Cataclysm: Baoyou, This Is Not A Good Deal

Chapter 337 So It Was A Surprise


Zhang Xibao had a good sleep, and in his dream, he dreamed that a lot of credits would arrive in his account, almost waking him up laughing.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xibao automatically opened his eyes, jumped up from the bed, and found that Zhan Nian was sitting on the sofa looking at him with a half-smile.

Zhang Xibao had goose bumps all over his body, and always felt that Zhan Nian's smile was very meaningful.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

While brushing his teeth, Zhang Xibao couldn't help asking Zhan Nian.


Zhan Nian shook his head: "Well, I just want to see what the dream man looks like who fascinated thousands of girls and 900 million girls..."

"What the hell are 900 million girls?"

Zhang Xibao brushed his teeth with one hand, and took Zhan Nian's phone with the other.

Several headlines in bold and black came into view.

"A story that must be told about Dark Saint Qilin and Lord White Tiger..."

"The secret of Wulong Huihua and the dark saint..."

"Shocked, the dark saint who passed through thousands of flowers is still a virgin! ! ! 』

"SSS-level secret unknown to hundreds of millions of people, who is the secret love of Dark Saint Qilin..."

"Ah, poof!"

Toothpaste foam flew over Zhan Nian's face, Zhang Xibao said vaguely: "I'm a big deal!"

Zhan Nian flicked his fingers, and the toothpaste foam disappeared without a trace. Given Zhang Xibao's deflated appearance, he didn't care about these details.

"What's going on...what's going on?"

Zhang Xibao casually flipped through the news headlines, all the popular sections on it were occupied by him!

"You have to ask yourself that." Zhan Nian snatched the phone away and started playing again.

"Yes, it must be that Mr. Wang did it!"

Zhang Xibao hurriedly took out his mobile phone and found the contact information of Mr. Wang.

After dinner last night, Mr. Wang patted his chest drunkenly and said, "It's all on me, I have a big surprise for you!" 』

Dare to feel like this?

Dare to be such a surprise?

The phone was dialed, and there was a hello on the other side, as if he was still in the hangover of last night, he didn't see that it was Zhang Xibao's call.

"I'm Zhang Xibao!"

After Zhang Xibao finished speaking, something seemed to be broken on the other side, and Mr. Wang's tone suddenly became respectful: "Hello, my lord, do you have any instructions?"

"Translation and translation are called surprises!" Zhang Xibao questioned.

"Surprise?" The other side was a little confused.

"Last night, you said, translate for me, what is a horse-riding surprise?" Zhang Xibao was a little angry, and asked again.

"Oh, surprise, surprise is to buy a popular section, create a wave of momentum for you, and make you a famous star! At that time, whether you are an eighty-year-old woman or an eight-year-old child, you will know the name of the Dark Saint It's you Zhang Xibao!"

Mr. Wang vaguely sensed Zhang Xibao's anger, and hurriedly said something.

"Oh, so this is a surprise!"

Zhang Xibao looked suddenly enlightened, and he turned into a rage: "Did I pay you to hack me?!"

"My lord, my lord, don't be angry!"

Mr. Wang hurriedly explained: "Black and red are also red, and it's not completely black, it's black with red in it!"

"Your uncle!"

Zhang Xibao hung up the phone with a snap.

"The society is dead, now the real society is dead..." Zhang Xibao stroked his forehead.

Zhan Nian on the sofa suddenly said: "Don't worry about whether the society is dead or not, first you can see if this method is effective?"

"Oh, that's right!"

Zhang Xibao came to his senses, closed his eyes to feel it, and then opened his eyes in surprise: "Zhan Nian, it works, it works!"

"These pieces of news gave me more confidence than the live broadcast the night before yesterday!"

"Ah, this..."

Zhang Xibao got confused and scratched his head: "It seems that I misunderstood Mr. Wang?"

Zhan Nian said quietly: "One side is power, the other is face, which side do you choose?"

Zhang Xibao fell silent.

Afterwards, he dialed Mr. Wang's phone again with a blank face, and said in a ruthless voice: "Allow funds, increase efforts, hurry up!!!"

How much is face worth? A man is considered mature when he is willing to put down his face and earn money!

Zhan Nian couldn't help but laugh.

Has Zhang Xibao's face been refined to the point where King Kong is indestructible?

I'm afraid that if someone punches him face-to-face, it will be his own fist that hurts instead!

"Okay, I'm going to the Wulonghui!"

Zhan Nian flew back to Heijian, and Zhang Xibao took Jin Maoshu and fungus and went out.

Zhang Xibao decided, either to go on a business trip, or go to a foreign land for a vacation to avoid the limelight. Although collecting credit is good, he can't bear this kind of life!

Riding Phoenix all the way to the headquarters of the Five Dragons Club, Zhang Xibao wanted to cover his face.

All the men, women and children in the headquarters looked at him with smiles, Zhang Xibao rushed into the elevator like a gust of wind, and descended into the underground base with a bang.

"Qinglong, Qinglong!"

Zhang Xibao is the only one who dares to call Qinglong by his name...

Zhang Xibao rushed into the office where Qinglong often drank tea, and bumped into Xi Baihu.

"The story that the dark saint and Xibaihu have to tell..." sounded in his mind again.

Makabaka's, didn't it just save Xibaihu's life, what has to be said about it? This group of title parties!

Xi Baihu actually blushed! Not knowing whether to be angry or annoyed, she snorted coldly, opened the door and went out.

Zhang Xibao shrugged and looked at Qinglong behind the desk.

"Hey, are you bringing a star?" Qinglong asked with a smile.

"Forget it!"

Zhang Xibao sat across from Qinglong: "I want to create a mission. Is there a mission that takes a long time and is far away? I want to do it!"

Qinglong played with the teacup, raised his eyelids: "Didn't you ask for three days off, this is only the second day?"

"I can't take it anymore, avoid the limelight! Didn't you see the strange look in Xi Baihu's eyes just now? I think she wants to kill me!"

Zhang Xibao added: "Although she can't beat me..."

"Beating is kissing and scolding is love!"

Qinglong chuckled: "Let me tell you, among our five sages, Vermilion Bird and Xibaihu are about the same age as you. They are talented and beautiful, and they are golden boys and jade girls. Your fat and water will not be lost to outsiders!"

"You are the fat water, and your whole family is fat water!"

Zhang Xibao stared: "The rabbit doesn't even eat the grass beside the nest!"

"Okay, okay, is there any task suitable for me?" Zhang Xibao asked again.

"Since you are so proactive in applying for a mission, then I will reluctantly give you one!"

Qinglong sent an SSS-level mission to Zhang Xibao's Merit System, and the reward points were enough to exchange for ten top-grade exercises!

Zhang Xibao picked up his phone to look at it, and smiled: "Understood, I'll go right away!"

"SSS-level mission, to help Xuanwu in the north, to frighten Xiaoxiao in the dark, to open up the entrance to foreign lands!" 』

"A large amount of [Yin-Yang Keel Bone Cone] is needed to stabilize the alien space. The last time you took it out from the Nine Serenity Alien, you have already finished refining it. Remember to bring it with you!" Qinglong reminded.

"Come on, look!"

Before going out, Zhang Xibao took out four small black-gold balls and put them on the desk: "This is a mixture of Xuanxing Iron and fine gold. Each of you Four Saints will have one, which can strengthen the Four Saint Swords."


Without waiting for Qinglong to thank him, Zhang Xibao rushed out because he saw that Vermilion Bird had also come to the headquarters.

Another headline popped up in my mind: "The secret of Wulong Huihua and the dark saint..."

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