The former son Martin is crazy!

This is the only explanation for the beautiful country.

The series of evidence they provided is enough to prove that Martin is an out-and-out lunatic against humanity.

In the video, Martin took away all the potions that can alienate ordinary humans into orcs, and conducted an experiment in a small town, causing nearly a thousand people to mutate, and this mutated thousand people caused tens of thousands of casualties. chain reaction.

Now, Martin and the lycanthropes are gone.

"So it wasn't a bitter trick, but the turning point is a bit fast, and I can't keep up with it..." Zhang Xibao scratched his head.

It would be hard to believe that those bases and experiments had nothing to do with the beautiful country, but what happened to Martin, he did these things just to pick the beautiful country out, and single-handedly carried the cauldron of anti-humanity.

"Could it be that the beautiful country intends to sacrifice one of the strongest sky-level supernatural powers to escape sanctions?"

After the meeting, several people including Zhang Xibao and Qinglong sat at the table to analyze.

Qinglong curled his lips: "It shouldn't be, this is self-defeating. The sky rank is too important for a country, and it will never be used to blame."

"That's really crazy. The casualties of tens of thousands of people and the disappearance of more than a thousand lycanthropes are all caused by this guy. The beautiful country should not be able to cover it, so they gave up on Martin." West White Tiger Tang Yinghuang also analyzed a wave.

The lycanthropy is not a problem for Zhang Xibao, what he thinks about is the statue of the strange treasure that can replace the godhead.

Zhang Xibao was about to get the statue, Martin went crazy, Daxia was going to send someone to hunt down Martin, it wasn't like someone would give him a pillow when he was sleepy!

"So, who will our Five Dragons send to hunt down Martin?" Zhang Xibao suddenly raised his hand and asked.

Qinglong's eyes fell on Zhang Xibao, and Xi Baihu and Qin Li also looked at him.

"Okay, I'll go!" Zhang Xibao shrugged.

Qinglong was a little surprised: "Yo, why are you so active this time?"

Zhang Xibao shrugged: "Who else is there besides me? You can't leave the imperial capital. Vermilion Bird and Baihu's fighting power is a little bit behind. I'm the only one who is the most suitable!"

"who said it?"

Tang Yinghuang was a little unconvinced: "I'm about to break the rank, besides, our family is not the only one chasing and killing Martin, but there are ten people in total, so many people are powerful, even ten peaks of the earth rank can kill him right?"

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, the hearts of the people will not be in harmony, and some people will not make any effort. You foolishly rush up and open the big gun. When the white tiger's holy body explodes, puff, it explodes, and it is broken into pieces. I can't put it back together. I can't save you..." Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes at Tang Yinghuang.

"Baihu hasn't fully recovered yet, you and Qin should leave this time!" Qinglong knocked on the table.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Zhang Xibao nodded and looked at Qin Li.

Qin Li followed suit and nodded: "I'm fine too."

"Okay, then it's decided!"

The four people finalized the plan in a few words.

The final result of the discussion at the joint meeting is: Great Xia, Pretty Country, John Country, Xiong Country, and Gaul Country each have two masters of supernatural beings, a total of ten people, forming a top-notch hunting team of supernatural beings. Kill the former holy son Martin and the lycanthropy!

According to reliable information, Martin and the lycanthrope fled into the foreign land code-named 07 in the beautiful country. The mission of Zhang Xibao and the others is to enter this foreign land to hunt down Martin.

"I'm going on a business trip again. Hurry up and get ready. It's best to ask your grandpa for some high-level sword talismans. Prepare some for me too..." Zhang Xibao told Qin Li a few words.

A sword talisman is worth hundreds of merit points, and the supply is limited. Although this thing is powerful, it is a pure consumable, and Zhang Xibao feels a little bit pained to buy it.

"Okay, I'll go ask Grandpa."

Qin Li agreed, and the two agreed on a departure time and left separately.

"Hey, I am the only one who knows about the statue that can replace the godhead. The supernatural beings in the beautiful country probably also know about it, but they don't dare to say it. If they get the statue by then, they will be dumb!"

Thinking of this, the unhappiness of going on a mission was swept away, and Zhang Xibao walked home humming a little tune.

When I got home, the house had been cleaned, and there was no trace of the flame crows having finished the performance...

Zhang Xibao sat on the sofa, looked at the fungus, and then at the chrysanthemum.

"This time on a mission, the fungus will take care of the house, and the golden mouse will go with me."

Zhang Xibao can rely on the Flaming Crows to find Martin's traces, but after a trip to the No. 07 foreign land, he has to bring Chinchilla to buy some special products! What's the point if you don't come back with some special products?


Chinchilla is very excited, and staying at home is quite boring recently, why not take the opportunity to go out and play.

The fungus was a bit disappointed, Zhang Xibao comforted it: "I exchanged some high-level treasure pills for you in the merit system, you can upgrade at home, and when your strength improves, we will fight side by side!"

The fungus meowed twice and nodded.

There were three days of preparation, but Zhang Xibao had nothing to prepare for, all his net worth was in Tongtianbao Curry.

Qin Li made more active and full preparations. First, he re-sacrificed the Vermilion Bird sword at the Equipment Department of the Blue Dragon Society, then went to the family treasure Curry to get some high-level rare treasures, and finally emptied her Grandpa Qin Jiuyuan's sword talisman was in stock.

The reason why the sword talisman is precious is because its output is not high. A master talisman like Qin Jiuyuan can only draw thirty pieces a day.

The combat power of the sword talisman can be superimposed, as long as the user can control it, even if a thousand or ten thousand sword talismans are released together, even the heavenly ranks will not dare to take it.

Qin Jiuyuan saw with his own eyes that his good granddaughter took all his sword talismans for a year, and he sucked his teeth: "Little Li'er, you can only control a hundred sword talismans at a time, so you don't have to take more than 10,000 sword talismans. take it?"

Qin Li replied: "Well, the dark sage said that he also wants some, he is stronger than me, and he can control more sword symbols."


Qin Jiuyuan thought that the dark sage could buy it with merit points, but he opened his mouth to ask for it from his good granddaughter, which is really shameless.


Before departure, Zhang Xibao went to the laboratory building to get two miniature base stations. It would be a pity not to chat with his friends during such a pleasant trip.

On the morning of departure, Zhang Xibao rode a phoenix to Qin's house to pick up Vermilion Bird, and Qin Jiuyuan stood at the door to see them off.

The old man looked at Zhang Xibao with weird eyes...

"Uh, Mr. Qin, do you have something to say?" Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking.

Qin Jiuyuan said: "Well, you have a bright mind, take care of Xiao Li'er, and take care of yourself."

"Okay, okay, that's for sure."

Zhang Xibao nodded, and controlled Phoenix to run away quickly.

In fact, Mr. Qin's words are very simple.

When beheading Tian Rank Martin, watch Qin Li, and don't let the girl rush forward foolishly.

Let others go first, the two of you are behind, and grab the head!

"I have to say, the idea of ​​the old man coincides with mine!" Zhang Xibao muttered.

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