn't give me a drink!"

The old man gulped down a bottle of wine like a cow drinking water.

"This involves the godhead!"

"Sit down, let me tell you slowly..."

The two sat back on the futon, and Zhang Xibao took out another bottle of wine and put it on the floor.

The old man couldn't wait to remove the lid, and said while drinking, "Did you ever offer sacrifices to the Kitchen God when you were young?"


Zhang Xibao shook his head, he was so poor when he was a child, he couldn't even afford food, so he couldn't care less about the Kitchen God.


The old man paused: "Then which gods have you sacrificed to?"

Zhang Xibao answered decisively: "The God of Wealth!"

In the past, Zhang Xibao didn't think about getting rich for a day or two.

"Whether it's the Kitchen God or the God of Wealth, they all have godheads. When you offer incense and worship them, the godheads are the tools they use to collect divine power. It's like a big pool. As long as someone worships them, the pool won't dry up. They can Feel free to use the water inside." The old man muttered.

"Is there really a God of Wealth, the Stove Lord?!" Zhang Xibao's eyes widened.

"If you're talking about a fat old man holding gold, that's not true. I'm just making an analogy." The old man pouted.


Zhang Xibao pointed to the video: "Then let's talk about Martin, what do you mean he can't and isn't qualified to use divine power?"

The old man replied: "Godhead, he doesn't have a godhead. His divine power is like drizzle falling in the sand. After only one pass, he can't use it at all. The divine power is just passively repairing his beautiful wing."

"I see……"

Zhang Xibao muttered to himself: "Then what is the godhead?"


Tian Yi suddenly poked Zhang Xibao's chest and abdomen with his finger, but was blocked by the shield transformed by Zhang Xibao.

"Old Biden, can't you afford it? Engage in a sneak attack?"

After listening to Qinglong's advice, Zhang Xibao had long been guarding against this old man.

The surface of the shield was flickering, which meant that Tian Yi's finger had a lot of strength.

There was a look of surprise in Zhang Xibao's eyes, this old man didn't have a trace of fresh air in his body, and he had so much strength with just one finger of his physical body!

"Hey, you're very vigilant!"

The old man looked at his right index finger and middle finger, and sure enough, the two fingers had been dislocated.

Click, click, click...

The old man pushed back the two dislocated fingers with his left hand.

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