Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 330 My Treasure Is Going To Explode

"So it's a puppet, but the taste is pretty good!" Martin licked the corner of his mouth.

Niang's puppet was sucked into slag by the disaster soldiers, causing Niang's body to drop at least one step. Thinking with his feet, Niang, the top supernatural being in Gaul, is useless. Neither of the two exotic treasure firearms could be lifted up.

"The next one is you!"

Martin turned and rushed towards Bell.

Ah Bell's arms are the remains of a fairy, and the strength that can be added to Martin will be even stronger.

Zhang Xibao's side.

Qin Li's speed was a bit behind Zhang Xibao's. When Zhang Xibao rushed into the group of believers, the group of half-orcs hadn't realized what happened.

"Your opponent is me!"

Qin Li yelled, drew out the Vermilion Bird sword and rushed forward, she wanted to create an opportunity for Zhang Xibao to complete the bold guess that Zhang Xibao said!


The Vermilion Bird sword streaked across the air, and several half-orc believers headed by them turned into torches. Qin Li used the Vermilion Bird sword as the main force, assisted by the sword amulet, and killed the half-orcs to pieces.

Although Qin Li has already advanced to the second level of the earth rank, he is still not enough to deal with monsters of the level of ghosts and immortals, but dealing with half-orc believers is like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

She restrained a hundred half-orc believers with one person.

Zhang Xibao successfully caught the angel statue, then grabbed the statue and flew into the air. With Qin Li on the ground to restrain him, he had enough time to study the statue.

"What kind of material is this?"

Zhang Xibao held the huge statue up and down, but Tongtian Baojian did not respond at all. It seems that the old man Tongtian had never recorded this angel-shaped treasure.

He squinted his eyes and looked with the Tongtian pupil, and found that there was an abnormal reaction in the chest of the statue with its arms wrapped around it.


Zhang Xibao made an unreasonable decision, he pulled out the rare treasure dagger and slashed open the statue's chest.

"It's really weird!"

"This statue is not a strange treasure, it is this thing that makes Tongtian Tong react!"

Inside the hollow chest of the statue, there is a slowly beating "heart"!

It is not accurate to say that that thing is a heart, because it has no entity, but a golden ball of light, beating rhythmically.

The light is like an illusion, shadowless and formless, but the "light" in front of Zhang Xibao's eyes is strangely real, he reaches out and touches it, and he can feel the existence of this light in the palm of his hand!

"So soft and warm? It feels good..."

Zhang Xibao squeezed the light, and muttered to himself: "Is this the godhead? It was sealed in the angel statue?"

"How to use this thing? It's edible or useful..."

Zhang Xibao was a little uncertain for a moment, after all, you can talk nonsense, but you can't eat randomly.

"lay down!"

Martin beat Bell to the ground. He wanted to suck Bell dry, but when he saw Zhang Xibao break open the angel statue and dig out the light, his expression became astonished and enthusiastic!

Martin only knew to use the angel statue to heal his wounds, but he didn't know that there was such a weird light group hidden inside the angel statue!

Although he didn't know what the ball of light was, his brain was greedily giving instructions: eat it, eat it, eat it...

That light ball is more delicious than the Bell in front of me!

Martin threw away Bell like trash, turned around and rushed towards Zhang Xibao, his greed for the light group had already made Martin lose his mind!

Seeing Martin pounced on him, the corners of his mouth were drooling, his eyes were bloodshot, greedy like a ghost in the depths of hell.

"I have to die anyway, fight!"

Zhang Xibao grabbed the ball of light, opened his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth. At that moment, he recalled the scene when he snatched the "Inner Alchemy" of the golden mouse. Learn!

Although Martin was about to rush to his face, Zhang Xibao didn't panic, he fell into a mysterious feeling, feeling that the sky is big, and labor and capital are the biggest!

Labor and management are the best!

Labor and capital are always gods!

My dad feels like he's going to explode!


Zhang Xibao was suspended in mid-air, his body shook suddenly, and an astonishing force radiated to the surroundings. Even the menacing Martin couldn't help but stop his progress, looking at Zhang Xibao in surprise.

"What's wrong with the dark saint? After eating that ball of light, he suddenly exploded?" Bell, who was injured, asked Black, who was checking his injury, while clutching his chest.


Harris suddenly uttered a swear word, pointed at Zhang Xibao in mid-air, and said in shock, "It's not that he exploded, he's going to explode!"

"What's going on?" Everyone was confused.

As the strongest formation master in John's country, Harris was extremely sensitive to the Qing Qi, and he felt the Qing Qi flowing quickly around Zhang Xibao.

"He... the clear energy in his body is being released violently. If it continues, he will lose his rank and eventually become an ordinary person. No, if the clear air is released more violently, he may explode, let alone become an ordinary person. If a person is dead, the whole body may not be left behind!"

After Harris finished speaking, Niang sighed and laughed miserably: "It's over, one of the strongest dark saints is going to blow up, and it's impossible for us to defeat Martin together. Let's hang our necks and wait for death!"

In mid-air, the fresh air in Zhang Xibao's body blew out.

As Harris said, Zhang Xibao is about to explode!


Zhang Xibao didn't explode, what exploded was the solid stone wall, a bony dragon's head stuck in, glanced at everyone, turned around and left again.

Everyone looked at each other, only Qin Li knew what was going on, Zhang Xibao's puppet bone dragon drilled the fine gold mine to pieces...


A faint crow called.

Another accident happened!


Hundreds of flame crows flew in along the crypt drilled by the bone dragon before, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered in mid-air to form a storm of crows.

Surrounded by crows, Zhang Xibao is in the eye of a storm of crows!

With Zhang Xibao as the center, the flame crows began to chant.

"The Great Lord of Crows"

"Invincible Dark Saint Qilin"

"The Godfather of Appreciating Treasures of Wisdom"

"The black hand behind the trouble"

"The Instigator of the Disaster"

"The King of Destruction in Alien Land"


The group of crows were screaming, and the education level of the little crows was limited, so the following names gradually became strange.

"We follow you!" 』

"We admire you! 』

"We adore you!" 』

Following the shouts of the crow brothers, grains of golden divine power poured into Zhang Xibao's body.

The black crow storm only lasted for less than half a minute before it was replaced by a burst of golden light.

The crows screamed and dispersed with cheers. Zhang Xibao, who was suspended in mid-air, slowly opened his eyes, and a golden divine light flashed through his pupils.

I saw Zhang Xibao yelling: "Sword come! 』

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay again, because nothing happened.

Not to mention the sword, there is not even a hair...

"I remember the Dark Saint's weapon is a stick?" Ivan scratched his bald head.

Zhang Xibao seemed to have heard Iwan's words, he grinned: "Let the sword fly for a while longer!" 』


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