Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 328 Breaking The Great Defense



Niang fired two shots at the same time, one shot between Martin's eyebrows and one shot in the chest, but both were blocked by the wings.

The wings fluttered, and the snow-white wings were scorched. The power of this weapon is even greater than the power of a high-level magic circle and a hundred sword symbols?

"Brother, come on, two more shots!" Zhang Xibao shouted excitedly.

"Hehe, of course!"

Niang blew the non-existent gunpowder smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and under Zhang Xibao's dull gaze, he broke open the drum of the gun. There were no bullets or shells in it, only a high-grade spirit stone.

"My rare treasure consumes one high-grade spirit stone per shot, and the bullet needs to be changed every time. You wait a moment..." Niang said unhurriedly, but his subordinates moved quickly.

"I'll wait for you *one*!"

Fang Rui changed, and a layer of pitch-black armor covered Zhang Xibao's body, blocking the invasion of Martin's corpse.

"You actually merged with Shi Jing?"

Zhang Xibao caught a glimpse of the flower bud on Martin's chest, and the corpse thorn under the flower bud seemed to get under Zhang Xibao's skin, but the thorn could not pierce Fang Rui's defense.

Speaking of this matter, there was a trace of resentment in Martin's eyes: "It's you, it's you who destroyed the corpse bud. If it weren't for you, I would have broken through the heavenly rank and become a god servant!"

According to Daxia, there are immortals, ghost immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, god immortals above the heavenly ranks...

According to the rank ranking of the beautiful country, above the SSS level are god servants, demigods, great gods, god kings...

The servant in Martin's mouth is equivalent to a fairy.

Martin wanted to break through the heavenly ranks and become a human immortal, but Zhang Xibao ruined his plan. After returning to China, Martin merged with Shi Jing for some unknown reason and became an existence similar to ghosts and immortals.

It will be difficult for Guixian to become a god again, that's why Martin resents Zhang Xibao so much.

"Blame me?" Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes.

We are enemies of each other, we don't want to fight life and death, but put each other to death, why should we sit down and have a cup of tea and eat moon cakes?

"Experience the taste of despair!"

Martin suddenly laughed, and Zhang Xibao felt bad.

There was a smear of blood on the sacrificial disaster soldiers. From a distance, it seemed that a spherical blood mist enveloped Martin and Zhang Xibao.

Zhang Xibao felt the clear qi and blood in his body disappearing rapidly, and a feeling of weakness came to his heart.

The strange knife in Martin's hand can suck the blood of the supernatural being? !

"Dark Saint!" Qin Li shouted, drew out the Vermilion Bird sword and stabbed Martin.

Zhang Xibao noticed that the body on Martin's body was wriggling.

"do not come!"

Zhang Xibao yelled, but it was too late, Qin Li entered the range of the blood mist.


Qin Li felt strange voices in her ears, like countless people whispering, her body became weak, and she didn't even notice that the dead body was climbing up her body along her legs.

Zhang Xibao has Fang Rui's body protection, so he is not afraid of the corpse thorn, but Qin Li's personal treasure cannot prevent the strange corpse thorn.


When the corpse thorn pierced Qin Li's skin, a stream of blood gushed out. Vermilion Bird's remnant soul was furious, and roared, at the cost of burning the remnant soul, he took Li Huo to burn the corpse thorn vine.

The vines wrapped around Qin Li's body turned into fly ash, and Zhang Xibao heaved a sigh of relief.

"Let's take care of yourself!" Martin sneered.

A few strands of black shadows suddenly spread from the disaster soldier's knife, entwining towards Zhang Xibao along the thorn stick.


Several of the thorns on the surface of the terrestris stick were broken!

This strange knife also has a negative effect on strange treasures?

Zhang Xibao's heart dripped with blood, but he was more shocked.

What kind of magic horse did Martin refine? The tribulus stick of the heaven rank was also chopped down!

"Not yet loaded?"

