Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 336 I Want To Be A Big Star


"Let me see your results."

I don't know when, Zhan Nian suddenly appeared behind Zhang Xibao, took a look at the big black sword, and nodded in satisfaction: "It's well practiced, and the aesthetics are average..."

Zhang Xibao rolled his eyes.

"How's the live broadcast going?" Zhan Nian asked again.

Zhang Xibao had consumed more than half of his divine power refining these weapons, so Zhan Nian didn't know exactly how much faith he had absorbed.

Zhang Xibao gestured: "Probably more than half of the first time!"

There was some surprise in Zhan Nian's eyes, he didn't expect the result of a live broadcast to be so remarkable.

"Very well, it seems that my train of thought is right."

Zhan Nian thought for a while: "According to this line of thinking, there are actually many ways for you to collect trust power. I have to sigh again, you are so lucky to be in this era."

"Oh? What else can I do? Tell me!" Zhang Xibao's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"It's very simple. If you are not afraid of death, this is how you use the words you have learned recently?"

Zhan Nian continued: "Don't you have a technology company and all kinds of business, print your avatar on the boot interface of Qingqi pager 5.0, and on the box of foreign products, and package yourself as the most popular in summer. It is enough to be a star, so that you can continuously collect power!"

"Wow, absolutely!"

After hearing Zhan Nian's idea, Zhang Xibao felt a bit of a headache, he rubbed his temples: "I have to say, Zhan Nian, you are really a marketing genius!"

Zhang Xibao thinks these methods are feasible, so let's die if we die!

He did what he said, and Zhang Xibao ran to the laboratory building early the next morning.

Wang Xiao was a little surprised, he asked curiously: "Didn't you go on vacation yesterday?"

"There is something big!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Find He Xiansheng quickly, after finishing this matter, I will give him a big vacation and invite him to Hao Cang Island, and all expenses will be reimbursed!"

Wang Xiao thought something was wrong, so he hurriedly found He Xiansheng.

Zhang Xibao gave instructions to the two of them.

"Wang Xiao, find some good stylists and photographers for me first, I want to take a set of portraits."

"He Xiansheng, you are going to embed my avatar in the startup interface of Qingqi Pager 5.0."

"Let's release Qingqi pager 5.0 ahead of schedule, and we're going to hold a press conference, the more grand the better!"

Wang Xiao and He Xiansheng were a little confused by Zhang Xibao's series of instructions, but they followed suit.

Soon, professional stylists, designers, and photographers all came to tidy up Zhang Xibao, and then took a set of headshots and photos.

He Xiansheng entered the selected avatar into the system that needs to be updated on the pager, and he asked with some uncertainty: "Bao Ye, if this is the case, will the users have any objections?"

"It's only displayed for three seconds, and it's not on the operation interface. If it's really impossible, you can design a mobile phone manager and replace the AI ​​inside with my face..."

Anyway, Zhang Xibao is the big boss, He Xiansheng will do whatever he says, and soon, the system update will be completed.

"Okay, you two prepare for the press conference, tell me the release time later, I will be there then!"

After completing these tasks, Zhang Xibao left the laboratory building.

Next stop: The Qian Family!

As soon as Zhang Xibao entered Qian's house, before entering the lobby, the old man Qian Dafu and Qian Chengjin came out to greet him.

"Hahahaha, the dark sage is visiting, and the humble house is full of splendor!" The old fox smiled like a flower.

The dark sage is Baoye, and Baoye is the dark sage. In the past, people thought that Baoye was from the Qian family, but now people know that the Qian family is covered by the dark sage. Of course, the old fox is happy!

The Qian family of the four major families in the imperial capital finally has a sage, and he is also a dark sage with a bright future. The old man is proud!

"Come on, is it just your Qian family or a humble house?" Zhang Xibao amused the old man.

Qian Dafu said: "What's the matter with the dark sage coming? I was just about to send Xiaojin to send you an invitation card. After a while, I will be on my sixty-ninth birthday. You must come to join me!"

"Oh, then congratulations to the old man first, I will definitely come then!"

Zhang Xibao chatted for a few words, intending to change the topic to "business".

"Business matters, you should discuss it with Xiaojin!"

After finishing speaking, the old man slipped away. Qian Dafu and the others intended to train Qian Chengjin, so they gradually transferred the business to Qian Chengjin.

"Brother Bao, why are you in such a hurry?" Qian Chengjin was very curious about how big a matter it was that made Zhang Xibao feel anxious.

Zhang Xibao dragged Qian Chengjin to the lobby and asked him, "Does the Qian family have an entertainment business?"

"Entertainment?" Qian Chengjin was a little surprised.

"For example, movies, actors, variety shows, etc..." Zhang Xibao explained.

"Oh oh, these."

Qian Chengjin nodded: "Yes, yes, several entertainment companies have connections with the Qian family."

"What connection?" Zhang Xibao asked.

Qian Chengjin replied straightforwardly: "They owe money to the Qian family!"

"Emotion is debt connection?"

Zhang Xibao nodded the table: "Well, the Qian family will transfer the bond to me. I will buy it for how much it is!"

Qian Chengjin was a little dumbfounded. According to common sense, it is too late for everyone to hide from debts, so no one would take the initiative to jump on it.

"Brother Bao, what are you doing?" Qian Chengjin scratched his head, his curiosity was about to explode.

Zhang Xibao smiled and replied, "Brother Bao wants to be a star, a big star!"

"Being a star?"

Qian Chengjin looked confused...

With Qian Chengjin as a matchmaker, Zhang Xibao soon met with the boss of an entertainment company in a newly opened restaurant in Liuli Pavilion.

Facing his new creditor, the boss was a little apprehensive. After all, he was facing the Fifth Dark Saint of Great Xia, a top supernatural being who could kill him with a little finger.

After listening to Zhang Xibao's appeal, the boss was a little startled, he plucked his ears uncertainly, and asked, "Are you serious?"

"I sure, must and must be a star, and it's not profitable, after all, I'm rich enough."

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, the boss' eyes lit up.

Wonderful, earning money is as difficult as reaching the sky, but he is good at spending money!

"It's not profitable, it's simple, it's a charity star!"

The boss thought for a while, patted his chest, and told Zhang Xibao: "Master Qilin, you are already a big star. I have never seen any anchor with such a wide fan base. It's just that you lack some packaging and systematic operations. It's all on us!"

"Okay, then I will leave it to you!"

Zhang Xibao waved his hand: "Work hard, don't worry about the rest, it's a win-win situation for us!"

"Must win, it's yes if you win!"

The boss took the initiative to drink three cups, mainly because he was happy and felt that he had met a noble person...

The three talked and laughed, and had a very happy meal.

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