
The blood-gold sword slowly emerged, and Martin laughed wantonly. The corpse on his body seemed to come alive, twitching violently with his heartbeat.


The corridor of the big pit was opened, and ten people including Luo Na rushed in one after another.

Zhang Xibao roared: "Surprise inspection, everyone squats down with their heads in their hands!"

"Ah, where's the person?"

As far as the eye could see, the half-orcs had disappeared, replaced by countless corpses and sinful remnants on the sacrificial high platform.

"Just in time!"

Martin stood on the high platform, holding the disaster soldier in his hand, staring at everyone coldly.

I knock!

Zhang Xibao's eyebrows trembled, and he opened his Tongtian pupil to look at the weapon in Martin's hand. That strange weapon burst out with a strong light.

Martin's combat power had already increased, but now he added a weapon of unknown rank, which was like adding wings to a tiger. Zhang Xibao didn't think this group of temporary hunting teams would be successful.

He quietly controlled his breath and sent a voice to Qin Li: "Did you see the pool at the other end? When something goes wrong, run over there immediately. Although the dark river leading to the outside world is blocked, my puppet bone dragon The dark river has been drilled through, let's run from there!"

Qin Li was a little surprised, usually Zhang Xibao became more and more courageous when he was frustrated, why did he start to think about the way out before fighting today?

"I feel like we are here to deliver food..." Afraid that Qin Li would not understand, Zhang Xibao added another sentence.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Qin Li nodded slightly with an attitude of great trust in Zhang Xibao, indicating that she knew.

"Ahem, who was the hero who wanted to come up first?"

As Zhang Xibao said, he glanced at Lorna with a contemptuous expression.

He wanted to stir up Lorna and let the people of the beautiful country try Martin's water first.

Rona didn't move, but Laura moved, but the direction she was heading was not Martin, but the passageway through which everyone entered the cave.


Lola's fast sword was superb, and the X-shaped sword light chopped the stones above the corridor, and the corridor leading to the outside world collapsed!

"You... what do you mean?" Ivan asked with staring eyes.

"What else can you mean!"

Zhang Xibao answered, "They're in the same group!"

Lola was behind the crowd, while Lorna and Martin stood in front of them, presenting two bread sandwiches with cheese.

Lorna laughed and bowed to Martin: "Congratulations to the Holy Son for becoming a divine soldier!"

In the ten-to-one situation just now, the outcome is unknown, but now it is eight-to-three, this is not the end!

Zhang Xibao winked at Qin Li, meaning to find a chance to run away.

"Everyone, the retreat has been cut off, and the only thing we can do is fight with our backs!"

Ivan rolled up his sleeves: "I'll go first!"

After Ivan finished speaking, he turned his head and rushed towards Lola, while Yevna rushed towards Lorna. These two left Martin to the rest!

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes: "La Beiji is an old fritter."

Niang and Bell from Gaul, and Harris and Black from John stayed where they were, Zhang Xibao took a look at them.

"Four, let's go together?"

Let these four guys block Martin, and then he escapes with Qin Li, perfect!

"May the power and the glory be with me!"

Harris seemed to be suffering from some serious illness, perhaps because he was too excited to participate in this level of battle for the first time, he let out a yelp, pulled out a wooden staff and rushed up.


Harris' teacher, Blake, was in a daze. In order not to let his student die young, he also pulled out a wand and chased after him.

"I knock, these two are really wizards?"

Zhang Xibao complained that he and Qin Li also moved.

"Kill Martin, and take his wings and bones!" Bell said slowly, with a swollen figure.

Niang took out two weird heavy guns, exchanged glances with Bell, nodded, and rushed towards Martin.

Although Zhang Xibao and Qin Li moved, they kept their speed under control, planning to take the opportunity to run towards the pool.

"court death!"

Martin looked at everyone coldly, the thorns on his body grew automatically, extending along his right arm, fixing the disaster soldier with his palm.

He glanced at the besiegers under the sacrificial high platform, his pupils focused on the dark saint.

The dark sage repeatedly bad things about Martin, and Martin had already sentenced the dark sage to death in his heart, and now is a good opportunity to vent his anger!

"Die, you hateful ant!"

Martin moved, his wings rolled up into a hurricane, and his right arm dragged the sacrificial disaster soldiers towards Zhang Xibao.


"I never expected, this guy is coming towards me!"

Zhang Xibao's eyes widened suddenly, and he said to Qin Li who was beside him, "Let's go first when you find a chance!"

"No, if you don't go, I won't go either!"

Qin Li suddenly rejected Zhang Xibao's proposal, accelerated suddenly, and overtook Black who was covering for Harris.

"I'm going, I'm disobedient at this time, if I can escape, I'll teach you a lesson for your grandpa!" Zhang Xibao screamed strangely, and took out the thorn stick from Tongtianbao Curry.

Harris rushed to the front and was the first to encounter Martin. He swung his staff and muttered something.

Buzz buzz!

In front of Harris, patterns of ancient inscriptions kept flashing, and huge circular magic circles emerged from the air, and all of them were elemental magic circles above the eighth rank!

Black's eyes are a little proud, his student is the most talented and most powerful formation master in the entire academy and even in John's country!

"Heavenly rank, try my magic circle combo!"

The magic circle is buzzing, wind, fire, thunder, electricity, fog, ice, light, and darkness gather together. The so-called combo is all kinds of elements throwing all kinds of elements at the enemy's face and killing them.

"Ant's little trick!"

Martin spread his wings, and various elements hit the wings like tickling, and the wings trembled and were ready to go.

"Harris, be careful!"

Black caught up, tapped his wand, and a high-level magic shield appeared in front of Harris, and the feathers hit the magic shield like thunder.

Qin Li also arrived. She twisted out a stack of sword talismans and waved them away. The sword talismans flew all over the sky and quickly condensed into a talisman sword.


A rune sword several meters long slashed at Martin, and Martin also defended with his wings.


It was difficult for the rune sword to shake Martin's progress.

"Too weak, too weak!" Martin laughed heartily.

"What about this one?!"

Zhang Xibao suddenly appeared from behind Qin Li, making a gesture with his fingers.


There was another loud bang, and a talisman sword that was tens of meters long hit Martin's body, and his wings fell off. Martin flew upside down, but quickly stabilized his figure.

"It's just a bigger ants..."

"I want to taste your blood!"

The disaster soldier hummed, and Martin smiled: "It seems that it wants to try it too!"

"Are you a vampire?"

Zhang Xibao waved a thorn stick and pressed it up: "I am a man of great summer and hot blood, and I will burn your mouth!"

Boom boom boom!

The tribulus stick hit the sacrificial disaster soldier three times in a row, Zhang Xibao turned his head and shouted at Niang and Bell behind him: "You two should hurry up and wait for the feast, right?"

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