Above the Adamantite Mine.

Nine people including Qin Li, Lorna, Lola, Ivan, and Yevna stood on top of the pothole.

"You said that Martin is in the adamantine mine, and the dark saint has already entered first?"

Ivan threw a fluorescent stick into the mine pit. Compared with the pitch-black pit, the light was like the light of a firefly, and it disappeared quickly.

"Yes, Martin is hiding underground, let's go and meet the Dark Sage!" Qin Li was afraid that something would happen to Zhang Xibao, and his tone was a little anxious.

The other eight people looked at each other without moving.

After all, I still don't know what's going on underground, so it's better to let that dark sage explore the way.

Even if the dark saint is sacrificed in the face of Tian Tier Martin, it can still weaken Daxia's combat power.

Luo Na glanced at the pit, and asked Qin Li: "The search area for Daxia is not here, you didn't know that Martin was underground, so what are you doing in the fine gold mine, stealing the property of the beautiful country?"

Qin Li didn't explain. Seeing that everyone didn't move, she planned to go down the pit by herself.

"Stop, let me check your rare treasure!" Lorna blocked Qin Li's way.

"Are you planning to fight with me?"

Qin Li asked coldly, his hand had already stretched out to the square inch bracelet, the limit of the sword talisman she wielded was 120 pieces, it should be able to kill Lorna who is at the first level of the earth level, as for Lola, she can only fight with her life up.

"Yo yo yo!"

"Pretty lady, it's not good to fight and kill, let's change to a gentler way!"

The flirtatious Niang planned to intervene, but was dismissed by Lorna's word "scroll".

"What right do you have to meddle in our affairs?" Lorna glanced at Niang.

"Then am I eligible?"

"I'm not here, so I'm going to bully my companion, right?"

A voice sounded, and everyone looked back.

Zhang Xibao steamed the water stains on his body with a different fire, and walked over carrying the thorn stick.


Zhang Xibao put the thorn stick on the ground, pointed at Lorna: "Shall I beat you?"

He looked at Laura, whose face was sinking like water: "I don't care if you two go up together!"

Laura looked at her sister who was about to draw out her rapier, and said in a commanding tone, "Lorna, come back!"

"Hmph!" Lorna walked behind Laura honestly.

The tense atmosphere eased, and Ivan and Yevna, who were planning to watch a good show, sighed regretfully.

"Martin's down here, I met that guy."

Zhang Xibao pointed to the fine gold mine pit: "Tell me, what's the process? If you don't want to go down, go back to your respective homes as soon as possible. Anyway, it's not the people of Daxia that Martin has harmed. I don't know who such a group of people are wiping their asses for?!"

"What do you mean?" Lorna couldn't help asking.

"What do I mean, some people are chrysanthemum diamond fireflies, and they know it well!"

Zhang Xibao said nonchalantly, "I don't know who's exploring this area. Those half-orcs are mining below, and the noise is as loud as an earthquake. No one noticed?"

"Dark Saint said carefully, the foreign land No. 07 is too big, we have just searched half of the area, and this fine gold mining area has not been visited yet." Luo La stopped Lorna who wanted to do something, and explained to everyone.

"It's useless to explain, let's talk with practical actions. You go first to the mine and explore the way ahead!" Zhang Xibao pointed to the fine gold mine.

"it is good!"

Luo La jumped into the pothole first, and Luo Na glanced at Zhang Xibao, followed closely behind, and then Zhang Xibao and others also jumped down.

Zhang Xibao told the general situation below, gave everyone a vaccination, and then the team explored cautiously.

"You met Martin, how did you escape?" Yevna asked Zhang Xibao curiously.

Zhang Xibao replied: "There is a dark river underground."

"Then let's swim in the dark river to sneak attack?" Yevna suggested.

Zhang Xibao shook his head: "After I escaped from there, Martin must have blocked the exit of the underground river and raised his vigilance. A sneak attack is unrealistic."

