Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 325 Gathering Crowds To Make Trouble

clack la la la...

The stone fell into the pothole, and the sound echoed in the small space.

The air became dull, like a pool of stagnant water, and the temperature dropped a lot.

Zhang Xibao went down for a long time before he stepped on the solid ground.

"I didn't expect the space under here to be quite large..." he said to himself.

"There's quite a lot of space under here..."

"The space is quite large..."

"It's pretty big..."


The voice echoed, Zhang Xibao silently closed his mouth, so as not to startle the snake.

He thought, Makabaka, this adamantine mine is too unfriendly to the chatterbox.


There was another explosion.

The air whistled past his ears.

After Martin invaded the No. 07 foreign land, the beautiful country has stopped all exploration activities on the foreign land, so 99.9% of the mines in this bottomless mine may be Martin!

What the hell is this guy trying to do?

Zhang Xibao felt that he was getting closer to the underground explosion source.


There was the sound of something heavy scraping the ground.

Zhang Xibao hid in a rock crevice, and saw a three-meter-tall orc dragging a mine truck out. The clothes on the orc's body were torn, and a miner's lamp was crookedly capped on his head.

This orc was not the same as the one in the laboratory. It had a sturdy body, and its appearance became more beastly. The polyps and black bristles on the skin could hang down to the ground.

The minecart is adamantine stone of low purity, which needs to be further refined to obtain adamantine ore.

The orcs couldn't accurately lock the fine gold ore behind the stone wall like Zhang Xibao, so they could only obtain high-purity ore through the clumsy method of refining stones.

"This thing is not easy to play, is it?"

Zhang Xibao jumped out from a crack in the rock, smashed the orc to death with one punch, and ordered Fang Rui to swallow the body.

His figure began to swell, and his bones creaked. Like a rubber man, Zhang Xibao slowly stretched to a three-meter figure, and his appearance also mimicked the appearance of an orc.

"It feels strange to have a body that is more than three meters long..."

Zhang Xibao tied the cap of the miner's lamp on his head, and began to drag the mine cart along the scratches on the ground.



The more Zhang Xibao walked in, the more orcs with trailers he encountered. The orcs dragged the ore from the mines extending in all directions and gathered towards a certain place. Zhang Xibao followed among the orcs.

The underground space became wider, and Zhang Xibao found himself standing on a stone platform, with a brightly lit big pit under his feet!

The huge hole under their feet was huge, covering an area of ​​ten football fields. Obviously, it couldn't be excavated or blasted out by manpower!

On one side of the big pit are the furnaces for extracting fine gold ore. These furnaces are modeled on the steel furnaces before the spiritual energy revived and added magic circles and ancient scriptures, so the internal temperature is comparable to that of different fires, and can be used to smelt stones.

Liquid fine gold flows out from the furnace outlet, but the output is extremely rare, and it flows out almost drop by drop.

The produced fine gold dripped into the pool, and the high temperature caused steam to rise in the pool, and Zhang Xibao couldn't see how much fine gold was stored in the pool.

Zhang Xibao was even more puzzled. He turned his head and looked to the other side of the pit. There was a high platform there, and there was a person sitting cross-legged on the high platform. That person was none other than the former holy son Martin!

"Go, go!"

The lightning whip hit a slow-moving half-orc, attracting Zhang Xibao's attention.

There are one or two half-orcs wearing black cloaks, similar to the roles of overseers, not only possessing intelligence, but also possessing supernatural powers. Zhang Xibao guessed that these half-orcs were transformed by Martin's followers.

Zhang Xibao dragged the mine cart and walked towards the stove, but his eyes were looking at the fine gold in the pool. Although he didn't know the exact amount, Tong Tiantong's vision was shining brightly.

Although there are magic circles and ancient inscriptions to insulate the heat, when Zhang Xibao got close to the stove, he felt that the hairs on his body were about to be scorched. He squinted his eyes, and dragged the mine cart to the feeding port.

"Hurry up, what are you doing dawdling!"

It was these few seconds of hesitation that aroused the dissatisfaction of the disciple supervisor, and the lightning whip whipped towards Zhang Xibao with sparks.

I tow the truck and you just watch it, but you really want to hit me!

Zhang Xibao stretched out his hand to grab the lightning whip, the sparks flashed, but he didn't hurt him at all. The believer looked at Zhang Xibao in astonishment, and couldn't turn his mind for a while. He couldn't figure out how this stupid half-orc caught it with his bare hands. his whip.


Zhang Xibao whipped the whip, and the believer was dragged towards him. Zhang Xibao dodged, and the fellow fell into the furnace's feed opening without even calling for help.

This sudden change stunned a group of half-orcs who were towing the truck. They stared blankly at Zhang Xibao. The progress of the work was interrupted, and all eyes fell on Zhang Xibao.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhang Xibao had a very strange feeling, as if all these countless gazes came from one person.


Crowds of orcs rushed over roaring, Zhang Xibao didn't intend to pretend any longer, and transformed himself into the original Dark Saint Qilin.

"Ah, it's still more comfortable like this!"

"Show yourself, little bitch!"

Zhang Xibao sighed, snapped his fingers, and in midair, the puppet bone dragon's head poked out.


The earth-shattering roar of the bone dragon caught Martin's attention at the other end of the pit.

"It's you?!" Martin's eyes were tearing apart.

The dark saint didn't know how many good things he had ruined, and the enemy was extremely jealous when they met at this moment!

"So what if it's me?"

Zhang Xibao pointed at Martin from a distance, and looked around again: "You gathered a crowd to make trouble, right? You should be fined and detained!"

After saying that, Zhang Xibao didn't stop on his feet, his figure jumped up, and he rushed towards the pool of cooling pure gold.

No matter what Martin wants to do, first get the fine gold and ruin his plan. Of course, Zhang Xibao can also make a small fortune by the way.

"Ahhh!" Martin yelled angrily, and his figure rushed over like lightning.

Zhang Xibao watched Martin's movements while moving towards the pool. When he saw Martin's speed, he couldn't help muttering: "This guy's combat power has improved again? Damn, let's run with the fine gold, I don't Be that early bird..."

Although Martin was fast, he couldn't compare to Zhang Xibao's distance advantage. Zhang Xibao jumped into the pool with a thud, and reached out to scoop it up.

Dude, the bottom of the pool is full of fine gold beads the size of fingernails.

These are all good materials for refining equipment, with extremely high purity and priceless value!

"Hahaha, get rich!"

Zhang Xibao desperately stuffed pure gold beads into Tong Tian Bao Curry, and the bottom of the pool lost two-thirds of the fine gold in the blink of an eye.

Martin had arrived, but Zhang Xibao disappeared at the bottom of the pool.

It turns out that the pool for cooling the pure gold is running water, and there is an underground river at the bottom. Zhang Xibao has already escaped into the underground passage

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