Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 329 Persimmons Have To Be Picked Softly


Martin was blasted out by the magic circle, half of his body was blown to shreds, and the corpse squirmed wildly, but it was difficult to completely heal the wound for a while.

"Recite my name! 』

Martin dragged his body and retreated violently. He took out the white angel statue from the square inch treasure, and dozens of lycanthropist believers began to pray around the statue.

"Holy, holy, my almighty Son Martin. 』

"Holy, holy, glory and power in one. 』

The golden divine power flew out from the statue, turned into dots of light, and merged into Martin's broken body, and the wound was healing rapidly.

Zhang Xibao was not idle here, he took a bottle of ginseng essence, sprinkled some on the wound on his left arm, and then gulped down the remaining half bottle, it was obvious that the wound on the bone was also healing quickly.

"Can we do that magic circle again?" Zhang Xibao turned to Harris and asked.

Harris shook his head: "No, I'm out of breath."

Zhang Xibao stared and said, "It's not easy? Take Baodan tonic!"

Before Harris could speak, Black next to him explained: "It doesn't matter if you make it up, Harris can only play this kind of taboo circle once a week!"

Zhang Xibao was completely speechless, and waved his hands: "Do something you can do!"

"I can put some healing..."

Harris shook his staff, and the wound on Bell's arm next to him slowly disappeared. He placed a golden magic circle on top of Zhang Xibao's head, and Zhang Xibao felt that the negative state caused by the blood mist disappeared.

Both sides get a temporary respite.

Taking advantage of the gap, Zhang Xibao glanced at Ivan and Yevna. These two people fully displayed the style of the Xiong people, and beat the two sisters Lorna and Lola to death with desperate fights, but it was obvious to the naked eye that the two Many wounds were added to the body.

Zhang Xibao glanced at Martin again. Martin was resting with his eyes closed, and the orc believers were chanting around him, and this guy's condition was also recovering quickly.

The snow-white angel statue was shining, which really made Zhang Xibao's eyes greedy.

"There's something wrong with that statue..."

Bell beside Zhang Xibao also noticed the abnormality of the statue.

"You continue to carry it for a while, and I will destroy that statue!" Ah Bell proposed to Zhang Xibao.

"No, no..."

Zhang Xibao's head was shaking like a rattle, and he raised his left hand that hadn't fully healed: "My hand needs to recover for a while, let's change, I'll destroy the statue!"

Ah Bell stared at Zhang Xibao in silence for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

"Are you okay?"

Zhang Xibao handed Qin Li a bottle of ginseng essence.

"I'm lagging behind..." Qin Li's face was very bad, and he took a sip of the ginseng essence.

Zhang Xibao pointed to Martin and controlled his voice with anger: "That guy is already a ghost, and he also holds a strange and strange treasure that surpasses the heavenly level in his hand. Although he is not very proficient in using that weapon, but It's not something our group of people can handle, even if Qinglong comes, maybe it won't work, unless..."

"Unless what?" Qin Li asked curiously.

Zhang Xibao squinted his eyes and looked at the snow-white statue: "Unless you help me get that statue!"

Qin Li silently glanced at the angel statue: "Okay, what do you think?"

"After a while, Bell drags Martin, you go and deal with the group of believers, I'll get the statue, and I'll leave the rest to me. I have a bold guess and want to try it!"

Zhang Xibao talked with Qin Li for a while, and in order to avoid being caught by Ah Bell and others, the two broke off the communication.

"Brother Dark Saint, what's in that small bottle of yours? The healing effect is good, give me two mouthfuls?" Ivan moved over while supporting his old waist, watching the sparkling bottle of ginseng essence in Zhang Xibao's hand.

"Drink it up, I'll give you something to eat!"

Zhang Xibao shook the empty bottle, and threw two ginseng whiskers over.

Ivan didn't doubt that it was poisonous, so he took it and chewed it. Looking at the slowly healing wound on his arm, he was amazed: "Big Xia's herbal medicine is really miraculous!"

Yevna didn't eat her share, she took out her own healing pill and ate it, and planned to take the remaining ginseng root back for research, but Zhang Xibao didn't care.

"Okay, everyone, Martin is coming again!" Bell interrupted everyone's rest time and reminded.

Everyone raised their heads, and Martin flapped his wings and hovered in the air, staring at them coldly, as if he was looking for a target to attack.

Zhang Xibao was a tough target, so Martin planned to attack the weaker targets first, so as to play the true role of offering sacrifices to disaster soldiers.

"Go ahead with the plan!"

Ah Bell glanced at Zhang Xibao, and rushed towards Martin first.

Zhang Xibao glanced at Qin Li, nodded slightly, and the two of them quickly rushed towards the angel statue in a blink of an eye.

A Bell went up to meet him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Martin's mouth, he made a sharp turn in mid-air, and swooped towards the ground.

"Be careful, Niang, that guy is coming towards you!" Bell yelled.

It seems that Martin has also changed his strategy and plans to pick a soft persimmon.

The sullen handsome Niang is undoubtedly the softest "persimmon". Except for the two extremely powerful firearms, this guy seems to have no powerful means.


Niang fired a shot at Martin, but it was blocked by the wings.

"There's one more shot, you'd better aim..." Martin laughed wildly.

Niang cursed loudly, and fired another shot, which missed.

Martin had arrived, and there was no chance for Niang to reload.

Ah Bell followed closely, intending to attract a wave of firepower.


The red mist spread suddenly, Bell's sight was blocked, and the negative state completely affected Niang.

Just like Qin Li was affected before, Niang felt crazy murmurs in his ears, his brain became confused, and his thinking became sluggish.


The knife flashed, Niang's guns fell to the ground, and Niang's hands fell together with the guns.

The sacrificial disaster soldier frantically sucked Niang's blood, and the thorns on the blade transmitted that power to Martin's body. Martin's whole body was shaken suddenly, and the pressure of ghosts and immortals transmitted outward became extremely terrifying.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Niang began to curse in his mother tongue, and became visibly weaker, his muscular body became dry.


With a crisp sound, Niang's body cracked several times, and crashed into pieces like a battered sculpture.

"Nion!" Bell roared.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

A cloud of smoke flashed in the distance, Niang appeared on the ground shaking his hands, and said weakly: "The one who died just now was a puppet, the most valuable treasure on Laozi's body, it saved my life, and the price is Falling down."

Niang glanced at the disaster soldier in Martin's hand, shivered in fear, and reminded Bell: "That ghost thing can absorb the life energy of supernatural beings, be careful!"

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