Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 320 The Position Of Public Opinion

"I just want to feel the bones for you..."

The old man greedily glanced at Zhang Xibao's body: "The posture of a fairy, the posture of a fairy!"

"But it seems incomplete..." The old man narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhang Xibao's right hand.

I knock!

Zhang Xibao thought to himself that his right hand hadn't absorbed the power of the immortal slough, how did this poor old man know?

"I've opened the eyes of the sky..." Tian Yi touched his right eye and smiled triumphantly.

After he said this, Zhang Xibao noticed something unusual about the old man's right eye. Under Tongtiantong's perspective, that right eye shone brightly.

That is to say, Tianyi's right eye has become like a treasure, even if he doesn't have clear energy, his right eye can still see through some things.

"I've noticed since you just entered the door, you, you have a good skin!" The old man sighed.

Zhang Xibao remembered Qinglong's advice, stopped talking nonsense to the old man, and turned around to leave.

Suddenly, Zhang Xibao stopped, bent down and took away the half bottle of wine on the ground.

drink, drink fart!

He even dared to sneak up on Lord Bao, if it wasn't for the Five Dragons Association's regulations not to allow prisoners to be beaten, Zhang Xibao would have plucked the feathers off the old man's head.

"I would like to teach you what I have learned all my life!"

"You are a rare genius in eight hundred years, even better than Qinglong!"

"Don't you want to know what a godhead is?"

Tian Yi lay down on the small hole in the prison door and shouted, but Zhang Xibao was unmoved.

"Liar!" Zhang Xibao snorted coldly.

Tianyi's words are like magic sounds, the first sentence can arouse the greed of ordinary people, the second sentence can provoke the relationship between Zhang Xibao and Qinglong, and make people feel arrogant, and the third sentence can arouse people's thirst for knowledge.

The top-grade exercises in the Merit System are enough for Zhang Xibao to practice for a lifetime.

Zhang Xibao claimed that he was not a genius, but just lucky.

If Godhead doesn't know, you can ask Zhan Nian, he must know more than the old man!

In addition, Tianyi is an old liar who cannibalize people without spit out bones!

Out of the corridor, Qinglong was standing beside the stairs.

"Are you clear?" Qinglong asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao nodded.

As the two walked, Zhang Xibao talked about their conversation, and Qinglong's face became serious.

"So Martin has already begun to study divine power."

"I've never heard of Godhead..."

Qinglong let out a turbid breath: "Although I am standing at the peak of the heavenly rank, I always feel that it is difficult to advance an inch. It turns out that the difference is here. No matter how powerful the heavenly rank is, it is still in the human category. It's just too illusory..."

The two took the elevator up.

Qinglong said again: "The potion you retrieved has been handed over to the laboratory for analysis. After discussion, part of the data in the encrypted file can flow out, and the videos you recorded can be passed on through your [Bao Ye] account Get out, these experiments are against humanity and must be condemned by the whole world! Sometimes, tongue is another weapon."

"Okay, let me do this!"

Zhang Xibao nodded, and selectively extracted some documents and video materials, intending to put them in the "Different" live broadcast room and forum.

After leaving the Five Dragons Club, Zhang Xibao returned to the house.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! 』The Chinchilla welcomed Zhang Xibao home with two colorful paper balls.

"I knock, you can speak?" Zhang Xibao was a little surprised.

"Yes, but not completely, the vocabulary is not enough, and the words are not clear. 』

Chinchilla pulled out a Qingqi pager and said, "I can practice Daxia on the Internet." 』

"Amazing!" Zhang Xibao gave a thumbs up.

"Don't worry about the fungus, this guy was promoted earlier than you, sooner or later you will be able to talk." Zhang Xibao stroked the silk-like hair of the fungus, and the fungus meowed comfortably.

"Hmph..." Chinchilla looked at the fungus proudly.

"Let's eat takeaway today, I'm too lazy to cook..." Zhang Xibao sat on the sofa and found a comfortable position.

"The flame phoenix tree has grown even bigger, why doesn't it just grow up? Worrying..."

Zhang Xibao glanced at the fiery red heterophytes in the flowerpot on the balcony, and buckled his head: "I forgot to ask Qinglong about contracting the foreign land, otherwise I can transplant the flame phoenix tree there. Hey, let's talk about it next time!"

Shu Ling had already extracted the files and video clips that Zhang Xibao needed. Zhang Xibao posted them ten times on the forum and World Channel, and then posted a copy in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Xibao is already a master of appreciating treasures, so the special effects of his appearance are more dazzling than before. The information frames he released are all decorated with crystal diamonds, which blinds everyone's eyes as soon as he appears on the stage.

Hundreds of millions of fans in the live broadcast room also received the news immediately.

Zhang Xibao entered the live broadcast room, browsed through the barrage, and observed everyone's reactions.

"What sci-fi movie is this clip from?" 』

"Upstairs, didn't Master Bao mark [Experiments at the Secret Base of the Beautiful Country]?" 』

"Holy shit, I don't understand, but I'm shocked!" 』

"@Bao Ye, is this video real? ! 』

"These damned bastards..."

The information released by Zhang Xibao swept all the major public opinion positions in an instant, quickly fermented in one night, and spread to surrounding countries.

The number of fans in the live broadcast room exceeded one billion!

A large number of new fans poured into the live broadcast room, and the newcomers began to discuss and question, and some people began to dig out Zhang Xibao's real identity.

"So this treasure master is actually an internal member of the Five Dragons Club, right? 』

"[Bao Ye] is not only a big anchor with hundreds of millions of fans, but also the big boss of the Imperial Capital Laboratory Building. He has a close relationship with Qian, one of the four great masters of the Imperial Capital, and is also the major shareholder of Liuli Pavilion! 』

"Absolutely, is this a stack of identity buffs, right? 』

Zhang Xibao didn't show up in the live broadcast room, no explanation is the best explanation.

He went to the Five Dragons Club again, not only because Qin Li escorted the main members of the Qi family back to the imperial capital, but he also wanted to ask Qinglong about contracting land in a foreign land to plant exotic treasure seeds.

After all, the balcony really can't hold the phoenix tree...

Qi Delong ran away, and more than a dozen family members headed by Qi Dongqiang were imprisoned in the supernatural prison.

When they came to the underground base, Qin Li and Qinglong were there.

"Are you back?" Zhang Xibao and Qin Li greeted each other.

"I'm sorry, but we still let Qi Delong run away. We dug up Modu three times. Since the auction ended, Qi Delong seemed to have evaporated from the world..." Qin Li blamed himself.

"Hey, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, not to mention an old fox like Qi Delong!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Thinking about the good, I destroyed a foreign base in the beautiful country, and you pulled out the Qi family and their shadows in the Five Dragons Club. The result is not small. Qi Delong, give him sooner or later Catch it back!"

"Okay..." Qin Li nodded.


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