"Ah Bell is making wool?"

As soon as the words fell, two high-grade spirit stone condensed fresh air bullets hit Martin's arms, and Zhang Xibao felt that the pressure on his body was a little less.

"Step aside!"

The mixed-race hunk Bell finally stepped forward and slashed at Martin with his bare hands. This guy's transformation time was a bit long, but the effect looked good. His body was swollen to three meters, his skin was dark and shiny, as if he was covered in a layer of aliens. Treasure armor.

Martin avoided the knife, and the disaster soldier slashed at Bell's neck.

Ah Bell shouted loudly, clamping the blade of the sacrificial disaster soldier with both palms, the corpse thorn and the disaster soldier's barbs scraped mercilessly on Ah Bell's arm, but only thin scratches appeared, and no blood flowed out .

"Receive the sword with bare hands? Black sorghum is fine!"

Zhang Xibao gave a compliment.

In fact, in Tongtiantong's field of vision, there was something wrong with Bell's arms, which gave Zhang Xibao a familiar feeling.

"It's just a defective product!" Martin snorted disdainfully.

Combined with Martin's words, Zhang Xibao guessed that Bell's arms were some mutilated fairy remains.

"Come soon?!" Ah Bell held back the disaster soldiers, and asked Zhang Xibao, Harris and others behind him for help.

"Think of a way to break his wings, I'll attack, this time I'm serious!"

Harris yelled at Zhang Xibao: "I'll get him a big one!"

Black covered Harris, and a giant magic circle slowly emerged. Zhang Xibao glanced at it casually, and felt that the level of this magic circle was definitely beyond rank nine!

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Fang Rui's transformed wings stretched out, the golden wings buzzed, and the wings were ready to attack.

"I was able to break it last time, but I don't know if I can do it this time!"


Fang Rui's simulated wing feathers shot at Martin's wings, sparks flew everywhere, but the attack failed because Martin became stronger again, unless Fang Rui absorbed his flesh and blood again.

"It's broken, no..."

Martin has been promoted to a ghost fairy, and he still has a weapon that surpasses the heavens in his hands. Let alone beheading, he can't even break the defense. How can he fight?

Suddenly, a light flashed in Zhang Xibao's mind.


Zhang Xibao took out a standard exotic treasure dagger given to him by the Five Dragons Association, and inserted it into his left arm with a pop.

Except for the right arm, all the bones of his body were covered with golden sword intent by Zhan Nian. Fang Rui's wing feather attack didn't work, but Zhan Nian's sword intent should be able to!

Ah, Zhan Nian, you are an eternal god!

Zhang Xibao muttered silently in his heart.

"I'll knock, if you can't break the defense, don't you hurt yourself?" Harris was stunned by Zhang Xibao's behavior.

"You know a fart! Hold back your big move, and I will be responsible for breaking the defense!"

Zhang Xibao pulled out the dagger, and inserted it into his arm with a pop, until the bone was visible in the wound.

"Ah, it's not good to have too high a defense. It takes a few more stabs than ordinary people to cut the skin. It hurts so much!"

Enduring the severe pain, Zhang Xibao raised his left arm high and aimed at Martin: "Sun thief, look at the sword!"

The golden silk thread burst out from Zhang Xibao's wound, and turned into a sharp sword energy in an instant, Zhang Xibao seemed to see Zhan Nian swinging the sword, this sword was enough to kill a god!


Martin's wings were broken.

Zhang Xibao meditated again in his heart, ah, Zhan Nian, will always be God...

Ah, no, Zhan Nian is killing God, if he is a god, wouldn't he kill himself?

Zhang Xibao dispelled the strange thoughts in his mind, and yelled at Harris: "It's broken, are you alright?"

Harris shuddered at Zhang Xibao's voice, his wand trembled, and a thick beam of light shot out from the giant magic circle, hitting half of Martin's body.

"Fuck, miss!"

Zhang Xibao: ...

Everyone: ...

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