"So you ran away without fighting Martin?" Someone sneered in the darkness.

Zhang Xibao knew that it was Lorna who was mocking him, so he replied bluntly: "The hero will go first, if you can take Martin's move and survive, I will treat everyone to a feast!"

"Okay, everyone, keep quiet, so as not to startle the snake." Ivan stood up to stop the quarrel, and the team fell into silence again.


The vibration was even more violent than when the mine was opened. The dust and slag in the pit fell straight down, and the violent airflow could pierce a person's eardrum.

After walking for a while, Laura at the front said, "It's already alarmed. They seem to have blown up the tunnel leading to the ground."

Everyone turned their heads to look at Zhang Xibao, Zhang Xibao shrugged his shoulders with an expression of "Look at me".

"If you want to kill Martin, you have to remove the gravel first..."


The bottom of the Adamantite Mine.

Martin angrily destroyed the exit of the underground river, and then became calm. He asked the believers to collect the remaining fine gold at the bottom of the pool.

"That bastard stole at least two-thirds of the pure gold, that's not enough!" Martin looked at the pile of fine gold beads in front of him, his eyes were about to burst into flames with anger.

A half-orc knelt on the ground and said piously: "My master, your loyal believer has a way!"

"Do you have a way to get pure gold in a short time?" Martin asked impatiently.


The believer raised his head: "I have checked the blueprint of the fine gold melting furnace. Part of the interlayer inside the furnace is pure gold itself, so if the master wants to gather a large amount of fine gold, he can only kill chickens and take eggs, destroy all the underground furnaces, and take out the inside of the interlayer. pure gold!"

"Give me an order to smash all the furnaces!"

At Martin's order, the believers and half-orcs began to smash all the furnaces.

Soon, the adamantine plates from the interlayer of the furnace were taken out and stacked in front of Martin.

"Start the ceremony!"

The believers gathered and began to make the magic circle on the high platform of the big pit.

This magic circle is not drawn by various materials, but directly inscribed by the high platform. All kinds of weird patterns are chiseled out by the believers on the high platform, and the patterns extend to the central groove of the high platform.

Martin took off his robe, and a blood-red flower bloomed on his chest. The thorns extending from the flower covered Martin's body like tattoos. The thorns squirmed slowly, sharing the fresh air and blood with Martin.

This scene looks very eerie in the dark underground!


Martin stretched out his arms, and the eyes of the goblins looked at him, and then walked towards him slowly like a walking dead.

The half-orcs walked towards the high platform, their bodies began to mutate, black thorns drilled out from under the skin, and blood spurted from the wound impatiently.

The half-orcs didn't seem to feel any pain, they only had the reflection of the holy son Martin in their eyes!

The spirit stone opened the magic circle, and the blood defied gravity and flowed along the patterns to the grooves of the high platform. Niu called out to be an expert after seeing this scene.

The believers poured the pure gold into the groove of the high platform, and the groove seemed to be a huge insatiable mouth, swallowing all the fine gold in a short while.

"There is one last step left."

Martin took out his great sword of glory, and inserted it into the groove without hesitation.

The so-called eternal holy flame finally went out after encountering the bright red liquid in the groove, and the blade of the great sword began to disintegrate, and the holy artifact of the heaven rank was destroyed just like that, but Martin didn't feel any distress in his eyes.

"It's worth sacrificing a heavenly artifact to obtain an artifact!" Martin muttered to himself.

The liquid in the groove of the high platform began to squirm, and Martin stretched out his hand to guide it, and a golden-red weapon and treasure slowly floated out.

The weapon is very strange, except for the handle, its blade is like an irregular thorn, and a sickle-like blade appears at the end of the thorn blade, the blade is like the long teeth of a poisonous snake, like the tail hook of a poisonous scorpion...

"Sacrifice to the Disaster Soldiers: With the blood of the believers as the guide, and the fine gold mine as the foundation, sacrifice the heavenly treasures, and create a sacrificial artifact!" 』

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